Tuesday, April 4, 2023




Anonymous said...

Trump pleads not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

34 felony counts.

ya se chingo, el gordiflon.

ya. pos ya.

Anonymous said...

Cheeto looks beaten. Loser, after all.....

What do you say now, local Republicans? Why so quiet???

Anonymous said...

Trailer trash Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene was swarmed by a huge scrum of the media and protesters as she appeared for a rally outside the court hosting Donald Trump's indictment. The firebrand Trump acolyte was drowned out as she tried to speak in a park opposite the court by anti-Trump protesters screaming 'Nazi' and 'go back to Georgia bitch'.

She showed up as chaos started to grow in downtown Manhattan, with protesters clashing and members of the media scuffling before Trump handed himself over to the authorities. Greene tried to address the crowd with a megaphone while standing on a bench to show support for Trump. She said the case was a 'travesty' and that it should 'never happen in America ever'. But she could barely be heard over screams from the crowd of 'go back to Georgia you fucking bitch!'

Anonymous said...

Trump looks defeated already. Poor bastard. He'd be someone's woman in prison, fucked every night dogstyle.

you know it.

Anonymous said...

This is a joke for the country because the Brownsville city commissioners are idiots and the amount of money lose from PUB and no explanation and where did the money disappeared. The total mayors of Brownsville who knew what was going on at PUB and letting all the players no accountable for been stupid and hiding the truth about Tanaska mess. The current commissioners acting and past commissioners never asking the status of the Tanaska project. Jessica T. is not answering what she knew about Tanaska. Total garbage for Brownsville for not doing right for the PUB customers that were charged fees for no service or product for the better of Brownsville. Brownsville is taked as the shit hole city of the RGV. Brownsville is not a place to visit. Think about that voters before you vote for mayor and commissioners of Brownsville. The entire system of PUB, COB, BISD, BND, CC and anything in between this city and county politics.

Anonymous said...

I want Trump done, but having looked how this DA put together the charges the judge is going to toss most of them and Trump will be the victim. This never should have happened. But let's see if Trump can hold his words. On these indictments he attorneys before the primaries can begin to get them tossed and make him a martyr. Trump may have just won 2024 today if they can control him. Now as to other charges on other issues, I do not know. But I these the DA should have let it go.

Anonymous said...

The full indictment against Donald Trump and an accompanying 13-page statement of facts laying out the charges against him has been unsealed following his historic court appearance and lays bare why prosecutors think he broke the law. Trump has been charged with 34, felony E counts of falsifying business records by allegedly misclassifying payments to his attorney, Michael Cohen, as being for legal services when they were in fact reimbursements for hush money bills.

He appeared before a judge in Manhattan today where he pleaded not guilty on all counts, before returning to Mar-a-Lago. His next court appearance is in December. For weeks, there has been rampant speculation over the indictment and what it might contain.

Contrary to what was expected, it is not just the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels that Trump is now facing charges over. The statement of facts also describes his 'catch and kill' scheme with former National Enquirer owner David Pecker, whereby his team of journalists and editors bought up unflattering stories about Trump to stop other outlets publishing them, before the 2016 election.

Three payments are described; the $130,000 to Stormy Daniels, another of $150,000 to a second woman believed to be Karen McDougal, and $30,000 to a Trump Tower doorman who said he wanted to go public with a story claiming Trump had a love child.

- (that last one - Pack your bags, Melania.)

Anonymous said...

Grand Jury Votes to Indict: Donald Trump’s Odds of Prison Time Just Shot Up

The Manhattan DA’s office has contacted Trump’s attorneys “to coordinate his surrender.”

Adios, Mofo.

Anonymous said...

Report at vanityfair.com: Melania Trump Is Still Pissed About Stormy Daniels, Has No Sympathy About Trump Facing Prison Time

Daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared apparently won’t be “defending him” either.

ha ha ha ha. Karma, sumbitch!!!

Anonymous said...

At today's arraignment in the Big Apple, Donald Trump Supporters Were Outnumbered by Reporters

But, of course, New York is a city that loathes Donald Trump.

que gacho.

Anonymous said...

Useless windbag gets his ass kicked.

Cheeto, speak up now, asswipe!

Anonymous said...

The nastiest fate that can come to him, he so deserves.


Anonymous said...

Only a negro equivalent like valley chicanos see this as justice.

Anonymous said...

Que metan al bote pero al transa de Hunter Biden! Corrupto igual que su padre.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

April 4, 2023 at 6:59 PM
Typical redneck, hillbilly respond but the fact remains, he is a crook and a RATA, so gather your centavitos and sent them to him (by mail) he really don't like your asses just your pennies, HONKY CRACKERFACE.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

