Tuesday, April 4, 2023


By Leonard Leonhardt
New York Times Newsletter

Donald Trump is expected to turn himself in to Manhattan authorities today.

Once they arrive at the courthouse in Lower Manhattan, Trump will appear before a judge, who will read him the indictment, which will include a full accounting of all the charges he’s facing. (We currently don’t know the exact contents of the indictment).

Then he’s expected to fly back to Florida for his Tuesday evening speech.

Some legal experts view the Manhattan case skeptically.

The closest analogy to it may be the 2012 trial of John Edwards, the former Democratic presidential candidate, who was accused of violating campaign-finance law by hiding payments to cover up an extramarital affair.

Jurors acquitted Edwards of one charge and deadlocked on the others, a reminder that many people are uncomfortable criminalizing scandals that revolve around consensual sex.

The political impact of sex scandals is similarly questionable.

Trump has a long, public history of cheating on his wives, as any reader of New York’s tabloid newspapers knows. It did not keep him from being elected president any more than Bill Clinton’s reputation for infidelity kept him from winning in 1992.

Clinton also lied about an affair while he was president – under oath, no less – but many Americans nonetheless believed he should remain on the job.

The case against Trump could turn out differently, of course: He could be convicted. Even if he is, though, the charges do not seem likely to change many voters’ views of Trump.

Two of the other three investigations into Trump are somewhat different. They are about democracy, not sex, and there is already reason to believe that they are more politically threatening to him.

One of the two is a federal investigation into Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, including his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. The second involves those same efforts, but only in Georgia, where local prosecutors are looking into his failed attempt to overturn the result. Prosecutors have not yet announced whether they will bring charges in either case.

Both stem from Trump’s rejection of basic democratic principles that other leaders of both parties have long accepted – that the loser of an election should concede; that politicians should not tell brazen and repeated lies; that violence is an unacceptable political tactic.

Over the past few years, a small – but crucial – slice of voters who are otherwise sympathetic to the Republican Party have indicated that they are uncomfortable with Trump’s attacks on democracy.

The third case – involving the handling of classified documents – is probably less threatening to Trump, at least from a political standpoint. Many politicians, apparently including Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence, have broken the rules for handling classified material. It’s partly a reflection of what many experts consider the over-classification of documents, including many that contain mundane information.

Trump’s case does seem more extreme, however. He not only took hundreds of classified documents from the White House but also repeatedly resisted giving many of them back. Charges could include obstruction of justice for defying a subpoena. Jack Smith, the special counsel is overseeing this inquiry, and the timing of a resolution remains unknown.


Anonymous said...

Just jail him!

Enough of this ten-percenter. Lying, grifting sack of shit. White pussy.

Anonymous said...

"Lock him up!" Karma is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Como le gusta a sierta gente golerle el culo a este pedaso de mierda. That is what I don't understand.

Anonymous said...

This news letter is pure trash. There will be no reading of the indictment. The author is lying or has no idea how the system works. Trump will waive the reading of the indictment. It is standard practice. Plus there is no evidence or even an accusation Biden or Pence hid anything. NYT has reached rock bottom. Their explanation for an article components written by AI is pathetic and insulting to its readers.

Anonymous said...

"Are you feelin' yoself?"

"Yes, I'm feelin' muhself."

Anonymous said...

He should surrender to the local cherif here. Maybe just maybe, the local loco, will get enough votos for another term, me, will never vote for este pendejo.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Brown Blogger, go and fuck yourself.

- The Texas Republican Party
Headquarters: Anus, Texas

Anonymous said...

April 4, 2023 at 8:26 AM
you got your noie deep in his behind, like all the rednecks and hillbillies and HE DON'T LIKE YOUR ASSES

Anonymous said...

Same DA lets violent criminals off because they belong to the same race as him. He would have been removed if Zeldin would have won as governor.

Anonymous said...

fuck him. no one is above the law!


Anonymous said...

Trump under arrest

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump has arrived at the Manhattan district attorney's office and is in police custody

Anonymous said...

LIVE UPDATES Trump is being processed ahead of his historic arraignment. He will face over 30 criminal charges.

Anonymous said...

Trump surrenders

Anonymous said...

HAS BEEN FINGERPRINTED, HEADING TO COURT. here he would have gone to el pato loco with the da he loves the rich and famous.FACT

Anonymous said...

Former President Donald Trump has been processed as a criminal defendant, including having his fingerprints taken.

Anonymous said...

Has just gone into court, looks a-pendejado like. usual.

Anonymous said...

The big mouth has been indicted.....such a beautiful thing 😍 😭 ❤

heh heh

(What do you say now, local Republicans? Idiots!)

Anonymous said...

Trump just won! He will have so much free publicity its ridiculous. They just gave him the presidency. So much focus will be placed on this dead issue through the election year of 2024’ when the real issue(s) our position in the world stage will be placed on the back burner. Through this play, Democrats will lose big in 2024.”

Anonymous said...

Lock his sorry ass up. Hush money is nothing compared to other crimes he committed like instigating the January 6th attempted coup, trying to cheat on the election "Georgia find me 11k votes " stealing classified documents, lying about the true dangers of Covid19 and the list can go on and on. Dont forget his calling "Russia are you listening ". Lock him up.

Anonymous said...


Chief El Chapo Sauceda se la come!!!!


Anonymous said...

Trump is and always has been a piece of shit!!! Why all of a sudden is he so revered by so many. He has methodically brainwashed millions. He has broken the law all his miserable life , somehow able to escape prosecution, hence his nickname THE TEFLON DON. So if the asshole has finally been caught breaking the law , why all the conspiracy theories and lame excuses of his innocence?? He’s a grown man , let him prove his innocence in court. Unfortunately this will again be a DELAY DELAY SHITSHOW and drag on for god knows how long. So it becomes a waiting game. Hopefully the other investigations will conclude soon , so they can pile it on this a-hole and we can finally see the end of this racist prick. My opinion. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Only fools like the Q Anon Shaman will vote for Trump. Los emfermitos...

Anonymous said...

folks no matter what they wont do anything to trump, just like here with the 140 million dollar scam at the BPUB fiasco, what happen to Johhnny (Banana peel) Bruciak, he retired and walked away, Refunds? well looks like folks there are no REFUNDS, Ask Jessica Tetas or john cowen, puro NADA. So folks dont get your hopes up too high with Trump, nothing will happen and he will be exonarated and wins again. PURO PEDO>

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan y el gran robo del BPUB $140 million? where is our REFUNDS?

Anonymous said...

que trompas! pendejo

Anonymous said...

