Monday, May 1, 2023


Seshat, the ancient Egyptian goddess of record-keeping and measurement with a colorful cannabis leaf over her head. ( History with a Twist

High Times in Ancient China: 2,700-Year-Old Marijuana Stash Found in Shaman Grave


Anonymous said...


I knew that.

Anonymous said...

Who is this story for - veterans in the hospitals?


Anonymous said...

The Mexicans knew Grifa from Laredo to Brownsville.

pachucos were first street dealers. "Orale, guey. No chingues con mis calcos y dame un toque o te agarro a patadas!!!"

Anonymous said...

Greg Abbott goes racist again.

The Republican governor of Texas made his comments deliberately, it was his way of being "subtle" of brushing off the victims because they weren't worthy of compassion because they were "illegal immigrants".

Abbott's wife is Mexican. He's just pissed cause he's in a wheelchair. Must be Hell.

Anonymous said...

The only place to go is -

around in circles
the next scary and uncomfortable place that fits who we’ve become
up the wall
a saloon
outer space, with beep-beep robots and people covered in long fur
back to Mexico
the cliff
a sanitarium
around the bend
back to the alcohol or drugs
down to the floor
back to some less exalted things
back where you came from
the abyss
to the movies
a gay bar
into the sensuality and stillness of the present moment
small claims court
back home in your own mind
one of Jupiter’s satellites
glorious and exuberant ruination
into the pit
toward the center
somewhere out there to a Higher Source and to ask for supernatural help
somewhere else
further into the land of infinite recession
to the place of perfect measure—the place that doesn’t exist, at least not at present
the local shrine
back to the drawing board
to a night the autumn before everything changed
back to the beginning and enjoy it all again

Anonymous said...

A First Amendment issue

You are fully within your rights to record the police doing their job in public. And if you get arrested while doing so, your constitutional rights are being violated.

This is, unless you were doing something unlawful at the time of your arrest.

In a heated situation with police, that can also become a gray area. Physical assault or threats could obviously get you arrested, but what about if you were just yelling at the police while recording, say, to get them to stop an act or to pay attention?

“That’s tough,” Nott says. “If you were disturbing the peace, you can get arrested for that, or for other things. But the bottom line is it’s not a crime to record police activities in a public space.”

Anonymous said...

Abbot es un racista y una mierda!!! Hablando de mierda, el que le cambia el paƱal y le limpia la cola probablemente es Mexicano igual que la esposa( la pinche vieja no dice nada porque tiene chingos de billete y vive en una mansion). Este vato no tiene madre. Que dios nos libre de este gobernador.

Anonymous said...

Good Enough for Wille Nelson, good enough for me. Improved my I.Q. substantially.

Anonymous said...

May 1, 2023 at 7:25 AM May 1, 2023 at 8:02 AM May 1, 2023 at 8:21 AM
Como chingas pinche MARICON tu mama de cago no te pario pinche vieja
Buy the herald joto or start your own blog PENDEJO

Anonymous said...

May 1, 2023 at 8:55 PM
grifa does that at the cost of the user the price, YOU MAKE A PENDEJO OF YOURSELF, go ahead and be a pendejo.

Anonymous said...

pinche coco mamon, no wonder he changed his name using a gringo name now.

Mitte! who the shit is mitte? una prietota que estuvo aqui un pinche ano, y los gringos la trataron como basura and she left to corpus. hated this towm because of the racist attitude of the gringos. They feel bad about the treatment so they form this foundation and now they steal from the poor mejicano to re-built anglo owned strutures using tax payers city funds, of who 80% are mejicanos y pobres. FACT

man, we get it from all sides WHEN IS THIS RATISMO GONNA STOP?????????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

