Sunday, April 16, 2023



Anonymous said...

Have the Biden's disclosed why they have received millions from China for doing nothing?

Anonymous said...

GODS, that what they think of themselves, down here its even worst. I hear they want to start nailing people to crosses...

Anonymous said...

Black man used & abused by Whitey.

They even gave him white pussy, a fat one, however...

Anonymous said...

@9:42 AM

Has Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner disclosed why he got $2 billion from Saudi Arabia?

Has Republican Lindsey Graham disclosed why he got $$$cash from the Saudi's last week?

Has Donald Trump disclosed how much that bling the Saudis gave him is worth?


Anonymous said...

That's nothing new, he probably learned how to do that money deals from the experts from Brownsville PUB, COB and CC rats. Good job Brownsville rats.

Anonymous said...

When will you disclose the Biden's corruption?

Anonymous said...

Juan, No ese bribe, only campaign contributions.

Anonymous said...

Los mallates estan igual que los pinches mojados CAGAPALOS.

Anonymous said...

Juan reminds me of former president "Nixon" I am not a Crook.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me so much of Jessica Tetreau concerning people in district 2 that now live next to explosive tanker trucks. Those trucking companies should leave OR pave their parking lots and build blast proof walls. There's an empty Lot right across from Franks autoparts HWY 48 that was recently rezoned from Residential to light Industrial. . .that's not a grandfathered Trucking Company. Jessica is full of shit! BTW people adjacent to that property were not given zoning notifications that should be disclosed according to Texas zoning laws, there was no due process from P&Z, Jessica, and the COB . How convenient for these Trucking companies to park their explosive Tanker trucks next to people's homes without a care. Thanks Jessica, YAAS QUEEEN! Juan it's racist and unethical. . .this is the definition of Gentrification. These companies have a huge environmental and psychological impact where their intent is for people that live there TO LEAVE or GET SICK AND DIE!
