Tuesday, May 9, 2023



Anonymous said...

Must be Hell to be Greg Abbott.

Poor fool.

God will punish him.

Anonymous said...

He forgave the tree, so why not the idiot who ran those immigrants down.
May his chair move fast enough to escape another idiot.

Anonymous said...

Isn't he married to a Hispanic woman? Gotta be stupid to post this. The Uber driver was defending himself against a person with an AK47. Austin chicano DA too stupid to understand that. Don't be as dumb as a black person Montoya.

Anonymous said...

and the other 22 arrests he has, and the local DA just looked the other guey. maybe bud abbott the lapdog inutil, called the DA and it was all a plan, and trumputo called the lapdog inutil and authorized everything. It had to be trumputo he's the one responsible. who else?

Anonymous said...

This horrible deadly situation is all on the Brownsville Police, Cameron County Dist. Attorney, Cameron County Judicial System and all political leaders who are encouraging and setting up charities and encouraging these illegal immigrants to come to United States. Vicente Gonzales just passed Medicaid legislation for free medical coverage to immigrants and dreamers. The Catholic and other churches are encouraging these illegals by providing shelter, but then they turn around and bill the Federal government for reimbursements. This is a money-making business for these so-called charities. The delay in bringing this particular criminal to justice is all on our so-called local police, judicial system and Cameron County Dist. attorney. Everyone know in Camaeron County that Luis Saenz has been MIA (missing in action) for some time, and we also have an incompetent Sheriff. Nothing has been a speedy anything in years. Cameron county NEEDS to clean their shit before pointing the finger at who done it. The BIG BOYS ARE COMMING so be aware. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

The comments reflect what the scientists are saying about A I . With A I people won’t be able to distinguish what is real and what is not. Any idiot could take over the minds of the ignorant people. Not good.

Anonymous said...

with the new whitey mayor here, things are going to change, a big wall seperating el norte y el sur will be the first thing on the list of must do. on the nortside also a wall will be eracted so sanbene will not invade even if most of them are cocos. sorrie sanbene but its a fact. gringos don't like meskins nor cocos. face the facts, even the DA agrees.

Anonymous said...

I married a meskin cause I need full time maid service and its very important to mua the benefits are great and she gets to stay here forever even if the detergents run out and by the way the wash boards are electric.

Anonymous said...

Maria, maria a donde andas pinche vieja apestosa. Ven y limpiame NOW!

Anonymous said...

Maria? you mean the one that goes downtown with el joton? just askin' for an illegal...
