Thursday, May 4, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
How will State Rep. Erin Gamez vote on this?

With superintendents from school districts in Cameron, Willacy and Hidalgo counties struggling to make ends meet, the South Texas Independent School District (STISD) has enjoyed unfettered spending operating a district that levies an additional tax on the residents of the the three counties who must also pay property taxes to their local districts.

That access to almost unlimited property tax revenue has led to some excesses, including attending "retreats" in such education-friendly locales as the Bahamas with all expenses paid by taxpayers in the three counties while school districts continue to face budgetary difficulties. 

Now Rep. Sergio Muñoz has introduced Texas House Bill 5294 which seeks to prevent STISD from imposing an ad valorem (property) tax and to be operated and funded in the same manner as an open-enrollment charter school.In testimony before the House Public Education Committee, public school district superintendents say it's time for STISD to play by the rules (and funding) that apply to their districts. 

Many South Texas state representatives agree. But until now, it is difficult to determine where State Rep. Erin Gamez (D-Brownsville) stands and whether she will support the bill being pushed by area superintendents.

The district was created in 1964 by the Texas legislature to provide education to disabled youth who were then excluded from public education. It was known as Rio Grande Rehabilitation District until 1973 and renamed South Texas Independent School District in 1974.

STISD started as a residential school in Edinburg, named South Texas High School to accommodate students of the lower Rio Grande Valley, STISD opened another school by the same name in Harlingen in 1967. In 1982, STISD moved the Harlingen school to a new facility in San Benito.

Lawmakers changed STISD’s purpose in 1983 to operate as a vocational magnet schools. Soon after, South Texas High School for Health Professions (Med High) opened in Mercedes in 1984. It was followed by The Science Academy of South Texas (Sci Tech), also in Mercedes, in 1989.

In 1993, South Texas High School in Edinburg was redirected and reopened as The Teacher Academy of South Texas (Teacher Academy), and in 2003 morphed into a Teacher Academy and added business and technology programs and the school was renamed South Texas Business, Education & Technology Academy (BETA). That same year, South Texas High School in San Benito was redirected and reopened as South Texas Academy of Medical Technology (Med Tech).

In 2008, the junior high from South Texas Business, Education & Technology Academy (BETA) separated and opened as South Texas Preparatory Academy (STPA), the Medical Academy in 2015, in Olmito, across the expressway from Rancho Viejo. Then came the district opened Rising Scholars Academy of South Texas (Rising Scholars Academy)the South Texas ISD World Scholars (World Scholars, for short). Through the program change, the campus will expand its International Baccalaureate (IB) course offerings and continue to offer Dual Enrollment in partnership with South Texas College (STC) and The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV).

But superintendents from public school district say that STISD has been levying a tax that was approved by voters in Cameron, Willacy and Hidalgo almost 60 years ago to provide special education services to children in the three counties. Now, with every district offering special education, it has become redundant, a double property tax, they say.

As a result, the STISD taxing district across the three counties generates $12,600 per student. This is $5,300 more per student than every other district in the valley.

The South Texas ISD programming has veered from the original intention but continue to levy a tax that was intended to fund a program for the most vulnerable students in Rio Grande Valley  communities.

HB 5294 would place a referendum before taxpayers to let them decide if STISD should continue to pay this additional tax. It is NOT about eliminating the district. But don't feel sorry for the STISD. The bill makes a provision to fund STISD as a charter school in the event that the referendum passes. 

That would still give them approximately $1,800 more per student than your conventional public school. This higher amount is to account for facility.


Anonymous said...

Compare the enrollments if you go to the cost-per-student.

Otherwise, your premise is rendered moot.

Yeah, moot this!!!

Anonymous said...

Eddie Treviño for State Rep!

Anonymous said...

Insiders used information from the census data to find what cities fall in that category. The census reported each city’s workforce, household income, healthcare, and poverty.

These are the Texas cities:

Port Arthur ranked No. 2
Brownsville ranked No. 12
Huntsville ranked No. 20
Harlington ranked No. 39

This ranking should make ALL LAS RATAS concern.
workforce: from matamoscas
Household: minimum 8 persons per household
Income: way below poverty guildlines
Healthcare: Medical teams from up-north can't figure out why so much diseases here.
Poverty: No phones, no TV's, no stoves, no frig, no AIR CONDITION, but there are lots of car horns (operated manuallyofcourse).


Anonymous said...

These so-called South Texas representatives need to quit mixing the apples from the oranges in regard to land grant monies. Meaning using that grant monies intended for that specific area of need and only that area. If it's a school grant then use the grant monies for the school and only the school, the hospital land grant monies used for only hospital do not mix the two and then double dip. They need to quit abusing the grant monies allocated for that specific area and quit justifying as to how to mix or blend grants to control the grant monies. These so-called political leaders only work for one master and that is the oil and gas companies entity. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

how much did those parking meters cost US?


DID IT GO OUT ON BIDS? you know bidding process..

so why you want a purchasing agent for oh related to a very important rich and famous. y el da quye?

Anonymous said...

Juan, ask for a public information request on the board travel of these entitled, glorified board members. Go back to the years our county commissioner Joey Lopez was on there… when he became county commissioner he placed his wife in his spot! He did not want to miss out on the la ish trips they take. They had a retreat meeting at the Bahamas 🇧🇸 …it will blow your mind.

Anonymous said...

South Texas is a GREAT choice for valley students. School districts need to step up their game.

Anonymous said...

According to KRVG a Brownsville man "is not facing any charges after surveillance cameras showed him pocketing nearly $100 in change that was left behind at a Walmart self-checkout machine."

In the u.s. spy cameras are now focusing on change left on the streets just to arrest more people. Want more tax funding to built more prisons to help the economy.

And ALL racist repubicans agree.
republicans are greedy, self centered, rude, racist and think they own the world. Cocos, republicans don't like your ass they don't like hispanics, blacks, asians, muslins and they might not like moonies and maritans. FACT!!!!!!

how can on leave 100 dollars in change in one of those machines? it has a very tiny tray? think about it...

Anonymous said...

I don’t support paying taxes to another school district outside of where I live. That would be double taxation in the sense that I already pay for education once. Perhaps the proposed school choice voucher system is indeed a good future. for now, No double taxation, please!

Anonymous said...

Cut the ass of this school district. Paying two school districts taxes? This school district is hurting businesses that want to come to Brownsville. STISD, CC, BND, COB, TSC,ND,ETC. OVER TAX AND OVER SEX by this school district. Rats are democrats in this county and you know it, so is Pinocchio Jessica, she doesn't know anything about the Tanaka money missing!

Anonymous said...

STISD is a scam!

Anonymous said...

I agree we should not be taxed but i see the product this school district produces, so shame on the regular school districts if they cant keep up with these folks why do you think we have so many IDEA schools and other charter schools? Better results come to mind. Competition is good, now as for BND Brownsville Navigation district, according to their CEO/director Eddie Capechano they made records of revenues last year several millions, why not cut that tax off? just saying, el porter homie. .

Anonymous said...

stop the port from taxing us, the brownsville citizen enough is enough they are not held accoutable for nothing the port is full of mojados don't believe me,just drive down hwy 48 at 7:30am and 5:00pm.

Anonymous said...

The garcia school is rank in the lower 25% close it down and fire everybody, or sent them all to jail.
RATAS are every where aver Esparza HELP.esparza the terminator

if there is bad grammer no punuation and misspells I wen 2 garcia escue a.

Anonymous said...

Good job reporting this!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I noticed this 7 years ago, always thought it was a problem, this is from Joey Lopez and his constituents, he left the board to become a county commissioner leaving his wife in place on that board. BISD should grow the balls and fight the double taxation the citizens of Brownsville fight on the north side of town too. I’d much rather send my money to the schools my kids attend not the schools my kids don’t attend, this is a simple decision. No STISD tax!

Anonymous said...

And PUB wants you to give you back $260 of the $165million they stole from Brownsville residents

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 7:33 AM
Go moot your mama joton

Abigale Huels said...

Thanks for sharing such an amazing blog.
lucy in the sky returns.

Anonymous said...

are there any teachers at garcia school, its next to a street named matamoros? my girl friend wants to know

Anonymous said...

May 4, 2023 at 11:29 AM
maybe its because it next to a street named matamoros.
