Sunday, August 13, 2023



Anonymous said...

Looks like ese pendejo that insults the blog owner. You invite him to your home and insults you in front of all your family, friends and other visitors. Mental retard don't know what ETHICS is all about.

Y el cheque que? gets a check from all the rata elected officials that want this blog closed. ethics baboso.

Anonymous said...

famous last words: "I have never insulted no-one here."

A leading scholars from Yale graduates' experts in blog insults have commented, "Lying on a blog is against the cuarenta y uno (41) amendment of the constitution of operations of blogs". Disqualification of participants in such an event is mandatory according to Professor Artemio Palanca a yale graduate and leading scholar of internal blog disseminations.

Anonymous said...

Biden and his son's ethics don't bother you. Why do Clarence Thomas'?

Anonymous said...

Untouchable High Court of Crooks.
Do as I say, not as I do

Anonymous said...

Do Does

Anonymous said...

clarence thomas should be a movie star and an idol he's so pretty ug

Anonymous said...

According to a person familiar with the matter of jotismos it is true he is a jotito and his mama tambien es maricona par de jotitos y un racista republicano coco y mamon.

Anonymous said...

Supreme Court justices are appointed by POTUS to further their agendas, Democratic & Republican. SC justices think they are above the law, untouchable and unethical. A two-tier justice system exists for the ultra-wealthy and common citizens. We the People have lost our rights to reign in these loose cannons. If we ever had that ability. We get played by both parties. We fight over scraps like wedge issues while our coffers are pillaged by non-taxpaying corporations and banks. Profits are privatized while losses are socialized. Something to think about...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I support the decision by the Supreme Court on affirmative action. Race should not play a part when entering a college/university. A students’ acceptance into a higher educational institution should be solely based on their test scores. I understand that this eliminates some minorities but it’s the fair thing to do. This has nothing to do with race only intelligence.

Anonymous said...

The only ones above the law are the Biden's Accept it!

Anonymous said...

August 13,2023 at 8:45 PM

Look who is calling the kettle black. YOU are a BITCH too. You definitely don't charge for your bitch ass comments.

Anonymous said...

August 14, 2023 at 6:59 AM

August 13,2023 at 8:45 PM andas pedo pendejo? there's no 8:45 estupido

Anonymous said...

Si, fue el Tequila. I meant to key in 8:24 PM. Salud. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Black students are given unfair entrance exams. Take away the math, English, science. Writing tests and give them welfare test, food stamps tests. Laziness test, shooting and robbing test, beating up people in street test, I cannot breathe test, I want my lawyer test, smoking weed test, you are against me test, whitey is against me test. Plus, do my homework and studying test. The en

Anonymous said...

13:29 PM

Don Julio makes you forget dates. ok

Anonymous said...

Trump Shares Post Suggesting 'Civil War' mojados for trumputo hahahahaha jajajajajaja

Anonymous said...

sling shooters get ready civil war is around the corner en la catorse. are you ready???

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is the only one I know that can count to three and get two numbers wrong

Anonymous said...

August 14, 2023 at 1:58 PM

They all get the first answer WRONG: QUESTION and answer.
Answer the first question to the best of your ability. Are you white?
A no gets you kicked out of ALL colleges here in the USA.

Anonymous said...

August 13, 2023 at 8:24 PM

So you paid a gringo to translate your stupid comments? Pinche mojado Usa un tendedero to dry tu pinche ropa idiota por miendras que YO atienda tu vieja.

amerikan citisun don't work around here any more idiota. u needie papeles guey

Well come to aamerika senor here are your Red ballon and barb wire
