Sunday, May 7, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Details are sketchy, but eyewitnesses reported this morning at about 8:30 a.m. that a driver – at first thought to have been a teenager perhaps under the influence of alcohol – plowed a Range Rover into a large group of about 30 migrants sitting on the curb at a bus stop near the Ozanam Center at the corner of Houston and Minnesota roads causing seven fatalities.

Another nine were said to be in critical condition at local hospitals. The driver is in custody. One of them, a man pictured on social media with one of his legs just a bloody stump, reportedly died later at a local hospital.

(We were sent a near-five minute video of the carnage immediately after the migrants were run over and before first responders arrived but it's heartbreaking and we preferred not to post the incredible human suffering and pain.) 

And now, a broadcast statement by Brownsville Police Department spokesman Lt. Martin Sandoval hints that it may not have been an accident after all, but a deliberate act but stopped short of classifying it as a hate crime against migrants, or of identifying a motive.

Several survivors told a local broadcaster that a woman who passed in a white vehicle shouted at them to separate before it was overtaken by the Range Rover on the right and that the driver was shouting insults at them before plowing into the seated group of migrants further up Minnesota Road.

The Washington Post reports one of the migrants, Luis Herrera, who was among those hit by the SUV, said in an interview that many of the victims already had tickets out of Brownsville, some to reunite with their families. Herrera, 33, who suffered a broken arm and was released from the hospital Sunday afternoon, said the driver was taunting people standing at the bus stop, driving past them and yelling insults.

“He crossed the street and he hit the gas and he drove by my legs, and hurt my arm,” he said in Spanish. “The others, he killed almost all of them.”
He recalled the driver yelling: “You’re invading my property!”

Sandoval said the driver allegedly ran a red light and plowed into a group of people standing at the bus stop or sitting at the curb.

Initially, the speculation of people at the scene that a drunk teenager was behind the wheel was contradicted by photos posted on social media that showed an adult man being arrested by Brownsville Police Department officers. Reports indicate that a growing mob was gathering to assault him when he was taken into custody.

(Although police have not identified the driver to local news outlets, a Washington Examiner post states that local police identified him as Michael Alexander Nash, 30. However, this is suspect since it's the the same name and age of a man who was killed in a car crash last week.) 

The Brownsville Police Department blocked off Minnesota Road and Austin Road due to the major nature accident.The bus stop on the right-of-way consists of only a sign and has no benches or shade.

ValleyCentral reporter Brian Svendsen says he could see at least five people dead at the scene. Their bodies were covered with sheets. 

A source close to the Ozanam Center said that  director Victor Maldonado had called for grief and trauma counselors to minister to the survivors who had lost a relative or had one injured.

"They're mothers and cousins, sisters and brothers and they are traumatized, going crazy over their relatives,"  he told said. 

The director said that they had asked  Bus Metro in the past to place a bus shelter at the busy ridership site so people wouldn't have to sit at the curb to wait for the bus. As a result they are exposed to traffic, or in this case, a reckless or alcohol-impaired driver.

A woman who happen to drive by the scene told Svendsen she saw several bodies covered on the road, plus another victim being put into an ambulance. She also saw several ladies praying nearby.

Brownsville police spokesperson Martin Sandoval said they received a call at around 8:30 a.m. and had had to block the area. Sandoval asked that drivers to find an alternative route. 

He also told news media that the driver had been treated for injuries and at a minimum would be facing reckless driving charges. He did not identify the driver or say whether alcohol or drugs was a factor in the accident. At the time, Sandoval did not indicate that it might have been a deliberate act.

 Sandoval told ABC News that the driver was in custody under 24-hour watch and that tests were being performed for alcohol and drugs.

This is a developing story and we will try to give you updates.


Anonymous said...

Again faSter than the news to break it!

Least juan gives full details

Anonymous said...

Migrants sneaking in while border patrol baby sits all the Venezuelans

Wish we could know how many of the deceased were previously deported

Racist Abott will let us know

Anonymous said...

That’s because “chief” sauceda claims nothing happens in Brownsville and does not have enough police out on the streets. Instead he is doing his best to push the senior officers out. He assigns his followers and supporters to special gigs like working out of the gym, records, in dispatch or from their homes, but only his supporters and followers. He also put some on special assignments like working 8-4 and weekends off, leaving very minimal cops on the streets to deal with the criminals and drunk drivers. A major situation was bound to happen sooner or later and the sad part is that this is not it. Eventually we will have have an active shooter like everyone else is having and sauceda wont be able to activate his swat team fast enough. Those lives and the blood of all those people that died today is on you Felix. Hope someone realizes he’s doing a poor ass job running a large police department that’s supposed to keep our residents and non residents safe

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya; you constantly remind the powerful to do something to protect the bus riders. Put the bus shelters.... NOW.

This is a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Migrants in the land of Big Dreams and Big cars.

Guess coming to America and dying at the wheels of an expensive Range Rover makes it worth it.

Life is cheap, ese.

Road cheap.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing all 8 officers from Brownsville PD were scheduled to work this morning!

Anonymous said...

Bus shelters of the sort McAllen has would have saved these people.

What sayeth new Mayor John Cowen. Someone has to take the chile to the streets!

Anonymous said...

Stupid fake news saying it was intentional
At no time did brownsville finest say so!

Anonymous said...

The City of Brownsville needs to support all these victims. Now is the time to show the love of the City towards these individuals.

They are human beings. They are poor but they are our brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

Would a bus shelter have minimized the damage?

Asking for a friend

Anonymous said...

That idiot is a piece of shit, no one deserves this anywhere. I don’t care of your political stance this is unacceptable behavior, I hope that idiot gets his day of judgement in the courtroom and in the afterlife, there is a special place in hell for dumbasses like that.

Anonymous said...

(t's a good thing all 8 officers from Brownsville PD were scheduled to work)

It's Sunday, dude. Bet some called in "sick".


Anonymous said...

LOL the "chief", isn't that guy an ex-Porter cheerleader?

Anonymous said...

Did not know curbs were to sit on...

Anonymous said...

@11:13 AM Even a first year law enforcement college student can tell you that numbers do not decrease crime and probably would not have prevented this tragedy. You can have any number of cops on the street but if the cops are lazy and just there to collect a check, it makes no difference.

@2:45 PM Look info smarter friends. That one is dumb as a rock!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville will blame this accident on Trump. Biden was dealing with China about his poor son?

Anonymous said...

So damn sad. Blame will be dispered all over the place as is the norm now in our divided culture. The sad truth is that these poor folks came to our country simply to pursue a better life than what Madero and his cadre are offering in Venezuela only to be so brutally massacred in the USA, whether intentionally (will still have to be proven) or by a bizarre accident. Their lives have been stopped short, period. Any decent human being can lament this act and truly feel for these people. If you choose to politicize this, your are a beast and not human and your maker will judge you, not I.
My friend Juan, thank you for your quick attention to this incident. You remain a journalistic professional.

Anonymous said...

How can a true journalist print names when they are not sure. It I were
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Nash, I would sue the pants off the person responsible for naming their son as the culprit of this horrible act. Michael Alexander Nash los this life to another idiot who rammed him from behind Friday night and caused his death. How would you react to your son being identified as the culprit, when HE was in Heaven two days earlier. Be careful what you write,
you idiots, for if I were a lawyer, I would advice free-gratis the Nash family to sue the pants out of you!!

Anonymous said...

“Chief” saucedas data shows that nothing happens on a Sunday morning, so he probably had only 4 officers working. You can see on the photos that sheriffs and dps are assisting which has become the norm for Brownsville PD, which can’t handle major incidents, cause of a lack of manpower. Sauceda is doing to Brownsville PD what Biden is doing to our country, he even supports transgenders. He has little boy watson in the gym full time transforming into a dude. That’s what sauceda supposrts and let’s all go dance with the driscoll kids so i can gain popularity. Well your poor management of police personal sir, is causing people to die every day you remain in charge of the Brownsville police department.

Anonymous said...

Mama louie came to his chiefs rescue

Anonymous said...

The Chief of Police needs to retire, he has that 1,000 yard stare. Don't upset him.

Also, people in trucks usually drive like the guy in the Land Rover. . .not all, at least half do.

Anonymous said...

“numbers do not decrease crime and probably would not have prevented this tragedy.“
This is the mentality of this chief, how about having enough officers out there, so that when one makes an arrest for dwi the city doesn’t stay without cops while officer completes his dwi arrest? You mean to tell me, mamalouie, that if a cop would’ve arrested that drunk driver, it wouldn’t have saved lifes

Anonymous said...

Juan please do not repeat rumors and make people think it was an intentional accident with driver yell at the people he hit! Look at the vehicle in the video! Vehicle is airborne! Do you think that the driver of a vehicle that is airborne, and on its side, is yelling obscenities at the people that he’s about to hit?! Seriously, you are doing an injustice as a reporter to report the rumors and make this accident something that it was not! In the video you can clearly see it was an accident and not a hate crime! Stop stop, stop, stop with your BS to try and stir up people in the city of Brownsville against each other! Darn it,stop it Juanillo!!!

Anonymous said...

well a bus shelters are long over due in Brownsville to upgrade. Past district 2 commissioner jessica tetreau and past trey mendez never did anything about it at all. Lets see New mayor Cowen and new district 2 commissioner linda macias address the issue and get it resolved. oh wait linda is puppet to Roy de los santos. how convenient.

Anonymous said...

what speeds there are red lights at every corner and they change to green after 5 minutes and when green they turn back to red in 8 seconds. NO WONDER. fustrated drivers everywhere. blame the mayor and city commissioners for this one, plus no bus shelters. y el pinche gringo new mayor will DO NOTING cause they are all meskins. end of story!!!

Anonymous said...

May 7, 2023 at 5:11 PM

Idiota, cops use curbs all the time that's the first thing they learn, at the militirized academy. sit your enemy at the curb! Aaah, I think its, "CUFF HIM", than sit the enemy at the curb. so sooooooooorrrrryyyyy!

Anonymous said...

12:22 CHenry, Linda is not a puppet to anyone, but I get it your camp is butt hurt after that ass-kicking!

Anonymous said...

He had been arrested 22 times (THAT WE KNOW OFF) for assaults and other very serios violations.
Y EL D.A. QUE!!!!
The city the d a. should also be held accountable.



Anonymous said...

The illegals were here because of Biden’s invitation. The criminal was out committing more crimes instead of being incarcerated because of Biden’s weakness on crime. DEFUND the police! Have you democrats forgotten this? If so, let me remind you. Democrats own this tragedy and many more. The upcoming presidential election’s is not just about inflation, government/leadership, or the economy. It’s about much more. It’s about our countries foundation, which is currently cracking.

Anonymous said...

May 8, 2023 at 12:22 AM

this news comes from sour grapes you lost get used to it shut the f*** up and get a job, like washing carcachas....
