Monday, April 10, 2023


VI.A. Presentations regarding RFQ #23-169 Delinquent Ad Valorem Tax Attorney Services as required on the specifications of the request for qualifications.

VIII.A. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on awarding RFQ #23-169 Delinquent Ad Valorem Tax Attorney Services and authorizing contract negotiation. The contract will be valid for one year, upon Board approval of the said contract, with the option to renew.

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

"Round and round she goes..."The tax delinquent contract potentially worth millions to the winning company will be awarded during today's specially-called meeting of the Brownsville Independent School District meeting.

And according to some inside sources, the one-year deal may not go to Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, which traditionally has landed the biggest accounts in the Rio Grande Valley and Texas, but to up-and-coming competitor Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott‚ LLP.

Both companies will make their presentations before the board at a specially-called meeting at noon (12) today and the awarding of the contract is the only action item after the board conducts deliberations in closed session.

Both companies have butted heads for the BISD contract before, with Perdue – at the last go-round in 2021 – pointing out that Linebarger had cost the district millions.

The last time that the board of the Brownsville Independent School District addressed the multi-million delinquent tax contract, they heard Linebarger representative John Guevara downplaying the district's possible loss of an estimated $2.4 million due to the firm's failure to file taxable value audits with the Texas State Comptroller for the years 2011-2014.

The Texas Education Agency partial results of four years placed the total nearer to $3 million.

The BISD superintendent then – Dr. Sylvia Hatton – was alerted by Linebarger competitor Perdue, in 2019 to the failure of Linebarger to file the taxable value audits in May 2020. They estimated that the BISD could lose some $2.4 million as a result.

In a nutshell, when the FY taxable values are audited years later, any miscalculation that results in the loss of taxable value revenues are made up by the Texas Education Agency's Foundation School Program.

Guevara at first denied the failure of his firm to perform the audits.

Perdue representatives warned that unless the district timely filed a taxable value audit with the Texas Comptroller's Office, it stood to lose millions in funds from the state for the years 2015. The deadline to recoup the funds was June 2019. When Perdue's reps visited with Hatton and other BISD officials, they were told that the BISD had already hired Linebarger to perform the audits which at first they had asserted had been done.

The board was considering RFQs for the 2020 collection services. The delinquent tax contract is no small potatoes. It is estimated to have earned Linebarger some $800,000 a year for the last five years for a total of some $4 million during that time.

And apart from the financial considerations, there is always the political angle. Linebargers's generous contributions have swayed many school boards and other governmental entities to go their way by hiring local politicians as lobbyists in their areas. At state level, they actively lobby top state officials and ply them with generous campaign contributions.

And with the political season in full swing, and candidates eyeing a run for office, the awarding of the lucrative contract depends which company will be more generous to elected officials and others seeking office. Or perhaps there is some horse trading going on with members delivering a vote on behalf of one of the firms for a vote on another topic later, such as the board counsel contract.

"We usually give to both candidates running for office," said a representative for one of the firms. "We won't fund the entire campaign for any one candidate, but sometimes we do support both candidates in a race to be safe."


Anonymous said...

Pinches mamones living off the poor just like we all know WHO...

Anonymous said...

Bryan Martinez - Not right for La Southmost.

He looks like a wimpo who'll do what elders at City hall tell him. We need a Chuco for Southmost!

A tough-talking, no-nonsense Chuco!!!

Anonymous said...

How about blaming the tax delinquents themselves. Some of the biggest, better-known names in Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police "chief" El Chapo Sauceda and Fantasy Island midget Sgt. Flores will be coming up with new directives to stop officers from talking about El Chapo behind his back.

Anonymous said...

***We usually give to both candidates running for office," said a representative for one of the firms. "We won't fund the entire campaign for any one candidate, but sometimes we do support both candidates in a race to be safe."***

WoW !! This is an obvious way to have more votes in your pocket. You will own these people and will become masters to these individuals. The taxpayers have known this all along, but you feel safe because no one will investigate the shenanigans.

Anonymous said...

Linebarger is NOT the political heavyweight you say it is, Montoya.

Didn't Rene Oliveira lose his seat in the legislature?

Yes, he did.

You love to generalize shit, but you're often wrong, ese.

Anonymous said...

Residents of Las Prietas could not care less about this story.

means nothing to us. Move on.

Anonymous said...


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, said this weekend he plans to grant a pardon to Daniel Perry, a man who murdered a Black Lives Matter protester in the summer of 2020 just weeks after posting on Facebook, “I might have to kill a few people on my way to work.”

Perry, a U.S. Army sergeant who was driving for Uber at the time, shot and killed 28-year-old Garrett Foster during a protest in Austin following the murder of George Floyd. Perry’s lawyers said during the trial that a crowd swarmed him and he feared for his life because Foster was holding an AK-47, and that Perry ultimately acted in self-defense under Texas’s “stand your ground” statute.

- again, Whitey finds a way to escape justice)

Anonymous said...

These are superfluous contracts. Not necessary. Property taxes are connected to the real estate.

Anonymous said...

All of this has been decided. The meeting is only for appearances sake. La Rata Pelona is going "chi ching." The citizens of Brownsville did vote him in...

Anonymous said...

Judge lets another Whitey avoid jail -

Tina Peters, Former Colorado Clerk Who Denied Election, Avoids Jail

The judge said that even though Peters had shown she had little respect for the law, he did not think time behind bars was warranted.

(she's a blondie. Privileged.)

The rule of law does not apply to Whites...........

Anonymous said...

Well, shit, how'd it go???

It's 4:21 PM!!!

Anonymous said...

This isn't a sweepstakes; it's an out & out handout!

May God damn them all.

Anonymous said...

Local language -

How many of you sons of Pachucos out there know what the phrase "esta en la garra" means?

clue: It goes to women.

Anonymous said...

Another white guy shot 4 people at a bank in Louisville today. Yes, using a rifle. Nothing will come of it. Four less Trump voters...

Anonymous said...

Deals will be made and business as usual. Nothing ever changes furthermore “ nothing to see here”. Lol

Anonymous said...

Is there a shortage in metal detectors?

Anonymous said...

April 10, 2023 at 5:25PM

Asi como la Ruka que te pario. Grow up Chuco you are no longer in Jr High. What entertains you speaks volumes of your character. Pendejo.

Anonymous said...

April 10, 2023 at 12:03 PM
como chingas joton open your blog and insult the world pinche maricon mamon. vete pal town y lleva chavos you are a joto pinche maricon

Anonymous said...

April 10, 2023 at 12:03 PM
como chingos maricon open your blog joto.

Anonymous said...

se acabo la chiche a munchos aqui verdad toni?

Anonymous said...

April 10, 2023 at 12:19 PM
You move on nobody in las prietas can read ingles ni espaniol pendejo maricon. ese bro eres un joto de las prietas I hope homies there don't find out you are a maricon!

Anonymous said...

Linefreehamberger will return lots of deeeeep pockets.

Anonymous said...

Linebarger knew they were stealing and being supported and paid by the Texas Education Agency's Foundation School Program. This foundation is from the grant monies that the corrupt gas and oil companies stole and still are stealing from the TRUE HEIRS of the land grants. In 1986 the 31 oil companies were to deposit 25% of the gas and oil revenue that belonged to declared heirs into a trust fund set-up with the Texas Comptroller along with $50 million that the 31 oil companies put in the trust fund. This is the 1986 Getty Settlement. Well, this settlement agreement finally came to fruition and the Texas Comptroller has no monies. Well, in 2011 when declared heirs came to collect on the claim, there was no monies nor any history of such Trust Fund according to Comptroller. Well, no wonder it was being depleted by these corrupt political leaders and agencies. The gas and oil companies got caught and life is a bitch. This is real Texas History in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

They've been here since the early 80's IMAGINE THAT!!!
