Friday, July 21, 2023


By Alan Feur
New York Times

The federal judge overseeing former President Donald J. Trump’s prosecution on charges of illegally retaining dozens of classified documents set a trial date on Friday for May 2024, taking a middle position between the government’s request to go to trial in December and Mr. Trump’s desire to push the proceeding until after the 2024 election.

In her order, Judge Aileen M. Cannon said the trial was to be held in her home courthouse in Fort Pierce, Fla., a coastal city two-and-a-half hours north of Miami that will draw its jury pool from several counties that Mr. Trump won handily in his two previous presidential campaigns.

Judge Cannon also laid out a calendar of hearings, throughout the remainder of this year and into next year, including those concerning the handling of the classified material at the heart of the case.

The scheduling order came after a contentious heating at the federal courthouse in Fort Pierce where prosecutors working for the special counsel, Jack Smith, and lawyers for Mr. Trump sparred over when to hold the trial.

The timing of the proceeding is more important in this case than in most criminal matters because Mr. Trump is now the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination and his legal obligations to be in court will intersect with his campaign schedule.

Indeed, the date Judge Cannon chose to start the trial – May 20, 2024 – is one day before the primary in the key swing state of Georgia. But it falls after the bulk of the primary race contests will have already taken place.


Anonymous said...

No one cares. Lets talk about the current President.

Anonymous said...

Any other fool would have already been arrested, jailed and tried. Being a presidential candidate?

fuck that.


Anonymous said...

Trump has the face of a guy who likes to suck black dick.

heard that.

Anonymous said...

Fuck that PUTO!!! And he has the nerve to say (when he got indicted)”today is a horrific day in our nation” For our nation ?? Don’t include our nation in your bullshit. You got yourself in this mess, has nothing to do with the nation. Self inflicted mother fucker. You’ve done this all your miserable life. As a matter of fact Trump has injected so much poison and hate into our country that we are quickly turning into a 3rd world country. Dishonesty has always been a part of politics but Trump has taken it to a new level with all the hatred, bigotry,lies,divisiveness etc. Time to face the music you coward and if your so innocent as you say , run to court and prove it!!!! And yes, if the Bidens or any other politicians have broken the law, let them suffer the consequences as well. Time to take our country back and prove that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.

Anonymous said...

Pinche Cheeto is done! All his trumputos can go suck him dry.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lock Biden up!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fulton County DA prepares MASSIVE RICO INDICTMENT for Donald Trumputo

bye bye jotito hello sing sing

where's my orange pantsuit?????

Anonymous said...

FBI Opened Probe Into President Donald Trump's Ties To Russia

Anonymous said...

FBI Opened Probe Into President Donald Trump's Ties To Russia, North Korea, China, Iran, Iraq, Laos, Cuba, North Vietnam y Sanbene.

Anonymous said...

Democrats of today isn't the party of past decades..Im switching parties if they nominate Biden..

Anonymous said...

What's taking so long to held Trump accountable for the January 6th attack on our Capitol? A lot of those people who were dumb enough to obey his orders to stormed the Capitol to try and stop the election certification are already serving time in jail but the main instigator and solely responsible person for everything that occurred on January 6th is still a free man. What's worst, he is running for president again and will surely cry again about rigged elections. Thankfully we already know who tried to commit election fraud "Georgia find me 11k votes" corrupt person to the max.

Anonymous said...

Did the federal government took all of those BLM protesters to jail during their riots last year in Western pacific states. BLM have privilege to burn, attacking police, blocking traffic, ect???

Anonymous said...

My wife was all so brave for this photoshoot. She is a teacher here in the RGV with a very naughty side. She doesn't care much about being a teacher anymore so she's not worried to show her face.

one day this blogger will post her pictures.

Anonymous said...

6:14 AM

You should have your wife take your hook, line, & sinker and shove it up your wazoo. Nobody cares if she is a conservative nun who teaches much less wants to see her. Your vieja is vieja.

Anonymous said...

6:14 AM

If she's pretty, why not? bring it on. Always looking for new encounters of the dark side, and include those pretty feet, still waiting...

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2023 at 6:22 PM
Sobran pendejos y este es uno. go ahead vote racist republican and if you are meskin or a coco start packin', their plan is to ship non-white persons out of here. go ahead pendejo.

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2023 at 5:50 PM

SANBENE? it ain't even on da mapa....

Anonymous said...

It's high time to send both Joe Biden and Donald Trump to prison. Both of these crooked morons have divided our country. Lets vote for change.
Put political parties aside and vote for the man or woman who can lead us out of this mess we're in.

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2023 at 9:23 AM July 22, 2023 at 9:23 AM July 22, 2023 at 9:23 AM

Juanon for presidiente
Juanon for county judge
Juanon for governador
Juanon for city commissioner
Juanon for county commissioner
Juanon for BISD trust-her
Juanon for Port somebody?
Juanon for Judge only UNO is needed
Juanon for all elected offices

change name from camaron to Juanon county. who the shit is camaron, a shrimp?

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2023 at 6:58 PM
I agree! who else?
