Tuesday, May 9, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: With Title 42 (which allows express deportations in the midst of the pandemic) set to expire on Thursday, the militarization of the border is a reality. This video was taken by one of our eight readers depicting the build up already underway. With migrants now able to claim asylum and the government not able to claim it's keeping them out because of the danger of COVID, Texas governor Greg Abbott is calling for the military to thwart the "invasion."

Just a day after 8 asylum seekers from Venezuela were killed by a drunk city resident screaming racist insults before plowing into about 30 migrants at a bus stop where they had to sit on the curb, Abbott announced he was "wiring the border shut," starting at Brownsville. 
“This is one thing Texas is doing to secure the border,” Abbott wrote in his post sharing video of the sprawling wire fence. “This is the area near Brownsville where migrants were crossing in large numbers a few days ago. We now have it wired shut. Other areas will surface for crossing. We will wire them shut also.”

 Expect armed confrontations and fatalities to become commonplace as armed soldiers meet desperate immigrants along the river.)


Anonymous said...

Manufactured issue and "war zone" Republicans have been wanting for years. They're "illegal immigrants," so it's okay, says racist Greg Abbott.

Not our fault he's in a wheelchair, is it, Montoya?

Blowback will be fierce.


Anonymous said...

City of Brownsville will now be paying its city commission. $40,000 for mayor, $25,000 for commissioners.

You'll be paying them to do to you what they've done for years.

What fools you are.

Anonymous said...

The wall at the college is a few feet shorter making that area easier illegal entry into the Brownsville.

Anonymous said...


Minnesota Vikings QB

dead at 85

Anonymous said...

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday night shared a video of a new barbed wire fence in Brownsville designed to stop illegal migration into his state. The clip was shared on Abbott’s Twitter account the day after eight migrants were killed when a car plowed into a crowd of people outside a migrant and homeless center in the city.

“This is one thing Texas is doing to secure the border,” Abbott wrote in his post sharing video of the sprawling wire fence. “This is the area near Brownsville where migrants were crossing in large numbers a few days ago. We now have it wired shut. Other areas will surface for crossing. We will wire them shut also.”

Abbott promised there would be “more to come.” In his first public address following the Brownsville tragedy, the Republican governor on Monday accused cartels of “working in collaboration with President Biden and the federal government to facilitate that illegal [border crossing],” the Texas Tribune reports. “We are being overrun by our own federal government. Texas is being undermined by our own federal government in our efforts to secure our border.”

(Liar. Cheap politics from a desperate fool)))

Anonymous said...

What is "title 42," Montoya.


Anonymous said...

What people refuse to accept and or understand is that anyone entering our country without proper documentation is breaking federal law. Biden invited everyone to come to this country illegally wanting them to be future democratic voters. The Democratic party owns this mess. Why do we even bother having laws if they can so easily be broken? This whole fiasco has cost tax payers a lot of money. But who cares, its not their money. So if fatalities occur blame the moron you all voted into office.

Anonymous said...

Political Theater

Abbott will have a lot of explaining to do to God.

Lost soul.

Anonymous said...

Republicans will sic their dogs on all Blacks and Mexicans.


Anonymous said...

What took so long?

Anonymous said...

Pray for the safety of the people that will be there at the Border.

What is the protocol for first responders killed by the mobs?

Keep reporters away: no pictures of the dead.

The mobs know how to fight, they have military training as required by their governments.

Anonymous said...

I know what 41 is but not 42.

Anonymous said...

trumputo was right to sent missile boats down the river. only problem was that the targets had to be 3000 miles away and no cannons, rifles and guns and they only worked from 8am to 5pm and off on weekends. racist republican rules.

Anonymous said...

The troops, staff by the border are not well prepared and lack the equipment to control the illegal aliens. They do not have good protection gear, they have no good weapons and they have no good shoes. The government has failed the border employees.

The trucks, jeeps are old and not working well. The horses can be killed.

It is going to take two years for the equipment to be modern, good and working at full potential.

The illegal aliens have been trained to run, to wear gloves, to have change of clothes, plus they have guides that know the terrain.

Poor USA.

Anonymous said...

Sacred heart, the ngos of good neighbor are passing out cash and cell phones to migrants. They pay zero in taxes and constantly use public resources..Basically rich old ladies who are bored at home with fat husbands who are sick of them...200 Karen's pushing migrants on brownsville..you don't speak for everyone you old chupicabras

Anonymous said...

Ira Hayes-bobdylan
Gather 'round me people
There's a story I would tell
'Bout a brave young Indian
You should remember well
From the land of the Pima Indian
A proud and noble band
Who farmed the Phoenix Valley
In Arizona land
Down the ditches a thousand years
The waters grew Ira's peoples' crops
'Til the white man stole their water rights
And the sparkling water stopped
Now, Ira's folks were hungry
And their land grew crops of weeds
When war came, Ira volunteered
And forgot the white man's greed

There they battled up Iwo Jima hill
Two hundred and fifty men
But only twenty-seven lived
To walk back down again
And when the fight was over
And Old Glory raised
Among the men who held it high
Was the Indian, Ira Hayes

Ira Hayes returned a hero
Celebrated through the land
He was wined and speeched and honored
Everybody shook his hand
But he was just a Pima Indian
No water, no home, no chance
At home nobody cared what Ira'd done
And when did the Indians dance

Then Ira started drinking hard
Jail was often his home
They let him raise the flag and lower it
Like you'd throw a dog a bone
He died drunk early one morning
Alone in the land he fought to save
Two inches of water and a lonely ditch
Was a grave for Ira Hayes

Yeah, call him drunken Ira Hayes
But his land is just as dry
And his ghost is lying thirsty
In the ditch where Ira died

Anonymous said...

So everyone forgot about gun control and mass shootings because 8 illegals died?

Yup NRA pushing immigration agenda to overshadow gun reform

Anonymous said...

new car wash opened at the gas station on adams and international, in front of the bus station. people who don't work or live in the downtown area go check it out, see if you can tell who are students and who are immigrants. Don't pay attention to the ones that are wandering the nearby alleys trying to score a j.
