Tuesday, August 8, 2023



(Ed.'s Note: Those of us who traverse through the city's intersections know that one of the longest stop lights is at the juncture of the U.S. 77-83 frontage road and Price Road. 

With traffic crossing the intersection, traffic from east to west and vice versa on Price Road, and that coming off the expressway or traveling on Old Alice Road, one has to wait for what seems an interminable length of time before the light changes and allows you to cross. So when the light changes, it's not unusual to see cars zoom off to avoid waiting for yet another light change.

That's why one of our readers sent us this photo that shows that although the light had turned green for those on the frontage road heading north, they did not zoom off but waited patiently for this mother duck and her brood to traipse across the hot asphalt toward the safety of the shopping mall across the street. 

Local attitudes toward animals have changed for the better and this gesture – allowing the mother duck and her ducklings to cross the busy street safely – shows it. Growing up, kids with slingshots would kill them and other small birds and mammals  for no other reason that they thought it was fun. Glad that all that has changed. 

After you, M'am!)


Anonymous said...

These ducks are abundant and dislocated in our city. It breaks my heart when I encounter them in parking lots instead of resacas.

I am glad that I have not seen,that woman, Elizabeth feeding them. She once told me that she was seeking monetary donations and that the ducks were going extinct. I came to learn that she was growing the ducks in her home.

Most people in our town respect animals.

Anonymous said...

Turkey day will be Duck day and cheap...

Anonymous said...

Those kids with slingshots are grown up, except for their penises, and they use their muscle cars and trokas to run over those ducks and other living creatures.

Anonymous said...

Ay, Mama Duck!

Montoya, are you okay, ese.

Anonymous said...

August 8, 2023 at 8:58 AM

Please talk to them.... do not run over animals.

Today I saw a dog in the middle of the street just relaxing and in danger of being killed. It was 6:30 am...the time when dogs go out to check the hood.

Please stop for dogs but be ready for a big CLANCK, SPUNK, CHONK to your car from the drivers behind you.

Anonymous said...

I just hoit a pato say, 'If You Go After Me, I'm Coming After You'
quak quak quak

Anonymous said...

I told Gracie you guys would really appreciate her butt. She's curious what others think and asked me to "share them someplace". I have more of her if the photographs are appreciated.

Anonymous said...

August 8, 2023 at 5:55 PM
I love butt eeeessspecially pretty ones, post it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HEB special today duck ready to cook all cards accepted 99 cents a kilo...

even iou's

Anonymous said...

August 8, 2023 at 5:55 PM


Anonymous said...

The canneries on 6st. will open sooooon at a cost to property tAx payers millions of dollars, just like the bike trails, painting white lanes for ghost bikes all over the city. The idea came from a gringa de New York city so did the pick up of plastic bags. New City is the most dirties city in this country, and she is giving us advice?

Juanito who ownes those canneies on 6th street, where did the money come from? who owns the property? da mayor, the cad dealership? WE NEED TO KNOW.
Drive down ringgold st from 7th street to 18 street and most all of those houses are falling down why can't the city help those property owners fix their homes like they help the rich and famous JUANITO???
