Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

"This is not a Republican or Democrat thing. Open your eyes. She will defend all the residents. Ah, but you want to make it a party thing. Local races are not about party they are about all of us..."
A Susan Ruvalcaba supporter


Before he announced for mayor, former mayor Pat Ahumada used to sport a MAGA red cap and loudly claimed that Democrats had stolen the election from Daddy Trump. If anyone anyone differed with him or voiced an opinion to the contrary, he would loudly accuse them of following an Antifa  "woke" agenda. Then, when he announced for mayor, Pat used a red cap with "Vote Ahumada" instead of Make American Great Again.  

And Susan Ruvalcaba – six days after Trump incited an insurrection to overthrow democracy that resulted in the assault on capitol police, six deaths, destruction of public property and confederate flags flying in the people's house, and hundreds injured – welcomed his visit to South Texas and said he still "plenty of supporters here."

And now that Trump has been indicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records that involved many more offenses than the  hush money he paid porn star Stormy Daniels and tried to hide his adultery by cooking up the books, why are the local MAGA nutcases not rushing to his defense?

Instead, like Fox News, who are being sued for $1.6 billion for lying, they now embrace the First Amendment to justify their repetition of the Big Lie that the election was stolen. They now  want to call themselves champions of the Fourth Estate and consider themselves impartial news reporters, the same reporters that they disparaged as idiots and liars. 

Yes, we're all free to speak up. But what's to be gained by shouting over each other?

The writer above is right. Our city elections are nonpartisan. Anyone can run for city offices. But as a commenter to this blog noted:

"What would happen if these obvious Trump worshippers ever take control of our city's leadership?

Locally, it is obvious that nothing is more important for any candidate in the current city elections than to find solutions to the PUB-Tenaska scandal, but extremism and intolerance of other people's opinions won't solve anything. Intemperate and confrontational tactics will only make matters worse.

Another blogger has noted that Ahumada's quixotic write-in "protest" campaign despite the fact that the Texas Supreme Court ignored his writ of mandamus to include him on the May 6 ballot is a case of denial, just like Trump. And Ruvalcaba's support of Trump despite his treasonous call for insurrection shows her true colors. There's nothing nonpartisan about these two candidates. Her opponent, Tino Villarreal, by contrast, just published his views on city issues and the PUB on social media and he strikes a middle, moderate road.

"The city's Audit Committee has already uncovered many things wrong with the Tenaska project. The proper law enforcement authorities have all the necessary information to prosecute those who acted against our interests. Now, it is time to fix the problem.

Here is what I propose:

-Complete return of all monies that were mishandled.
-Work to achieve the lowest possible rates without sacrificing capital investments.
-Independent party oversight of PUB strategic plans and administration reviews.
-Restructuring city appointment policies of board members.

We can achieve this only by working together. Our nation has seen how extremism can divide and disrupt society,. In fact, our country barely survived this assault on our basic democratic system. Locally, we should strive to focus on solving Brownsville's challenges, not creating more confrontation and divisiveness.

What road do you think the city's residents will choose? Will they go off the rails and choose extremism? Or will they favor a civil dialogue and seek sane, rational solutions?  


Anonymous said...

Politics is about you against the other side in this country, and only because we have what is essentially a two-party system with the Democrats and the Republicans.

In candidates, you cannot separate yourself from a party simply because the position you seek is (in theory) non-partisan.

A Democrat is a Democrat is a Democrat, day & night, dressed & undressed.

A Republican is a Republican is a Republican, day & night, dressed & undressed.

If they say differently, they lie.

Anonymous said...

Bogus charges by a pile of monkey shit DA. Affirmative action happens. Can already see the DA being disbarred.

Anonymous said...

Asking for the moon when you will only get a resaca. Welcome to browntown "again", and the RGV of course. See you manana..
eloquent commentor

Anonymous said...

Tres pelones le van a dar.

Anonymous said...

This woman is not the model of a public servant. Too emotional. Stay in the kitchen, sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

Y el cheque PAT?? El que viole la ley ya sea Republicano o Democrata que se lo chinguen y los metan al bote. No importa quien sea. La ley es la ley!! No se porque la gente defienden a estas ratas ? Ustedes no estaban ahi o no saben sus mañas. No se dejen engañar, todos estos políticos mienten y roban. No importa de que partido sean. Ustedes preocúpense por ustedes y sus familias. So , si unos de sus políticos favoritos los acusan de algo que vaya a corte y se defienda como debe de ser. Si es inocente que bueno , pero si es culpable ni modo AL BOTE. O TODOS HIJOS DE DIOS O TODOS HIJOS DEL DIABLO!!

Anonymous said...

Trump LIES
Sack of mule dump should not be allowed to run. He is a dangerous man.
Un-Fucking believable
He is on a recorded phone call interfering with the count in Georgia
He is responsible for the January 6 insurrection
He pays Whores from Campaign Fund as a business transaction
He falsifies property values to pay less taxes and inflates the value to borrow more money.
The man is a Crook!

Anonymous said...

Juan no more articles on el Gran robo del BPUB?

Anonymous said...

Susan is detrimental for Brownsville. We don't need MAGA crazy in our city!

Anonymous said...

Trump is a distraction to what's really going on. American collapse of the dollar and its people. The government will stand strong with its military, with its class 4 bio labs, banking cartels, nuclear subs and air craft carriers, nuclear silos but people's money is going to be useless and will be considered 2nd class.

Crime has gone up, Mexican Cartels running inner city areas being capos to Blacks in their neighborhoods. We're in for a crunch. I'm planning on getting bigger locks and security, more guns, and closing myself off. The bleeding hearts who choose love, will be targeted and executed.

listen to your masters and be a good boys.

Don't stand so, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me.

Anonymous said...

You chicanos should read about what's in Hunter Biden's laptop and Ashley Biden's diary. Local news and blogs are too biased to report on it. Not even the arrogant bitches from channel 48.

Anonymous said...

TSC architect students design dogs houses to benefit humane society fundraiser
Just like the da the rich and famous get everything FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Anonymous said...

Mexico will pay for the border wall, Cov19 is a hoax, I will replace Obamacare, Russia are you listening, Putin is a genius, believed Putin instead of his own intelligence agencies, main instigator on January 6th, Georgia find me 11k votes, stole classified documents,draft Dodger not one but three times, and the list can go on and on. And he still wants to be president again? Voters will decide once more, unfit to be president, ever.

Anonymous said...

Indict trey!

Anonymous said...

DISPICABLE AND STUPID, he needs to be jailed and forever. How can this stupid person insult the judge, his wife and his family. a GAG order won't do jail time is what is needed. SENT HIM TO JAIL NOW!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is no known cure. There is no vaccine. It's an affliction that torments liberals 24/7. I LOVE IT.

Anonymous said...

April 5, 2023 at 8:45 PM


Anonymous said...

cant wait for them to go after Clinton and Biden.

Anonymous said...

A petition is circulating here by an elected official to get donald j. trumputo out of prison. That moron that insults everyone here on this blog is also circulating the petition. IDIOTAS!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well AND I LOVE IT.

Anonymous said...

Susan Ruvalcabda and John Cowan are the BIGGEST REPUBLICANS in Brownsville 🇺🇲

Anonymous said...

"Indict Trey?"

Why? Is it a crime to be gay?

Anonymous said...

ITS NOT INDICT ITS INDICK juan mendez la bandeja maricon.

Anonymous said...

I'm from Brownsville. Don't live there anymore. Went to LA PORTER.Voted Democrat Clinton,Kerry,Obama,oh yeah forgot about that idiot that lost
to Bush. Can't remeber his name!
Then I voted for TRUMP. I voted for him twice! Through out that time I
couldn't believe the hatred the mainstream media and Democrats had for TRUMP!
It got labeled TRUMP Derailment SYNDROME. Even his own party went after him.
Now what I see is that EVERYTHING that the mainstream media said Trump would
do. Dictator. Get us in a WW3. Destroy our country. IT ALL IS HAPPENING UNDER

We ALL are being fooled and being robbed from within!! Sooooo back to el rancho de Brownsville. Keep voting the same and keep getting the same results.
The dirtiest. Most pot holes. Se inunda. Chuecos. No where near the metroplex of Mcallen! YET highest taxes! School system SUX! Nothing to show for it.
Keep voting the same.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

April 7, 2023 at 5:02 PM

You are correct. The influence of Trump in America will last 100 years....

The Republicans with TRUMP designed, installed, and orchestrated rules, laws and people that will continue their legacy.
TRUMP has no ending for America.

They say this was the best thing that could have happened to the they do not need Trump.
