Monday, April 10, 2023


Special to El Run-Rrun

When Brownsville resident Kyle Leinart fled Russian-invaded Ukraine from Kyiv last March, there was some unfinished business.

Kyle Leinart, son of former Cameron County Sheriff's Department Mark Leinart, was living in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv with his pregnant wife Maria and two children when the Russians invaded the country last year February 24. They made it out safely, but there was one loose end that the Leinart family had to deal with.

According to the elder Leinart, the family still had one granddaughter and her child still in war-torn Ukraine. 

"I had to go personally to bring back ny granddaughter," he said. "She was the only one that they wouldn’t let in the plane with her mom and dad last summer. I took a chance and now everyone is together."

"My initial plan was just, get the heck out of here, out of the country, and get somewhere safe," Kyle Leinart said last March. "I need a place for my wife to deliver the baby safely."

"Right around 5:15 in the morning, I just heard this massive, massive explosion," Leinart told the then. "Just boom, boom, boom, boom, and it shook the windows, the car alarms near my house started to go off."

Packing a single suitcase each, the family left on the war's sixth day, heading to a train station.

"My wife had to stand almost the whole time, but some lady was very nice and gave her a small place to sit," he says. "I stood on the train for almost 10 hours, and it was a very difficult train ride."

The family fled to the closest country possible, Romania. There, they welcomed a baby girl, Julia, named after a Romanian woman who helped them find housing, food, and other necessities.

"We pretty much came with the clothes on our backs," Leinart said. "The good people of Romania have helped us out tremendously. It's unbelievable."

The family is in the process of obtaining visas in hopes of moving to the United States.

"Everyone is now together at last," said Mark Leinart.


Anonymous said...

why the easy immigration?

make them go stand with the others seeking asylum in Matamoros!!!!


Anonymous said...

This reminded me of something a reporter who has covered Trump since his New York years once told me: “It’s not that his bark is worse than his bite. He doesn’t really want to bite at all. He wants to be petted.”

In the case of Adams and McCarthy, they did have their meeting, in which the senator spun fantasies of comeback. His adversary told him: “It’s no good, Joe. It’s over and finished; that’s all.”

That turned out to be true for McCarthy, who died as a pathetic alcoholic at age 48 in 1957. It was basically true for George Wallace, who won 13.5 percent of the vote as a third-party candidate of racial and class backlash in 1968. He was shot in an attempted assassination when he tried again in 1972, by which it was already pretty clear that his hour of consequence had past. Perot, a more benign representation of the American fascination with supposed strong men who burst on the scene in noisy opposition to conventional politics, won nearly 20 percent of the vote as a Reform Party candidate in 1992. That dwindled to 8 percent when he tried again in 1996, and Perot continued to slip from public view.

The newest barking dog will fair much worst as he faces jail time.

Anonymous said...

sad shit.

Anonymous said...

Quick immigration for these people, right?

Yeah, they be white.

Anonymous said...

He should have stayed to fight like so many men and women have been doing. It's so easy to just run.

Anonymous said...

Is it Mike Leinart, the provider?

Anonymous said...

You silly Goose!

Anonymous said...

The dude is a citizen of the USA: as is his children; so slow down all you haters. He’s the grandson of Romeo Esparza Sr., from El Ranchito ,Texas, and waited in Romania until with his family was processed according to procedure and law. A product of the Los Fresnos School District and a business incubator promoting Brownsville and Northern Mexico; only folks that know Kyle know his love for the RGV.

Stop the hate my friends and embrace humanity

Anonymous said...

so if there's a war here they'll hit the road to another country? mamones....

Anonymous said...

embrace cowardness, I gotta say no, stop and fight.
