Saturday, June 24, 2023


 This unit is criminally reasonable. This delightful historically-accurate decorated walk-in brick and mortar efficiency studio comes with original brick floor and overlooks a sun-drenched front yard landscaped with authentic native flora. Entertain guests on elegantly glazed terra-cotta tiled terrace.

Within crawling distance to the Library and Ramblas and in the heart of the entertainment district. Available on the first of the month when it will be vacated by current tenant who will sublet it for the duration of his six-month sentence at the county. 

No contract or lease necessary. Arrangements depend on renter's confirmed deposit of monthly stipend at the commissary. Cash on the barrel head. Criminal background check not required. Apply now and avoid the crush!


Anonymous said...

Un día después de que se dio a conocer que el sumergible Titán implosionó, agentes revisaron el lecho marino en busca de evidencia y se enfrentaron el viernes a preguntas sobre quién es el responsable de investigar la tragedia.

De momento no se ha abierto una investigación formal debido a que las agencias marítimas siguen ocupadas revisando la zona donde el sumergible implosionó, informó el viernes la Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos. Había escombros a unos 3.810 metros (12.500 pies) de profundidad, a varios metros de distancia del sitio donde se encuentran los restos del Titanic, a donde se dirigía. La Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos dirigió la primera búsqueda y misión de rescate.

“Sé que también hay muchas preguntas sobre cómo, por qué y cuándo ocurrió esto. Son preguntas sobre las que recopilaremos toda la información que podamos”, declaró el jueves el contralmirante John Mauger, del Primer Distrito de la Guardia Costera.

Anonymous said...

Latinos now outnumber non-Hispanic whites in Texas, census data shows
A demographic shift that has been expected for years was confirmed Thursday by the Census Bureau: Latinos now outnumber non-Hispanic whites in Texas.

To rule is next move to the back whitey

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Independent School District trustees on Thursday unanimously approved a $579 million operating budget for 2023-24,

"one-time $1,000 employee-retention stipend"

AND THIS IS BECAUSE THEY ONLY WORK 7 MONTHS A YEAR oh its not their money is's OURS. remember property tax is going up 40% SO THESE FOOLS CAN GIVE IT AWAY


let's re-elect them again and again and please give all the money away its not yours

Anonymous said...

There needs to be a place for homeless young people.

Another place for homeless women.
Another place for homeless men.

Another place for homeless that like alcohol, drugs and criminal activity.

The City of Brownsville can do it. They have money.

Anonymous said...

In the newly remodeled Ojete Barrio of downtown Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

call your buddies, Toya.......

or are all of them in county jail?

pos, si

Anonymous said...

Les digo a los mexicanos que tienen una muy bella ciudad!!!!! Be-lli-si-ma!!!! La he conocido! Saludos desde La Feria.

Anonymous said...

criminally reasonable?

bad english, montoya.

improve yourself, vato loco!

Anonymous said...


Margaret Smith

Beware! Texas Is Still Searching For The Most Dangerous Women

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2023 at 2:23 PM June 24, 2023 at 2:47 PM

ya vas a comensar otra vez tu y tu mama par de jotingos open your own blog and insult tu mama and yourself idiota jotingo. leave stop the insults joto

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2023 at 2:47 PM

You don't like it LEAVE VETE JOTINGO MAMON open your own blog joto

Anonymous said...

World’s Ugliest Dog Contest HERE.
I nominate el pendejo that insults the blog owner and everybody here. He's gotta be numero uno no doubt about it.

the prize a GIANT CHORIZO con papas/aroz of course.

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2023 at 2:47 PM
como chingas joton improve your mami joto open your own blog estupido so you can insult everybody including tu mama pendejo

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2023 at 2:47 PM June 24, 2023 at 2:23 PM
ya vas a chingar otra vez joto y tu mama? jotiando downtown joton.

Anonymous said...

Queering the Map, its coming you voted for them so you are stuck with it, now I hear there are several and are interested in queering the map.

Anonymous said...

3 killed, 5 hurt in Kansas City shooting.
Riders plunged from Sweden roller coaster, 1 dead.

Here, if you are killed its by shooting.
In other places of the world if you are killed, its by accident. FACT

Anonymous said...

Meet the NASA crew who will live on ‘Mars’ for a year in Houston
Y aqui que? nada nada y nada todo gratis, gracias pinches enanos mamones. get rid of all the eddies no more eddies here.

Anonymous said...

June 24, 2023 at 2:47 PM
don't like get the shit out of here estupido leave vete tu y tu mama jotingos.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous June 24 11:48 AM:
Don't know where you get your information but, Teachers work almost 10 months a year and not "..7 months a year" and babysit your illegitimate kids. They teach your kids what you should be teaching them, to be a model citizen. But, you probably are the worst example for them and are just a lazy bum living on government hand-outs. Pitiful!

Anonymous said...

As an educator we’re trying to mold the future generations. However, some closed minded people don’t see that. We spend more time with your children than you do. As far as working 7 months out of the year, you are wrong. We work summer school, attend workshops, and professional development during the summer. More people should be educators so they can see all the work that actually goes into teaching. We get paid less throughout the school year so that we can get paid during the summer months. I’m not putting anyone down or the work they do, but it seems that some people have no problem putting down teachers. Yes there are teachers that do more work than others but that occurs in any profession.

Anonymous said...

Teachers get no respect from anybody.
Principals, staff, school districts, school boards, Teaching agencies respect for teachers.

Anonymous said...

If im not mistaken the way its setup at BISD , the majority of the employees work 9 months and change and are off during your kids summer vacation. The amt they get paid is divided into 12 months evenly. Quick example: if employee makes $12,000 a yr total, that means he/she gets $1000 every month. No more no less. No matter how you slice it, its still $12,000 a yr!!! So this business of them being called huevones and lazy bums cause they’re “off” for summer vacation is preposterous. Don’t be hater’s, apply to work for BISD and then you will also be off in summertime and collect your salary at the same time. By the way, try your hand at dealing with a classroom with 30-35 unruly students every day for 8 hrs. And that includes dealing with the issues of drug use, mental health, violence, suicidal tendencies, undisciplined and the over privileged behaviors that plague our youth nowadays. Its rough everywhere folks!!! Thats my opinion thanks. ENJOY YOUR SUMMER

Anonymous said...

June 25, 2023 at 6:20 PM June 25, 2023 at 2:47 PM

As a teacher, simple math should be easy for you, just add 3 months off plus all the fed holidays (abt 11), plus charro days (1-1/2 weeks) xmas (2 weeks), vacation besides the 3 months off which is 2 more weeks and sick leave again 2 more weeks and any additional EXTRA days off ANOTHER 2 MORE WEEKS. Oooops that's 6 months that you are at work. and a 1000 dollar free from people that don't pay taxes elected officials. PUROS MAMONES they all need to be voted out mamones.

stop the personal insults typical low life teachers ready with the personal insults. is that all you people know????

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2023 at 9:39 AM

Anonymous said...

June 25, 2023 at 2:47 PM
I just hope you are not a teacher and if you are you need to quit and go find a job at the port or at the landfill, away from humans.

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2023 at 10:40 AM

I have a friend that is a teacher and she is living with her parents.

She gets home all tired and the father tells her "Why are you tired? Do you work in the fields? Do you do heavy lifting? Do you work at night? etc

She is gaining weight...the profession is destroying her. Poor teacher.

Teachers need help.

Anonymous said...

Now for a good use of the word MAMONES(that is so commonly used in this blog) : Teachers(educators) and ancillary staff have it difficult. This is what i mean, every place of employment has its bad apples and the school district is no exception. But the good news is that there also exist very dedicated and loving employees working there. And this is important because we entrust our children to these people. And this is where that word(in caps)comes into play. The people that constantly give a bad name and create a chaotic environment comes from the top. Time and time again we hear all these stories of all the $$$ being spent on a superintendent and a hoard of area sups, administrator’s, supervisors and their assistants etc. And then we have the revolving door of trustees that always seem to create problems instead of solving them. If all the stories are true, thats where the problem is !!! OUR CHILDREN SHOULD BE THE TOP PRIORITY not all the red tape and shenanigans coming from the top and lets not forget that it ……..always rolls downhill .

Anonymous said...

7 months son muchos
Teachers work 187
And those of us that retired with full pay well we dont work anymore

Anonymous said...

@June 26, 2023 at 10:40 AM

Baby, no matter how much you try to rationalize it, you are just an idiot. Bless your heart. I would try to explain it but you would never get it. Blessing!

Southern Lady

Anonymous said...

Why the math?

We work 187 days!

Well we do get 10 sick days

So 177 days hombre
Education pays

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2023 at 6:09 PM

Well babie, even if you tried, the math just isn't there. facts are facts, and to top if off the elected officials will donate, from our taxes of course, all you huevones mil dolares. DISGUSTING for what, to get re-elected again, in other words all of you pendejos are a bunch of "VENDIDOS" that's what they are telling the whole city. think about it babie...

pinches vendidos, huevones Y MAMONES!!!!!!
there's that word again MAMONES get it?

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2023 at 12:26 PM
true but she's kinda fat so she goes jogging and sometimes runs that's why she's tired. Most go to the local bars and complain about their day and I know.

Anonymous said...

I love teachers really

Anonymous said...

187 days! The idiot thinks that a $5.35 raise a day is a tremendous amount of money. He is jealous because he can't afford to go to Vegas, lol.

Anonymous said...

June 26, 2023 at 12:26 p.m.

Because she cares. There are good teachers that care. I have a friend who teaches and there are times when we go out that he gets very serious and quite when I ask what is going on he'll respond I'm thinking of a way to teach a lesson.

From spending time with him I have learned that teachers can't leave their job at school.

Anonymous said...

Boohoo boohoo, Blubber, Sob sob, Waah waah, Neeeeh (baby crying). Just in - I heard that the blog owner is installing a cry botton, sometime in the future. There will be a cost to use it but relax all teachers using this button will be free no charge. gracias

Anonymous said...

The most difficult time for teachers is Summer. Some work to earn money.
Others work at home, doing chores they can not do during the school year.
Others use the summer to relax and get ready for another school year that includes: harsh words, jealousy, mistreatment, disrespect and stress.

They say that it is better to work with children than with adults.
Adults are mean, they do not care, and they like to hurt others just for fun.

Anonymous said...

June 27, 2023 at 1:10 PM
Does he do that between the 11pm to 4am? or is he busy? just askin' for my lady friend she's a teacher and wants to know.

Anonymous said...

$5.35 pay raise a day? WOW lets see 5.35 pay raise a day, hmmm times 187 days is a total of $1,00,45 WOW that is not enough, maybe a gardener job would be better. I know a few gardners that do a lot of money

Anonymous said...

June 29, 2023 at 4:32 PM

Yes, I did the math.

Now I want to figure out the lawn mowing business. If a person charges $35 to mowing a lawn and he mows 5 lawns a day he earns $175 a day. Now $175×187= $32,725. Y el ignorant complaining because BISD employees got a $1000 retention stipend.

What I learned during COVID is that lots of parents didn't want their children home. Many parents enjoy the freedom that schools provide. "Boom Boom Boom Let's go back to my room."

Anonymous said...

Let us take it further $5.35÷8 hours= 0.67 I don't understand why some people get their panties all in a bunch for .67 cents. People that are teachers aren't in the profession for the money.

Yes, gardeners earn more money. If they mow a lawn for $35 in 45 minutes they definitely earn more money than some professionals who went to college. Some of these gardeners even live in housing, receive food stamps, and have medicaid.
