Monday, June 5, 2023




Anonymous said...

Telling your readers who to vote for hasnt worked out for us has it? I see his ad on the right margin. Is this man related to the last Villarreal that was the downtown commissioner who was planted in the position by his mentor-manipulator former commssioner Hernandez.

JOE LOL said...

Good to hear Tino speak about himself and his bid for office. But, man, Juan Montoya's heavy Mexican accent grates the listener's ears (slacked jaw, heavier-than-usual tongue?). Montoya should find someone else to do these interviews, someone with more an American tone of voice.

As it is, Brown Blogger blows this offering.

(plus, is it me, or is Montoya's head too big for his body? Camera angle?)

(did hear all of Tino's candidate spiel, which was the good side of this.)


Anonymous said...

I like looking at the ladies! 馃懎 馃槈

Are you interviewing his opponent, Susan?

Anonymous said...

This cat is not a politician. Doubt that he'll shake the City Hall trees. Seems another Ben Neece, another Roy De Los Santos, another Joel Munguia, another John Villarreal. Comfortable people won't make waves, Toya.

"Meow, meow," says Tino in reply.

Anonymous said...

Es joto tambien?

Anonymous said...

Only in Texas -

The Texas Rangers Are the Only Major League Baseball Team Not Hosting A Pride Night This Year

The Rangers' schedule does include a Margaritaville-themed night, however.

(they answer to Republican bigot Greg Abbott, the governor.)

Anonymous said...

He is kissing Cowen's ass way too much.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

CIUDAD DE M脡XICO — Morena, el partido del presidente Andr茅s Manuel L贸pez Obrador, se consolid贸 como principal fuerza pol铆tica del pa铆s al ganar el domingo la gubernatura del Estado de M茅xico, una victoria que pon铆a fin a casi un siglo de gobiernos del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) en la entidad m谩s poblada de la naci贸n y basti贸n de la centenaria organizaci贸n.

Aunque los datos eran todav铆a preliminares, el conteo r谩pido que dio a conocer el instituto electoral del estado el domingo, una estimaci贸n oficial a la que se atribuye un 95% de fiabilidad, situaba a la candidata de Morena, Delfina G贸mez, nueve puntos por delante de Alejandra del Moral, representante de una coalici贸n encabezada por el PRI, que reconoci贸 con dignidad su derrota, algo poco usual en la pol铆tica mexicana.

Pasada la medianoche, con el 83% de los votos contados, ese margen era de m谩s de ocho puntos.

Anonymous said...

These could be better, juan. Something's missing here.

Anonymous said...

Words used in this interview: values, family, ethics, faith, trust,TRANSPARENCY, authority , etc. We’ve heard all these words used before to describe candidates and their views with disastrous results. Its like they all take the same course and use the same thesaurus to describe themselves and what always turn out to be empty promises. It seemed like Mr Villareal was very careful not to step on anyone’s toes when asked about the Tenaska fiasco . Its seems very strange that after so many months of printing negative stories about this guy, why the about face. Does anyone have any insight or theories why this may be happening?? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Was this guy's brother a comissioner ?

He looks like a John Villarreal?

Anonymous said...

What did happen to the Boy's Club we had in the 70's and 80's that later became the Boy's & Girl's Club in the 90's? At one point we had 3 Boy's & Girl's Clubs. The main unit in downtown, the Gonzalez Park unit, and the Oliveira Park unit. Who or what killed the Boy's & Girl's Club in Brownsville?

Anonymous said...

June 5, 2023 at 3:48 PM
your ass pendejo

Anonymous said...

The Boys and girls clubs were driven to the ground by their admin
Who was Indicted for theft

He was hailed as a hero of the Barrio for the Barrio and bit the hand that fed him

La cago!

Anonymous said...

So are you pursuing charges of fraud against everyone else involved in PUB? I don’t think so.

Anonymous said...

Tino Villareal has pretty eyes: kind, generous, fun, etc

Juan Montoya is a papito = very handsome.

I will vote for Tino.

I will vote for Juan Montoya for mayor of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Villarreal's allegiance should be for the citizens of Brownsville.

Why is Villarreal wearing a PUB lapel pin on his jacket now before the election? Is he sending out a message about his true allegiance?

He is a former PUB board member, he has personal knowledge about the Tenaska fiasco and he wears a PUB pin? Really ???

Why is he wearing FRUIA socks? Is there big money and back room deals and other secret deals and endorsements for Villarreal?
