Monday, April 3, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
Cool Hand Luke was recently spotted in downtown Brownsville by some concerned citizens.

When they reported what appeared to them as destruction of public property, the Brownsville Police Department informed them not to worry. BPD explained that Ol' Luke is currently under contract with the City of Brownsville to take out the old and bring in the new.

The City Of Brownsville is installing a new state-of-the art parking system downtown to replace the decades old mechanical meters we all are familiar with.

The new system mimics those in Austin, San Antonio and other big cities. 

You buy your ticket at a kiosk for up to four hours and place the ticket on your dash.

Local merchants are grumbling and have mixed feelings about the new project. Will it shoo customers away, where will employees park, and will it impact the retail merchants differently than the late night entertainment businesses?

Already, some drivers have been spotted scratching their heads and trying to figure out how they work (bottom graphic).
Other issues include the fact that your license plate and time you were downtown will now be public record. Also, currently there is no signage warning and advising folks of the new system.

The only notice was given online in the city's website, a site that is probably not familiar to many motorists here or from the neighboring city of Matamoros.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Parking in downtown Brownsville is an age old problem going back to the Model-T era. Stay tuned to see how this turns out.

And we're all waiting to see if the mayor keeps his three parking spaces. And the beat goes on.


Anonymous said...

Downtown shoppers are mostly Mexicans. They won't play this game, Monty.

Maybe laggard commerce would improve if Brownsville offered FREE downtown parking. Sometimes you have to lure-in the customer before you can gouge him/her.


Anonymous said...

"Taking a leak here, boss."

"Go ahead, Luke. Take a leak."

(great movie. Paul Newman as Luke)

Anonymous said...

So will dodici get one?

Anonymous said...

ValleyCentral is teaming up with U.S. Border Patrol to help name their four new horses.


Anonymous said...

Those kiosks are so dumb. Couldn’t get it to work, so just didn’t pay to park. Who is gonna stop me?

Anonymous said...

More traffic tickets for Brownsville residents and who got the deal for those ticket parking system? Now I wouldn't go downtown for ever. Now parking fees is for day and night 24/7

Anonymous said...

This is nothing more than a proposed destruction of the remaining downtown businesses. The small businesses that sell fabrics, household goods, shoes etc. depend on your working class residents. It was easy for most to drop a few quarters and pay for parking. Now you have to know how to operate the parking meter. Add your license plate, select the amount of time, and pay the fee. Many feel intimidated as they don't know how to work the meter and will not pay or not park downtown.Even to go to church you have to pay. What idiot or idiots decided to enforce this. This is an outrageously stupid idea. Was it from the commisioners or the city manager. Let's squeeze every penney out of the residents pockets..NO TIENEN VERGUENZA.Then when the businesses go under a select few will buy them at a discount rate.

Anonymous said...

The city Commission should eliminate the "free parking placard " for all the city management staff including the secretaries. These abusers should be ashamed of themselves for not setting the example for all city employees working at city hall and all should park their personal cars at city plaza just as they require everyone else. Prime example of Total Alignment, do as I say not as I do. Pathetic leadership.

Anonymous said...

DO NOT RE-ELECT NO BODY are these idiots gonna remove the blue bags that cover the parking meters and treat everybody here the same or are the rich and famouse exempt.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't figure them out

Anonymous said...

State of the art...that truly is funny.
McAllen has state of the art. These meters force you to walk a half a block to go get the receipt out of the ticket kiosk. Inconvenient at best. The big cities including McAllen, use a same kiosk that use pay-by-phone or park mobile. Those let you either go the kiosk if you don't have a smart phone or use your phone app which automatically charge your phone and locating your location automatically. When you're out, it allows you to add additional time on your phone app and notifies you when you're time is running low. Very common across the country and keeps you from having to walk half a block to locate the kiosk--of which there are only 2 per block. Wasted money with incorrect machinery...again.
