Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Agenda Item for BCIC Thursday, August 31, 2023, 5:00 p.m meeting relating to CEO Cori Peña to be held at eBridge Center for Business and Commercialization, 1304 E. Adams St.

By Juan Montoya
Remember the agenda item last April 27 when the board of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation tried to amend its bylaws to allow immediate family members of city officials and board members and city employees to apply for grants, some for as much as $200,000 or more?

Well, guess what, the BCIC had already been awarding some of its board members, city officials, and their family members cash grants using the subterfuge that they abstained from voting money for themselves or their kin.

The amendment, it would appear, was an effort to "taparle el ojo al macho" to hide the fact that they acted against their own bylaws. 
The item emitted too much of a smell and it was voted down by the board even though CEO and Executive Director Cori Peña, Community Development Manager Miriam Suarez and board member Cesar Lopez argued for its adoption.

Now, as a result of its past blatant transgressions, the BCIC has become the target of a compliance audit by the city's auditing department whose scrutiny of the operations of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC) which bordered on graft and negligence resulted in a scandal that might yet trigger a law enforcement response.

In the past we have documented instances where the BCIC under former chair Michael Limas, elected officials and appointed officials and the immediate families of the latter were routinely handed over grants ranging from $5,000 to $200,000 despite the BCIC bylaws prohibitions. In fact, BCIC board members "fixed" the vote on items where they or their families were involved and simply abstained from voting  and pocketed the cash, thank you.

This one for $32,500 to Felicia Fruia Edge while she sat on the BCIC board, and abstained: 

This one to Fabian Limas, brother of BCIC chair Mchael Limas, who abstained

And then this one to BCIC Chair Limas:

This one to Alejandro Treviño, whose brother, BCIC member Arturo, abstained:

The instances where this has happened are too numerous to mention here, but we're sure they will surface. Former mayor Trey Mendez and former BCIC chairman Limas were some of the biggest transgressors and used various LLCs to conceal their participation.    

During the meeting of August 26, 2021, the board approved a 80,000  grant to Victura Properties LLC for property improvements of the building at 1015 E. Washington St. whose owner was listed as then-Mayor Trey Mendez.

At that same meeting, the board approved a $190,750 property improvement grant to OZTRCH LLC for the building at 1107 E. Washington St. without revealing the fact that the LLC listed BCIC chairman Michael Limas as its owner. Limas, of course, abstained and the motion to approve passed unanimously.

Throughout all that time CEO Peña has been a pliant BCIC employee promoted to Executive Director who recommended that the questionable grants be awarded to her bosses on the board, and has reaped the profits of her acquiescence and has seen her salary jump from some $37,500 to $75,000 in May 2019, to her current salary of some $120,000. A $82,500 raise in four years ain't nothing to sneeze at.

This Thursday, there is a meeting of the BCIC board which will consider the following item:

Interestingly, at the same meeting there is also an item for a grant application from Gonzalez, Mendez's business partner, who is coming back to the well for another $45,000 for a fire suppression system at the same Coca Cola Building, this time not as Victura Properties, but as Urban 8 Properties LLC. 

We saw the black eye that the city has taken after the city audit of former GBIC CEO Helen Ramirez, who is now city manager, and who bent the rules to hand out a $1 million contract to a company that never delivered on their obligations and who the city is now going to court to try to "claw back" $500,000. Good luck.

Is it BCIC's turn? And will Peña get her just rewards for her complicity and pliant performance in the handing out of the public's cash to city and board officials and their immediate families? 


Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

Surprise 😮 Surprise 🫢 Surprise 😮

May that money be the ruin of them and their offspring.

Anonymous said...

"might trigger a law enforcement response" --you are forgetting the district attorney is Luis V. Saenz

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha

aqui esta tu sausage, Montoya!

Haber, investigalo.

te busca.

Anonymous said...

It appears that there have been irregularities and questionable practices within the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC) regarding the awarding of grants to board members, city officials, and their family members.

These grants were allegedly given despite prohibitions outlined in the BCIC bylaws.

It seems that some board members abstained from voting on grants that benefited themselves or their relatives while pocketing the funds.

The situation has attracted scrutiny, and the city's auditing department has initiated a compliance audit of the BCIC.

There are mentions of specific instances where grants were awarded to individuals connected to the BCIC, such as Felicia Fruia Edge, Fabian Limas (brother of BCIC chair Michael Limas), BCIC Chair Limas himself, and Alejandro Treviño.

Former Mayor Trey Mendez and former BCIC chairman Limas are implicated in using various limited liability companies (LLCs) to conceal their involvement.

The CEO of BCIC, Cori Peña, has been accused of recommending questionable grants to board members and city officials.

This article also mentions an upcoming BCIC board meeting where further grant applications will be considered, including one from Mendez's business partner, Ramiro Gonzalez.

This article also raises concerns about the potential consequences for BCIC.

Will Peña wace repercussions for her role in the allocation of public funds?

Anonymous said...

First question asked on an application for an executive position is "DO YOU CARE ABOUT THE POOR?", with an asterisk stating will follow up on this question! correct answer is NO!

Remember OUR elected officials review and decide who to hire.

Anonymous said...

Daisy Martinez now on news 4 destroyed Helen Martinez and GBIC. She took no prisoners.

Anonymous said...

More boring shit?

shut these damned entities down!

worthless, loser ideas.

Si, soy de Las Prietas. y que!!!

Bola de jambones.

Anonymous said...

“KLEPTOCRACY - corrupt leaders use political power to expropriate the wealth of the people and land they govern, typically by embezzling or misappropriatin.” Sure hope the DA’s and the Feds are paying close attention to all of this.

Guaranteed they will not get away with it- they obviously don’t watch the news.

Anonymous said...


they wear war uniforms to scare all the children here ha, clowns and they go to all schools to do nothing but scare all the students pinches mamones!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey dipshit. Her contract expires on Sept 30. The monthly board meeting is tomorrow. Next one is a few days before Sept 30. You do the math.

Anonymous said...

C’mon folks, here we go again. BCIC,GBIC yada yada yada . If these practices by these entities are ilegal, wheres law enforcement??? Luis Saenz ? please he’s useless . These guys do all this because they know they can . All the bases are covered and they all have their hand in the cookie jar !! So do you think they are going to rat on each other? Of course NOT . Its always the same players involved ( notice the names). Its a monopoly of corruption in plain sight ( for all to see) Time and time again the stories/ articles written are all about the same people and their nefarious/ self serving antics. And yet, no one has the balls to put a stop to it. This is a disgrace

Anonymous said...

Turín Treviño + Pedro Cárdenas + Michael Limas = 🤑🤑🤑

Anonymous said...

What projects that have a real economic impact downtown or in Brownsville, TX has Cori Pena done? Seriously, she hasn't done anything but get trained every week somewhere in the USA as tax payers pay for it. She was hired and promoted because she is an Anglo white woman. Nothing during her time as an employee have created a significang sales tax increase for Brownsville, TX. She is good at telling feel good stories to the Stupid Board and they buy it all the time. Cori Pena is only good at selling other Cities accomploshmiments. Cori is always comparing Brownsville to Austin, Dallas, Denton, Corpus, Houston, San Antonio and most recently LA California as a template of what Brownsville can become IF she just gives more money away to the Commisssioners and Elit St. Joseph Alumnis.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Juan it doesnt mattr, they will not do anyhting investigate or not, its free money for all, el DA LOL Luis Saenz, bigos guy will not do anyhthng either, so its ok, dale gas, rob all you want. no one is looking or minding the store. Hey i read that Jerry Briones ia the new CEO or was that just for interim?

Anonymous said...

$120,000 for Cori?

High school education?

Brownsville, you are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics. Fact.

Anonymous said...

The D.A. And S.W.A.T are too busy ticketing old ladies again for playing las “maquinitas” while the P.U.B. and G.B.I.C. rob Brownsville blind so damn funny!

Anonymous said...

August 30, 2023 at 7:59 AM

Como chingas jotito maricon pinche low life RATA mamona anda busca tu mama la piruja mamona como tu jotito

Anonymous said...

Nos estan robando y nosotros con los ojos bien abiertos. Gente havara y sin verguenza.

Anonymous said...

all this set-up scheme to steal by applying for free grant monies to these so-called corrupt political leaders had the blessings of secretary of state (SOS), in 2015, non-other than Carlos Casco. Victura Properties LLC has the registration #0802320060 filed with the secretary of state Carlos Casco on oct. 27, 2015, for Trey Mendez. The year 2015 rings another bell, the BNB, Brownsville Navigation Bridge to nowhere was also with the blessings of Carlos Casco and Eddie Lucio. Who would have approved a railroad to be built by Dannenbaum rather than by Brown and Root? Are railroads not governed by Railroad Pacific? Where is Eddie Lucio? Why did Carlos Casco resign from position as Secretary of State in 2016? Why did commissioner Ben Neece walk out of the commissioners meeting? Many questions that need answers. Life is a bitch when you get caught. The audits that are governed by Fed. court orders will answer for the lost monies. This is all my opinion

Anonymous said...

I cant believe that they are asking for grant money for the former Coca Cola building for fire suppression. This is after the former Mayor and his business partner were caught trying to get grant money when they knew it was a conflict of interest big time. Why is Brownsville taxpayers subsidizing so many businesses? Most of these business owners have the money and shouldn't be asking for free handou5at taxpayers expense. Unfortunately, Brownsville will never progre5tge way McAllen has due to so much corruption on the municipal government.

Anonymous said...

John Cowen is running scared. Helen will be sued. They know that. They have been told already. John will not be sued but will be named for aiding Helen.

John knows if Helen is not fired, they are all going down.

Anonymous said...

He Was Shot 14 Times at the Dinner Table. His Children Want to Know if he Ordered the Hit. The Hit is a pizza that comes with peparoniosa.

Anonymous said...

August 30, 2023 at 2:59 PM

Anonymous said...
The D.A. And S.W.A.T are too busy ticketing old ladies again for playing las “maquinitas” while the P.U.B. and G.B.I.C. rob Brownsville blind so damn funny!

Lol! Freaking hilarious, but fact. Instead of going after the real big fish crooks he goes after the old ladies at las maquinitas. Lol!

Anonymous said...

Harlingen in the top 50 towns in the U.S. to start a small business and they give money to real small businesses. Here in Brownsville it's the same ratas y mamones opening businesses and getting the money.

Anonymous said...

Like always, no one will be held accountable. Why do we really need the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC)? I can give money away at no charge to taxpayers. I have no friends or family members so the taxpayers money is safe with me. Where do I apply?

Anonymous said...

Roban con licencia. Pa eso fueron a la escuela y siguen siendo grandes seres humanos en la comunidad.

Anonymous said...

If you vote for the current D.A. your just dum and ignorant.

Anonymous said...

To those people who only insult the blogger, contribute intelligent observations, concerns or dialogue. Using profane, idiotic rhetoric and bottom line self-projective phrases are just indicative of their intellectual abilities. Remember that attacking the truth is only indicative of your association with what is being exposed.

Anonymous said...

August 30, 2023 at 7:59 AM

como chingas jotito pinche maricon mojado. y tu mama? jotiando? y tu hijita tambien pinches low income RATAS.

Anonymous said...

10.41 am i agree with you buth thne will there be anyone challenginh the current DA Luis Saenz? democrat or republican, ii want o vote for anyone ecept this ugly mastachio dude. que no vale sebo. any takers? let the public know, i am tired of this worthless DA and time to cahneg the diaper on that tax collector too. these 2 jokers should just retire.

Anonymous said...

Remember what United State Dist. Judge Andrew Hanen said about corrupt attorneys and judges, that are using their license to defraud steal from the very people that they took the oath to protect. If, I am correct it was relating to the former D.A. Villalobos and former Judge Abel Limas. Able Limas must be really proud of what he taught and trained his sons. To steal, conceal and rely on the corrupt cronies to back them up with corruption. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

August 30, 2023 at 7:59 AM
You mean your pan joton maricon
