Saturday, May 6, 2023



Anonymous said...

Pares que Tetas se quedo con su ojete sudado.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. The People have spoken. I will accept the results. After all, I'm not MAGA.

Anonymous said...

Tino, you have to kiss some babies and shake some hands bro. Don't let Susan beat you.

Anonymous said...

Ding Dong the witch is dead! The witch is dead, is dead! La Galonsky. One rat down many more to go.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the winners Cowen, linda Macias and bryan Martinez, Martinez I know you will do well for Pct 1, dont listen to the nansayers, they will always be there, just plan your work and work your plan, good luck to those in a run off, hope this new faces will make a positive change for BROWNSVILLE and hopefully bring those from the BPUB scam to Justice. Dont think that will ever happen but miracles do who happen. For the City manager helen reddy, pos a trabajar mi hita you didnt get the extra year extension most folks dont think you are not worth the $330k you are getting paid much less give you one more year. I saw some of the incumbents lose tonight so I know that is a clear message to all incumbents from all elected offices, city , county, school and BND to watch out, voters are tired of the SAME BULL SHIT ESPECIALY FROM OUR MIA DA LUIS SAENZ, TAKE NOTE vato inutil. hope you announce your retirement soon, el porter homie

Anonymous said...

Caty, hope you realize the community does not want or need you anymore!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Brownsville PD UNION privileged board didn’t get the results they wanted. Hopefully Mr Cowen will put an end to that stupid “chief” sauceda and his agenda, now that they don’t have tatreu to support him. It’s time to put safety of officers and residents of Brownsville first instead of “chief” sauceda first, and put more police on the streets. Saucedas data is manipulated to show that a city that has grown so much does not need more police on the streets. Just look at the murder and major crime numbers stupid chief

Anonymous said...

Mexicans under Whitey rule again. It will take a generation to regain city government power.

Oh, and look for Republican Gov. Greg Abbott to visit Brownsville soon.


Anonymous said...

So long, Jessica Tetreau.

Whatcha gonna do now?

Let's parteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty pisspoor collection of newbies.

John Cowen is plain white bread. Do not expect great things from him. He will only reinforce White dominance, while Linda Macias and Bryan Martinez, both better suited for serving, say, smaller San Benito, will merely act-out the "politician role" and do squat.

Brownsville gained nothing yesterday.


Anonymous said...

City Commission now to be paid.

For part-time work?

Jesus. That money could have gone toward our resident potholes or our lack of bus shelters. BTW, what happened to the 26 bus shelters Trey Mendez said were on the way?

Brown blogger Montoya needs to scoot over to City Hall and get answers!!!

Mayor gets how much per year? Outrageous.

Brownsville, suffer again.

Anonymous said...

Caty Presas-Garcia went down meekly.

So much for a gritona at City Hall.

See you later, alligator.

Anonymous said...

I hope this new commission will keep eyes on city departments. The police city libraries fire dept are just a few that are trash. Have you all been to the central library buckets everywhere restrooms nasty AC doesn't work building falling apart

Anonymous said...

I am happy with the results.

Mayor Cowen you looked happy and sincere in your interview last night. Just remember that the citizens of Brownsville provided you with the wonderful opportunity to serve our city.

Ms. Macias and Mr. Martinez congratulations! Both of you have the opportunity to make a difference in the future of Brownsville.

Four years go by fast. Make it your goal to make a positive and progressive difference. ✨️ Good luck and may all that is Good guide you 😊.

Anonymous said...

Mister Erasmo Castro the citizens of Brownsville know that you are useless. Personally I think someone pays you to run in the Brownsville elections. Why else humiliate yourself? Run along and go ride your scutter. You already do .ore than enough by being the Cheez.

Anonymous said...

Well in el san bene the citizens spoke loud and clear. The beginning of a new era and may good thing come to the city.

Anonymous said...

Faster than a speeding train
Faster than the newspaper
Faster than the local news
It's Montoya
Si señores
You heard it here first

Anonymous said...

Caty Presas-Garcia - parada en el muelle de San Blas.


Anonymous said...

From an out-of-towner’s perspective:

Congratulations to all those that won and thank you to all those that served, especially those that served with integrity.

Martinez has some big shoes to fill. I don’t know the kid, but I do know that Galonsky was a gem. She may have come from money, but she was of the people. She was everywhere all of the time. I’m certain she will be missed by her constituents.

La Jessica served a purpose by beating out a greedy Charlie Atkinson, but her time is done.

Tre tried his best, especially during the exasperating COVID times. But, his downfall was greed. You can’t serve the people and serve yourself at the same time, not with Erasmo up your ass every two seconds.

Caty’s time is also done. Her past acts of deception while on the BISD board came back to bite her for all those that remember thanks to Jim Barton’s chronicles.

Erasmo’s time as a politician is also done. He has burned way too many bridges with way too many people to remain a viable candidate for anything going forward. Although, his status as a community watchdog will remain as valuable as ever. We need more people with his heart to root out corruption, but ones that can do it with a bit more tact.

Cowen won convincingly because of integrity. I hope that continues so that Brownsville can begin to shine under his example. Don’t let the temptations destroy a stellar reputation. Help change Brownsville by putting good people on the boards that control things, people that have already demonstrated their love of our community and not of their own pockets.

Missing you my raza!

Anonymous said...

Juan i read some ugly news, tino villarreal was on the BPUB board who approved to raise the large rates increases? is that true, and if it is then i saw no, voting for rubalcava then, i dont want a BPUB RATA on the city commission we already got enuff. mr miller.

Anonymous said...

7:09 - yes

Anonymous said...

Maga gave them salaries because they can't read great job morons.

Anonymous said...

Cowen, Macias, Martinez, Congratulations on your win . Not everyone voted, voted for you, but remember that you represent all the citizens of Brownsville, not just hand picked individuals that want to enrich themselves, because Brownsville shouldn't be personal ATM machines. You claim to be people of good integrity and character, so show us those colors. Start healing Brownsville by making decisions that benefit all socio-economic levels. Stop all these wheeling and dealings. The stealing that benefits the greedy needs to stop, because their hunger for more will never cease.

Anonymous said...

Caty no mames puros votes comprados de los Adult Day cares! Adios pestosa!!

Anonymous said...

Erasmo, Cata,Galonsky,William Garza, TETREAU ,Ahumada Can you all finally take a hint!! NO MORE Enough is enough!!! And the same goes for others thinking of re-election Gowen , Cardenas, De los Santos ( unless you get with the program)Eric Garza, useless Luis Saenz etc , the AX is sharp and Brownsville finally grew some resemblance of balls and showed that we dont need you self serving morons. And to Cowen and newcomers Macias/Martinez keep your eye on the prize and become the new beginning this town is begging for. Make history and clean house. Be yourselves dont be influenced, stay away from the political wannabes. There’s a lot of work to be done so good luck and get on with it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Newly elected officials, an ethical "Code of Conduct" needs to be enforced beginning with yourselves and all board members, including appointed boards that make decisions for our City and County, Port and College, School board. I'm tired of being ripped off. A list of priorities needs to be developed and pet projects can wait. Show us the real reasons why you wanted to be elected.

Anonymous said...

Bryan Martinez won with 61 votes.

District 1 was won by 61 votes!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Juan i read some ugly news, tino villarreal was on the BPUB board who approved to raise the large rates increases? is that true, and if it is then i saw no, voting for rubalcava then, i dont want a BPUB RATA on the city commission we already got enuff. mr miller.

May 7, 2023 at 10:11 AM

You are correct. Tino Villarreal is the best choice. Rubalcaba is wrong for Brownsville.

She is a Republican, favors Trump and she is not the Voice of the People. She is the voice of her greed and her love for Trump.
Give a chance to Tino.

Anonymous said...

well its whiteville again. forget el gran southmost, las prietas, el ramireno, el west, la moralla. El norte gano otra vez. keeping the potholes, traffic lights are not going to change to green, flooding continues, airless port forever, land deeds changing property owners (sooooon), mojados at the port will continue unabated, hwy 48 traffic will increase, another bridge is in the making that'll be two bridges now, y el coco mamon there will get an increase, likes to touch his knees and very ofter.

Anonymous said...

I’m Hispanic and I could care less if we had a white or black or purple mayor, any idiot before did nothing so what is the big deal? It’s not like they held the position to a high standard, right? We had a history of Hispanic mayors and what did they accomplish? A whole lot of nothing and self interest! No big deal with Cowen being mayor he probably speaks better spanish that your mocho krap. He seems very level headed and I have a good feeling he has the best interest in improving this city. Best of luck John!

Anonymous said...

12:34 what’s your point? Another complainer? Those neighborhoods don’t go out and practice their constitutional right to vote, so what do you expect? You expect it to go their way when they don’t even go represent themselves? Hell, you want a lot done for people that pay $600 on taxes annually, don’t vote, can’t keep their yard clean, much less maintain the overall look of their house. Now, let me be clear, I have many friends that live in those neighborhoods I try to get them to go and vote and they don’t. Many of their children did not return to those neighborhoods because they didn’t want to be there anymore they wanted something better. Instead of whining why don’t you start a voter registration community approach for the aforementioned neighborhoods then follow up with yard and cleaning seminar to improve the community. Someone that does not care how their house or yard look will not care to vote or how elections turn out. It’s called broken-class theory, I’d recommend you reading into it. We can tell you where the well is but it’s up to you to go and drink the water.

Anonymous said...

This is not a Republican/Democrat thing . On the subject of BPUB, Susan questioned and asked for records of BPUB's questionable Tenaska's Fiasco. She paid, at least, $3000.00, from her own pocket. Did Tino question anything? I will vote for a person who has fought for the citizen's, not because I know you. I know Tino and not Susan and voting for her.

Anonymous said...

Party affiliation has no bearing on these candidates anymore. Corruption runs rampant, and its up to the voter to chose wisely. Everyone needs to do their homework on the candidate of their choice. If Tino was indeed involved in the PUB/Tenaska ordeal , then he definitely is not the man for the job. Rubalcava is gonna have to find a way to prove that she is genuinely interested in helping Brownsville and its citizens. Being a Trump supporter is a detriment but if she can publicly convince the community that she means business then she might have a chance. Who wants it more???

Anonymous said...

Susan is getting our votes, Tino Villarreal is part of the problem at PUB. He knew the rats were eating plenty of green cheese $$$ now he wants to keep his friends from been investigate but our local DA is part of the problem too. Vote the DA out too. The democrats rats have been getting fatter and fatter from been over paid. This new mayor is going to go back on his words? It's family first taxpayers last.

Anonymous said...

May 7, 2023 at 3:24 PM

my, my, you got all the answers and even a theory. Now what are you going to do? I suspect nada. Not in the past, present nor in the future, and as for voting you don't sound like the type. So the only alternative for you to do with all your knowledge and ideas, is very simple. Como dicen los de esos barrios PICATEO!!!

Anonymous said...

Susan is trash, just look at her, can’t even take care of herself, does not look professional, and has zero solutions for any issue. She tried running on a Caty/Erasmo/Susan Slate and look how that turned out for her buddies. Birds of a feather flock together, Susan is one and the same as Erasmo and Pat Ahumada in heels. If this city is smart we’d avoid anything having to do with her.

Anonymous said...

The people in this area can't read or write either English or Spanish. So how can anyone possibly expect the voters to understand the propositions? That’s why all but one of the propositions was defeated.

Anonymous said...

10:05 I got more than you ever had, what do you have complaints? I gave you a solution but it hurt your sensitive feelings. Anyone can tell the yard needs to be cut, so do it! But no, you make senseless arguments with no answer just complaining. Why dont you take your butt hurt feelings and be pro-active. No necito escuchar nada del los barrios, soy producto de mi barrio! Te di las indicaciones para llegar al pozo y llegaste solo para AHOGARTE!

Anonymous said...

Susan well end up buying out the Adult day care owners for votes and get her home health patients to fill out their mail in ballots in her favor, trust me I know she did it to my grandma! Won’t happen again this time now that I’m aware of her scheme. Keep that in mind for this run-off if you have a family member under her home-health company’s care or at an Adult Day Care. Shame on those adult day care owners/directors for thinking they make a quick buck off of elders votes. This needs to be a full blown investigation!

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Tino had an entourage of young non-voters, hurling insults to his opponent at Burns elementary on election day, while he sat back and laughed with other adults? It's ok to bring on support , but as and educator/coach/adult bad behavior needs to be corrected if you see it. Tino, stop using people to do your dirty work, while you stand up there speaking so eloquently pretending you don't hurt a fly.

Anonymous said...

Y Erasmo donde quedo. El Queso del chisme.
Hope he gets the idea that no one is voting for you again. You showed what you will do if elected. You had your chance, call it quits. No proplem.
