Sunday, May 7, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

How do you measure success? 

How about you manage a campaign for mayor and your candidate – John Cowen, generally recognized as  Republican-leaning white guy in overwhelmingly Hispanic South Texas – beats out his three opponents, and one of them, a woman who had the endorsement of the Texas Democratic Party through their statewide Project LIFT?

Now, granted, municipal elections are supposed to be non-partisan affairs, but the two parties' contest for the hearts and minds (votes) in South Texas has obscured that fact. In fact, one of the candidates for the At-Large-A commission seats in the upcoming runoff is Susan Ruvalcaba a Trumptite who welcomed the former president to South Texas six days after he incited the January 6 insurrection.

Cameron County Democratic chair Jared Hockema has made it clear that the choice of who Project LIFT endorsed in the mayoral race – in this case current District 2 commissioner Jessica Tetreau – is not up to the local Democratic Party leadership, but the directors of the project in Austin. To muddle things up even more Project LIFT endorsed Tino Villarreal over Ruvalcaba, the Trump flag-waving, right-wing ideologue. Who's on first?

All of South Texas is, for all practical, purposes, locked in the Democrat-Republican struggle, the former to retain its primacy among local voters, the other to chip away at it. For example, the GOP has made it clear that they will target Democrats at every level and have targeted Vicente ("Con la Gente') Gonzalez after their standard bearer – Latina gun-toting, border wall lover Mayra Flores –  failed miserably as did numerous Republican candidates across the country during the midterms.

Pink Ape President and CEO Rodrigo Moreno fielded Cowen and Villarreal in their races. One, the current At-Large-A city commissionerCowen, won the mayorship outright over three other opponents, one of them Tetreau, the Demos endorsee. 

But Moreno not only engineered a win, he politically stage-managed a massacre. Of the 8,797 votes cast in that race, Cowen garnered 4,961, a whopping 56.39 percent. Erasmo Castro got 1,429 (16.24 percent), Tetreau got 1,965 (22.34 percent) and Jennifer Stanton, whose eligibility has ben questioned since she is not a city resident, got 442 (5.02 percent).

His other candidate, Villarreal, will be in a runoff after none of the three candidates – the third was former city commissioner William Garza – could garner the 50 percent plus 1 vote required to win.

Despite the apparent Demo-GOP struggle over local races, Moreno says the intrusion of the major parties does not bode well for the area.

"Now that the parties have targeted local, non-partisan elections, the importance of local needs will take back seat and the intrusion of scorched-earth strategies by the parties' handlers in Austin and Washington will cloud important local issues which are what matter to local residents," he said. "They will just keep raising the ante and run over local concerns. It's a new dynamic we will have to work with."

Perhaps personifying the adage of the gorilla – Moreno, no lightweight himself who has several national and international awards for his experimental films – has been able to maneuver his candidates through the morass of local politics and reach the jungle canopy in his recent races. 

Now we know who the 800-pound gorilla is in local politics.


Anonymous said...

The reelected mayor of Dallas got 44,903 votes.

44 thousand, not 5 thousand, as Brownsville hayseed John Cowen got.

Vote, or shut the fuck up.

Oh, but maybe Brownsville has shut the fuck up..........

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pink Gorilla had nothing to do with my vote. I voted for Cowen because I feel that he will represent our community better than the other candidates.

Stanton = a nobody in Brownsville. She didn't even vote for herself
Tetreau = "tetas" wants people to look at her T&A Come on get with the program!
Castro = Boy Lover Sewer Rat Bafoon

Cowen was the only one that appeared to have a future.

Anonymous said...

run to the court house to check your properyt deeds make sure they are up to date. RATAS LIKE TO STEAL PROPERTIES it happened before and it can happen again the mayor has great powers and a lot of cocos. FACT


Anonymous said...

well its whiteville again. forget el gran southmost, las prietas, el ramireno, el west, la moralla. El norte gano otra vez. keeping the potholes, traffic lights are not going to change to green, flooding continues, airless port forever, land deeds changing property owners (sooooon), mojados at the port will continue unabated, hwy 48 traffic will increase, another bridge is in the making that'll be two bridges now, y el coco mamon there will get an increase, likes to touch his knees and very ofter.

Anonymous said...

Pink Gorilla had nothing to do with my vote. I voted for Cowen because I feel that he will represent our community better than the other candidates.

Stanton = a nobody in Brownsville. She didn't even vote for herself
Tetreau = "tetas" wants people to look at her T&A Come on get with the program!
Castro = Boy Lover Sewer Rat Bafoon

Cowen was the only one that appeared to have a future.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dems have been in power forever. What have they done for the the City? County? Really. What? Maybe it’s time for a change and let’s see where we go.

Anonymous said...

Pink Ape only causes trouble and runs away
like chicken-shit! Look what they did to
Sylvia Atkinson? They got Dr. A but nothing
happened the Ape.

Anonymous said...

republcrat, means mama de dos lados.

Anonymous said...

Tetreau burned every bridge

Zeke was right about her. Remember who was always by her side at the house meetings and carwash volunteering every week against Atkinson, in the first write-in campaign? Those names and faces nowhere in sight anymore. Cheezmeh, Erasmo now an opponent. Seems one by one, she screwed everyone over.

You reap what you sow.

Don't lie and backstab people on your climb up, you'll see them again on your way down. So much for becoming Elon's best buddy as Mayor lol. See ya around town, Jessica.

Anonymous said...

May 7,2023 at 8:26 PM
Can't sympathies with Dr. Mugsy S. Atkinson she was not a victim. The people that voted for her were the ones who were victimized.

Anonymous said...

Jessica… just her image turns you off and Erasmo, the self proclaimed king of social media smells like a dead rat… like his mother

Anonymous said...

maricas changa.

Anonymous said...

Ya se le fue el cheque y la farándula a la tetreau. Y eso que apenas les van a empezar a pagar salario. Es cierto que la corrió Space x?

Anonymous said...

Jessica Tetreu Kalifa and Nurith Galonsky are finding out really quick that they were legends in their own minds. People really don't like them nor trust them to be leaders. They are joke. Both depended on facebook posts and likes. Both were city commissioners and people would like their posts thinking they would get something from them. Jessica would delete anyone that questioned her or disagreed with her. Jessica only allowed people on her page that would praise her. Nurith only listened to her rich friends who would tell her what the poor people needed and that was very little of anything. Just give a piece of the pie but the whole pie is ours not theirs. If it wasn't for Zeke Silva exposing these crooks Brownsville, TX would have been in worst condition. Sometimes it is best to be hated by the self serving people and respected by your common man. These ladies needed a humilty slap on their face.

Anonymous said...

she looked tempting standing by the sidewalk on sunday by alton gloor. looking good

Anonymous said...

Easy win for our new Republican mayor! About time! Brownsville and McAllen now have republican mayors!

It was an easy win against three non qualified candidates.

How tight did Pink Ape pucker up after losing all four races last go round?

Anonymous said...

Zeke you’re a nobody in this community plain and simple, you had nothing to do with them not getting elected. You had nothing to do with their rise to getting elected nor their down fall so quit writing post and giving yourself a pat on the back. No one in their right mind would give you a pat on the back because your influence is little to none. I’m going to call you Zeke “la chancla” Silve because you’re a flip-flopper. Always saying one thing and doing another. Ay los watchamos Chancla!


Anonymous said...

Many times people don't realize what they had unitl they loose it. Nurith realiezed she wasn't as important as her mother told her. She is a 50 something year old that can't keep a man becuase she is a rich old spoiled brat that lives with her parents.

Jessica T. Kalifa is an attention whore who practiced waving to millions of people in a parade, people throwing her rose petals to her feet and men drooling over her nose and fake blond hair extensions.

Neither of these women had any knowledge of what the people really needed. Now we have Linda Macias who is also clueless of what the people need. She will sell her vote to the commissioners to be allowed into the circle of elite people. The so called elite theives. These women are power hungry who will destroy Brownsville for selfies and Charro Day dresses.

Lord have mercy on us. As a matter of fact he did have Mercy on us. He got rid of Nurith and Jessica. Linda will be a One Term Commissioner. She is to greedy.

Anonymous said...

@12:54 am. Go To sleep.

You claim Zeke is a nobody in this community. That Zeke has little to no influene, yet both Nurith (Horse Face) Galonsky and Jessica (Bag Face) Tetreu Kalifa both lost their races. Neither one of them could get over 2000 votes in a city with over 150,000 registered voters. Nurith was only good for 4 years and Jessica well her races only gave her 175 votes in a district with 20,000 registered voters. Nurith had 25,000 registered voters in her district and got 620 votes. Jessica in a mayoral race only got 1965 votes. That is pathetic. Linda Macias got 1210 votes.

Lets see Zeke lack of influence. He got Charlie Atkinson out of office. Was campaign manager for District Attorney Luis Saenz on 2012. That was the whole county including Brownsvile, TX. Won.

Campaign Manager for Cameron County Pct. 2 Commissioner Alex Domingues in 2014. WON

Campaign Manager for State Represenatative District 27 in 2018. WON

Campaign Manager for State Represantive Alex Dominguez in 2020 . WON

Helped Nurith Galonsky win her race in 2019. WON
Helped Jessica T. Kalifa get in as a write in candidate in 2012: WON

Helped get rid of Nurith Galonsky in 2023: WON
Helped get rid of Jessica T. Kalifa for mayor in 2023: WON
Helped get John Cowen win in 2019 for City Commissioner at Large A: Won

Helped Bryan Martinez to replace Nurith Galonsky in 2023: WON
Helped John Cowen become Mayor of Brownsville,TX in 2023 WON

Your are absoulutely correct. Zeke Silva has no influence if any at all. Not in Brownsville, TX or Cameron County. Pobre Vato. No one knows who Zeke is. Not even his dogs know him. But one thing is for sure You BOTH AREN'T COMMISSIONER ANYMORE. Just continue to beleive Zeke has no influence the next time you think of running for any position.

Anonymous said...

Linda Macias you need to take off your Rose Colored Glasses and face reality. If you don't do what you said you were going to do, you will join Nurith Galonsky, Ben Neece, John Villareal, Joel Munguia,Jessica Tetreu Kalifa, and Pat Ahumada. You will be branded worst than Charlie Atkinson. Screw up just once and we will be on your ass pronto and quick.

Anonymous said...

10:10 Zeke how about you worry about your 4 DUI's that the DA is hiding? how about you worry about turning a profit on that empty warehouse of a coffeeshop you have? You borrowed over 400K for a downtown warehouse without floors with sub-par coffee bean? Show BCIC your receipts, they probably paid for all sorts of other stuff non-business related. How about you worry about you family? Zeke you say go to sleep, the only people that went to sleep were the people you supported during an election, never to be herd of again. If anything people should realize the curse you are to an election, you seem to always side with the losing team. You talk a big game but your a joke? how many times did you block Jessica? until she was term-limited? So 3 victories for Jessica and she didn't need you. Who else did you oppose that got elected? you had nothing to do with John's win, Linda's win, nor Nurith's loss. You need to realize your the annoying fly in a house that everyone is trying to get rid of. You say you're for the people but the truth is you're only there for self interest in getting free money from BCIC/GBIC. As usual there is a reason why you have to toot your own horn because no one else will, no one wants you around, every time anyone see's you their eyes roll, the people vote in this democracy, the people decide not you. For John it was roughly 4,600 people that decided for Linda it was 1200 that decided, and for Bryan it was 61, with no Zeke in Silva in sight as he was left in the trail of dirt with the people he supported.


Anonymous said...

May 9, 2023 at 3:56 PM in all honesty, you're assuming everything you just said. Let them get sworn in first, geez! You must be getting coached to make a post like that.
