Friday, June 9, 2023


CNN's Kaitlan COLLINS: We’ve heard the audiotape, Mr. President. There’s an audio of you asking him to find you 11,000-something votes.
TRUMP: I didn’t ask him to find anything.

Fox News’ Sean HANNITY asked the former president about a reported tape of him discussing a sensitive military document he allegedly took from the White House.
TRUMP: “I don’t know anything about it,” he said

(But I'll feed them for free at my restaurant and loteria instead, yeah!)

(Oh, well, let's bus them in for the vote after all. What the hell!)

(Well, maybe one or two a day. Couldn't hurt, really, could it?)

(What? Capt. Bob Sanchez has bonded out again from the city jail?)


Anonymous said...

Overweight women do not make good politicians. They're always at the kitchen table.

Tino Villarreal should have whipped this honeybun senseless, but for some reason he held back. Tino may regret it.

That jellyroll on her lost my vote!

Anonymous said...

Bottom photo -

Which one is Capt. Bob?

they both look like him, Toya!


JOE LOL said...

Bottom photo:

Which one is Capt. Bob?

they both look like him, Toya!


Anonymous said...

I say Bob Sanchez's bald head looks too much like Susan's physically-eccentric belly.

Sanchez backing anyone is the death knell.

Susan Ruvalcaca stinks!!!

Anonymous said...

Save the whales!

(Something in this post made me think of that)

Anonymous said...

Do not vote for anyone who supports Trump, the biggest liar and instigator in the USA.

Anonymous said...

she is gross

Anonymous said...

Richard H. Is a retired DPS forensic. You think he would side next to somebody who is fake. You’re reaching and twisting with post. I love your hustle but this isn’t working. Richard H… Does a lot of clean ups in our beloved Brownsville community. He’s loved by many and many follow him. We show up when he calls.

Anonymous said...

Also it’s illegal to post the inside of a voting location.

Anonymous said...

Cue the mariachi, Juan -

"...estas son las gordiflonas que cantaba el Rey David..."

Anonymous said...

When your taking pictures with Captain "snow" (cough, cough) Bob, you either: A. have to be a bigger piece of trash than him; B. have to be as big as a piece of garbage as him. But what can you say losers hang with losers, Susan will soon join the loser circle who will be made at the world and hate anything this city does positive or negative. Birds of a feather ..... wait, cows of the same herd graze together.

Anonymous said...

Tino!! Tino!!! Tino!! Tino!! Tino!!

Anonymous said...

It think it's hilarious this lady owns a home health company and is having a dinner party with her patients! Dont tell me shes not manipulating their mail-in ballots. Ill gurantee Tino wins the election but shell some how win the mail-in votes, dont be surprised! Its ridiculous how Susan, Caty, and Erasmo manipulate the Adult-day care votes. There should be an investigation opened up on this with all Adult day care directors and candidates included, please get the DA involved! For the record the DA's best friend is a mad little trucker who continues to try to snag more money from BCIC meanwhile complaining about every new person that gets funding, so while were at it lets open up an investigation on the madd truckers funds and where it went followed by an investigation on the Adult day care manipulation of votes. Wait this is Saenz right, nevermind he wont do anything .... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

So you post a picture of a meet and greet for Susan at her restaurant and tell people it’s a food bribe, when Tino gave Pizza and is now giving barbacoa on election days by the library. You post a picture of Susan waving at an election site that Tino was also at just across the street and say she is harassing voters. You really like to twist things for $. As far as the fat shaming going on Brownsville should be ashamed of themselves. I bet you didn’t care about her weight when you were cashing that PUB Refund check she helped with.

Anonymous said...

(Overweight women do not make good politicians. They're always at the kitchen table.)

She's fat enough to suddenly die of a heart attack.


Anonymous said...

So we should for Mr PUB guy then?

Anonymous said...

You support Trump ? I won't support you. Period.

Anonymous said...

2:34 So, the claim to fame is that she some how got people their PUB refund check? Lets be real, she did NOTHING, there was already an ongoing investigation and the PUB board as well as the city already had this up their sleeve. There were many concerned citizens as there was a packed PUB board room and city hall during these heated moments. So NO i dont care about her weight but i wont give her credit for any PUB refund either. Susan did not vote on this decision, Susan had zero say so on the decision to refund the citizens in closed sessions, and no board member took her into consideration. The credit should be given to the COB internal investigation and the crack of the whip they put on the PUB and PUB board members. Ask any board member if they ever took any comment made by her to thought during their decision, the answer is simply NO. Some good conscious PUB board members were already on board with the COB to make this happen. Once again, she literally had ZERO with getting anyone a refund. Is she a concerned citizen, yes, we all are, so give yourself the same pat on the back that you would give her. There were many different moving pieces in this puzzle and none of those moving pieces were named Susan

Anonymous said...

Susan Ruvalcaba is going to win. She is a Republican and the Republicans are going to vote for her.

Go Susan.
All the patients, employees are going to vote for Susan. All the people that go to her restaurant are voting for her. She is the winner.

The Democrats do not vote.

Anonymous said...

Why this big fear of Trump? You should fear Joe Biden who is selling our country to the highest bidder.

Anonymous said...

June 10, 2023 at 5:31 AM

Trump was friends with Putin.
Trump was friends with Kim Jong Un.

Joe Biden is friends to the USA. He knows the politicians since 1970.
They like him (Republicans and Democrats). He is one of them plus he is outspoken and knows how to be a president.

Anonymous said...

Just let it go…and wait for Election Day.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

June 10, 2023 at 5:31 AM

Why not fear Trump? He is the modern day equivalent to Hitler. Only a dumbass is not scared!

As far as Susan Rubalcava is concerned "what bumb vieja." She supports Trump and then goes takes a picture with Bob Sanchez. You all think that she "ate him and that he got her tail?" After all those are his slogans hence his philosophy. However, never thought he subscribed to "save a whale date fat chick." Vieja Pendeja.

Anonymous said...

@. June 9, 2023 at 8:37 PM

What a pathetic, hateful comment you made, because this is not a position with any affiliated party. I'm not republican and still voted for her. This egotistical comment can make someone regret voting for that person. I voted for the person who has questioned what has affected the Brownsville community. As I am trusting that Susan is on the communities side, I am hoping that her party affiliation doesn't come into play. We need to stop the Democrat, Republican and Independent bashing in order to help our community. Such comments like ~June 9, 2023 at 8:37 PM ~ is what divides our city elections. I don't care what color your are, who you love and what party you are, how much education you have, where you went to school, what your job title is, just do right for the city. For the sitting commissioners and mayor I hope your decision making is not to make yourselves richer or to promote your personal or friend's agenda's. My party is not more than yours and not less than yours. Peace !

Anonymous said...

It wasn't chicken plates ..she lied

It was Delicious Barbacoa..
He got my vote..

Con home health y todavia ..
Stingy..Ni pan dulce ofrecio.

Anonymous said...

@ June 9, 2023 at 8:37 PM

Even though I may vote for Susan,( despite of her party affiliation), because she has openly questioned BPUB and the city, your arrogance pushing your party affiliation is really a turnoff. I may change my mind, but I'm just one. This position is not one party.

Anonymous said...

cardboard susan. pendeja...

Anonymous said...

juan did susan graduate from Porter HS ?

Anonymous said...

Juan talking about Gladys Porter High School, as some folks are asking if Susan Rubalcaba graduated from that high school, lets see the list of some graduates from GPHS that done well, Minerva Pena BISD school board member, Mr. Sauceda former Brownsville police Dept Police chief, now Asst. city manager at city of brownsviie, Jerry Briones appointed Interim Exe Director at BGIC annoucement just came out, Juan Ortiz, City of La Feria EDC Director and Orlando Campos finalist for the Harlingen EDC Exe Director position. Not bad for a few Gladys Porter High school alumni, I know some attorneys and even a cameron county sitting court at law judge are among the many more. So congratulations to all these former students and to the current 2023 class of Gladys Porter High School that just graduated, reach for the the Stars.

Anonymous said...

Body shaming candidates, Vicente's mass texting to promote his guy, flag gifting and the Republican's insulting their opposing party in promoting their gal is nauseating.
This seat belongs to the person willing to represent all citizens of Brownsville. However, some of our sitting politicians
( yes, some highly educated) will get richer and have privy information to benefit their hidden agendas.

Anonymous said...

Being obese is a choice.
Choice for a easy way of life
No need to shame them
They walk with their head down
