Saturday, May 6, 2023



Anonymous said...

Trading Galonsky for the annoying greenhorn Bryan Martinez is like going from a Hollywood starlet to a Filipino fat ass broad. That striking a choice here, but Brown Blogger Montoya again going with his skin coloring acid test.

Vato, Galonsky has her own brain. Bryan Martinez is being led by zany commissioner Roy De Los Santos every step of the way. By the hand, by the nose. Como un pendejo.

U know it.

Anonymous said...

La Mrs. Paya

Anonymous said...

Nurith is the best candidate!!! A vote for Bryan is a vote for Roy who wants to control the city. Bryan is just a puppet. She cares about southmost. She is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm done being fucked by the Galonskys. I'm voting for someone new!

Anonymous said...

Go Bryan, you are the best choise for Southmost

Anonymous said...

Bryan Martinez....he will have challenges, successes etc but he is young and wants to learn. He expresses himself correctly and his brain is strong.

Bryan is good to his words and listens to residents.

Go Bryan.

Anonymous said...

Out with Galonsky,time for a new generation

Anonymous said...

A vote for Nurith is a is a vote for her “Money Bags” daddy and yes white for Bryan is a vote for Roy . They are not in it for us. They both have hidden agendas.

Anonymous said...

Galonsky is major problem on why residents and rate payers can't move forward,THEY WANT ALL THE COOKIES FIR THEMSELVES.

Anonymous said...

I like Bryan but his love and support to Roy to turn Brownsville into the LGBTQ City in the valley is WRONG!

Anonymous said...

For all you haters that dont like Bryan, i say why dont you run if you think you are better, smarter or straight? Really folks you all think Galonsky has doen a great job in the past years? Really or did she just help out here family make more money? (Casa del Nylon sale comes to mind) I voted for bryan becasue i want change for district 1, Galonsky never did anything about the BPUB scandal, oh i take that back, we got 5 years of the shaft and a $240.oo credit refund, NO POS WOW.

Anonymous said...

Member of a racist foundation? no way manipulated by the whites and cocos.

Anonymous said...

12:18 PM. afraid so.

Anonymous said...

Galonsky has her daddy’s brain and wants more for his pockets.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Nurith is a vote for the entitled privileged select few

Anonymous said...

No way Bryan gonna make.
Nice try young man.
Good luck in life.

Anonymous said...

Geppers Roy you sure you want to go this route….

Anonymous said...

Juan the city commission is all about numbers and making deals with fellow commissioners since there are 6 commissioners and one mayor, any commissioner needs 3 more votes to pass any kind of his bill, project or subject matter etc, Mayor only votes in a tie, i remember county commissioner Adolf Thomae (RIP) would always tell County Commissioner Mike Cortinas (RIP) if he knew how to count to 3? Becasue that what it would take to get any business done at the county commission when they had a meeting in the Good old days. And yes they would actually lock horns in those meetings many times. Neither one would back down. old timer

Anonymous said...

otro coco rules el gran southmost no tienen verguenza.
lets see if mitte will do something there, I don't think so, any bets?

Anonymous said...

well its whiteville again. forget el gran southmost, las prietas, el ramireno, el west, la moralla. El norte gano otra vez. keeping the potholes, traffic lights are not going to change to green, flooding continues, airless port forever, land deeds changing property owners (sooooon), mojados at the port will continue unabated, hwy 48 traffic will increase, another bridge is in the making that'll be two bridges now, y el coco mamon there will get an increase, likes to touch his knees and very ofter.

Anonymous said...

and she said shittttt missed out on a free paycheck...
for her its chones feria.
