Tuesday, April 11, 2023


 VI.A. Presentations regarding RFQ #23-169 Delinquent Ad Valorem Tax Attorney Services as required on the specifications of the request for qualifications.

VIII.A. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on awarding RFQ #23-169 Delinquent Ad Valorem Tax Attorney Services and authorizing contract negotiation. The contract will be valid for one year, upon Board approval of the said contract, with the option to renew.

Special to El Rrun-Rrun

"Round and round she went..."

A majority of the members of the Brownsville Independent School District board  – by a 6-1 vote – awarded the tax delinquent contract potentially worth close to $1 million at Monday's specially-called meeting to  Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins and Mott‚ LLP

With only Daniella Lopez-Valdez voting for Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, the board handed the lucrative contract to the up-and-coming delinquent tax collection company for a one-year deal with option to renew after that period.    

Both companies made their presentations before the board at the specially-called meeting at noon (12) Monday and the awarding of the contract was the only action item after the board conducted deliberations in closed session.

Both companies have butted heads for the BISD contract before, with Perdue – at the last go-round in 2021 – pointing out that Linebarger had cost the district millions.

The last time that the board of the Brownsville Independent School District addressed the multi-million delinquent tax contract, they heard Linebarger representative John Guevara downplaying the district's possible loss of an estimated $2.4 million due to the firm's failure to file taxable value audits with the Texas State Comptroller for the years 2011-2014.

The Texas Education Agency partial results of four years placed the total nearer to $3 million.

The BISD superintendent then – Dr. Sylvia Hatton – was alerted by Linebarger competitor Perdue, in 2019 to the failure of Linebarger to file the taxable value audits in May 2020. They estimated that the BISD could lose some $2.4 million as a result.

In a nutshell, when the FY taxable values are audited years later, any miscalculation that results in the loss of taxable value revenues are made up by the Texas Education Agency's Foundation School Program.

Guevara at first denied the failure of his firm to perform the audits.

The delinquent tax contract is no small potatoes. It is estimated to have earned Linebarger some $800,000 a year for the last five years for a total of some $4 million during that time.

And apart from the financial considerations, there is always the political angle. Linebargers's generous contributions have swayed many school boards and other governmental entities to go their way by hiring local politicians as lobbyists in their areas. At state level, they actively lobby top state officials and ply them with generous campaign contributions.

And with the political season in full swing, and candidates eyeing a run for office, the awarding of the lucrative contract depends which company will be more generous to elected officials and others seeking office. Or perhaps there is some horse trading going on with members delivering a vote on behalf of one of the firms for a vote on another topic later, such as the board counsel contract.

"We usually give to both candidates running for office," said a representative for one of the firms. "We won't fund the entire campaign for any one candidate, but sometimes we do support both candidates in a race to be safe."


Anonymous said...

juan lets not kid around, its always Linebarger or Perdue, whoever has the deepest pockets and pays out the most hefty campaign stipends or bribes or campaign contributions to board members be it a school, city or county just check out the campaign funding reports that is assured this wonderful and lucrative contract this has been going on since the late 1980's and early 1990's because and its very simple- MUNCHA LANA. And the band marches on. el porter homie

Anonymous said...

Juan, apoco Ricardo’s restaurant is sponsoring/supporting Tetreau? She said it in her latest post. Can you confirm?

Anonymous said...

That tax person at the county are buddy buddy close. fact

Anonymous said...

The city of Brownsville has announced the top three local finalists to create a mural downtown, and they want your input.


Anonymous said...

And how much did Cris Valadez get ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Juan, apoco Ricardo’s restaurant is sponsoring/supporting Tetreau? She said it in her latest post. Can you confirm?

April 11, 2023 at 3:26 PM

You can donate to any candidate but your name becomes public. Also, you can contact a candidate and offer your home to have a MEET AND GREET but all your friends in the hood will know about it.

That is why I do not donate nor help the candidates.... toda la colonia se da cuenta.

Anonymous said...

There's so much corruption going on and that needs to stop. By Linebergers presentation, looks like there's a monopoly. They have the whole valley with the exception of two school districts.

(That tax person at the county are buddy buddy close. fact
April 12, 2023 at 9:15 AM)

It's important to make sure people get out and vote to make a difference. How many years has that company been with the school district and the county. How many years has that person at the county been? People need to research and get informed and not just believe what they are told. This that vote can make a difference by making an informed decision.
Mayoral and commission races are upon us. Please get informed about their platform, record, character, and integrity. I for one vote and unfortunately have been let down by some of the candidates. Disappointed and disgusted by their actions, but not going to let that stop me. Just when you think that there'll be change we try again. Not giving up on my vote to try again in hope that we change for the better. Can't lose hope get involved and vote!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That tax person at the county are buddy buddy close. fact
April 12, 2023 at 9:15 AM

Nice connection between those two $$$ How long has the tax man been there and how long have they been working together? Any history? Any challengers against the county tax man? Que se avienten✔️

Anonymous said...

Lineburger had a lot of elected officials in their pockets he'll be back.

Anonymous said...

"and now serving window number one." they have 18 windows and only ONE window open. TIME FOR CHANGE HERE!!!

Anonymous said...

2.46 am and 10.04 am you both are right the tax man tony yzaguirre has been getting donations from both of these tax law firms for decades since 1988, just check this campaign reports to see if he indeed does list them on the reports? i bet not and how did tony get all these properties he owns? just asking?

Anonymous said...

Lineup4burgers has all the politicans in their pockets eating burgers FACT!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes they say they have at least one san bene city commissioner on the Burger plan. But they say this commissioner orders the most expensive steak and wine on the menu. No need to mention any names it’s obvious just by looking.
