Saturday, July 22, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A Louisiana man on probation for unspecified crimes in Louisiana has been charged with aggravated assault upon a woman that he believed to be a a gay person, according to the Brownsville Police Department.

 Martín Sandoval, spokesman for the Brownsville Police, said Jonathan Zeno is accused of stabbing a woman in the head and shoulder because he wanted to kill a homosexual person.. He is being held at the Rucker-Carizales Detention Center on a $100,000 bond. 

Local bar owners say that Zeno was holding two jobs and told them he was making payments on his probation after arriving in Brownsville from Louisiana. They said he had struck up a relationship with someone he thought was a woman. 

The BPD spokesman said Zeno had anger management issues and that he had taken it out on a victim he thought was a gay person and assaulted her. The attack took place Wednesday night, police said.

Despite Zeno's alleged statement that he wanted to kill a gay person, he is currently only facing one charge. However, Sandoval acknowledged that the prosecutor could impose another charge on the defendant based on his alleged hate toward persons for their sexual preference.

This case generated reactions among activists in the LGBTQ+ community.

Gabriel Sánchez, leader of the LGBTQ+ community, acknowledges "that there is a climate of great fear in our community. Many people want to attack our community. I think that contributes to the fact that they see us as less than human and unfortunately this type of violence is common...".

The Brownsville Police assures that it is there to protect the entire community and encourage victims of hate crimes to contact the authorities.


Anonymous said...

Bull shit, meskins don't care about jotos just jotitos like the one that insults everybody here and that failed blogger. Bring more louisiana anti-gay haters to browntown. Its about time browntown gets on the mainstream.

Anonymous said...

I hope that our judicial system takes this case seriously and prosecutes it to the fullest extent. We need to send a strong message to losers that when you come to this town you either behave or get caged up like a dog. We already have enough losers we don’t need any more.

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not the same prosecutor who let that black man who killed three women on SPI. This roach will be out quickly if it is.

Anonymous said...

Most hate crimes are perpetrated by blacks. That's an inconvenient truth.

Anonymous said...

Was it a guy dressed up like a woman? Being politically correct calling "he" a "she"?

People wake up. Not ok to stab people, but also NOT ok to go around pretending to be something your not. Deceiving men on purpose, lying to men, wanting to trick them into believing you a girl then they find out you got a dick. It won't end well!!! Do girly dress up shit in your own bedroom, but don't go out in public and try to fool men, keep your mental illness in your own house. Be safe.

Anonymous said...

Bars are not a good place for guys.

If you go to bars your just looking for trouble.


Good luck young man.

So sorry for your problems.


Anonymous said...

Fox News
Trans Democrat lawmaker conspired with daycare worker to sexually exploit children, graphic texts show: feds

Anonymous said...

Usually in any scenario with any person when you deceive someone it doesnt end well.

Anonymous said...

The media is twisting this story into a hate crime. Why don't they say it or call it what it is: A case of DECEIT that went wrong.

There ought to be some kind of law that also puts some kind of charges or fines on these deceitful persons. IT IS WRONG TO LIE!

Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter! Free him!

Anonymous said...

Not all heroes wear capes

Anonymous said...

July 22, 2023 at 10:26 AM

Sounds like you are talking about the elected ratas politicals here. Their only mental illness is their love for money. be safe keep your feria in your shoe.

Anonymous said...

Most men lie to women. Sad but true. The thing is that if a male dresses as a woman and tries to deceive society it should be expected because beneath the dress it is a man and most men lie. Why do men pretend to be something they are not? The lay is just not worth it.

Anonymous said...

Same hate crime against Christians like commissioner de los santos did

Anonymous said...

Most transsexual men aren't really interested in becoming women. They get aroused by seeing themselves as women. They are autogynephiles. Look at Dylan Mulvaney. Still has a penis. Even after helping destroy BudLight. Once the penis is removed, there is no more sexual pleasure or orgasms. That's why suicide is the end state of transgenderism, fortunately.

Anonymous said...

SpaceX promise of jobs bringing South Texas too many newbies.

Anonymous said...

The ignorant comments on this post help to verify the 140 rank in education. The only way to diminish any type of hate crime is to charge and prosecute when they are committed. Compassion for all people. If the perpetrator wants to claim deception as a defense let him. But good luck with that failure of an idea

Anonymous said...

change the teachers and the rankings will go up aaaah stay the same... Need a new model of teaching like say a whole year at work!!!!!!
6 months or 7 months IS NOT ENOUGHT.....

Anonymous said...

Does he look like an honest person?

Anonymous said...

July 23, 2023 at 12:02 PM
I don't blame them non could fill out a simple ABC job application, so who is to blame?

sanjoseadacemia? idealschool? Harmonypublicschools? Southerncareersinstitute? BrownsvilleISD? Kokua? Communitiesinschool? BastripIndependentschooldistrict? Santamariaindependentschooldistrict? SouthtexasindependentSchoolDistrict?

Need more schools!!

Anonymous said...

Most hate crimes aren't prosecuted as such in Democrat run areas because most hate crimes are perpetrated by blacks and other minorities. Democrats don't believe that blacks can be racist, but nobody hates blacks more than other blacks.

Anonymous said...

Hey I saw that guy at church sunday and he was collecting for the padrito. Hummmmm?
