Saturday, August 5, 2023


"Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun." Rudyard Kipling.

Special to El Run-Rrun

You can add the Mr. Amigo Association and their adherents who participated the Hands Across the Border ceremony at the Gateway International Bridge at noon Friday.

Mr. Amigo cheerleader and "builder of new traditions" Arturo "Turin" Treviño promptly posted on his social page "Huge Success at Hands Across the Border, mission accomplished, lots of PRESS!!!!"

He forgot to mention that the photo of the people he posted  were on the Matamoros side, and that only a handful of people from Brownsville attended, having had too much sense to  stand the sweltering heat. 

Others, however, were not so sanguine or easily convinced at this breathtaking achievement.

Temperatures hovered at close to 100 and the heat index was probably in the low 100s, which led at least one participant, a Francisco Galvan, to respond to Treviño's Rah Rah, with this:

"With all due respect to the decision that was made to hold this event at this time of the year which is so critical for the high extreme temperatures that could endanger the health of vulnerable persons, and forget about wearing the traditional cueras Tamaulipecas  (leather jackets) because at this time it would be suicidal. That is my opinion with all due respect."

Not one to be overshadowed by anyone's opinion but his, Treviño responded by repeating his noble dribble saying: "Francisco Galvan, the event is called 'Hands Across the Border' whatever the attire may be the important thing is to create the opportunity to stretch bonds of friendship between persons who can help our communities all year..."

(We're sure nobody checked when they moved the Mr. Amigo event to August. According to the Farmers Almanac, la canicula, Dog Days for 2023 are from Jul 3, 2023 – Fri, Aug 11, 2023, the hottest days of the year. One of the least memorable "new traditions" invented by Treviño included the inane and very forgettable Gringo de Mayo, which thankfully died a quiet death after just one observance.)

To which Galvan responded: "Arturo Treviño, I repeat in my commentary that it's not meant to minimize the relevance of the event and what it signifies to our communities. My observation was made because of the extremely high temperatures which are prevalent during the canicula (dog days) where people with medical comorbidity (a disease or medical condition that is simultaneously present with another or others in a patient) could be vulnerable ad susceptible under HEAT ADVISORY issued by the National Weather Service. Un abrazo y saludos."
In a sense Treviño may have a point since the holding of this function – even in such extreme weather – guarantees them the annual $75,000 subsidy in public funds from the Hotel Occupancy Tax (appropriately called HOT) for a select few to continue their travel and festivities. We wonder how many "tourists" came from elsewhere or generated Heads in Beds.

Since this is the first time in years that Mr. Amigo holds its event apart from the Charro Days chusma, it is important for Treviño and his ilk to crow up the ceremony as an "huge success" and the building of "new traditions to" continue to milk the public teat. Yeah, that's the ticket, Turin.


Anonymous said...

You ripping off an English poet?

ja ja ja ja

vato pata rajada.

Anonymous said...

August 5, 2023 at 6:13 AM
como chingas jotito la pata rajada es tu mama pendejo y que no se te olvide guey

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile our so-called Cameron County State Rep. Vicente Gonzales trying his best to lobby for the Big Oil and Gas. This is what this imbecile is all about pleasing his masters The gas and oil companies. He and U.S. Rep. Mike Carey introducing H.B. 5073 Promoting Energy Production. Vicente Gonzalez is all about filling his deep pockets with pleasing his masters, while the Cameron County district that he so represents falling apart. Where is the transparency that he so-calls alleges is needed to better our state? Where is the transparency in Brownsville's local government? He cannot even take care of business in his own districts, yet he wants to play with the Big Boys. What a laugh

Anonymous said...

The poem is a perfect reference

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HOT tax is HOT mess. Look at the reports those groups submit to show evidence for expenditures

Anonymous said...

More shady scummy scammers who don’t care what people say about them . Who’s benefitting from this sister city
relationship Cowen,? Cowen’s businesses and his close clique will benefit , of course. Let’s see what commissioners/friends put their hands in the cookie jar and have events at their restaurants? ( for a price , of course ). Their lack of shame and lack of integrity doesn’t cease to amaze me . Do give “Mr Amigo” an amazing tour of our “Street Golf” centers . Pick your street . Oh, and how much is being paid to Mr. Amigo ? Hope someone has a list of all events , how much is being charged and who put their hand in the cookie jar . Ask yourselves, would any Mr . Amigo ‘s ever come to Brownsville without a large fee ? BS event to serve a few .

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I’m not sure if Mr. Amigo is even for the public, I feel they want to host events for themselves. I hate that they requested HOT funds when they literally do not engage in the community. I’m sure the HOT funds can be utilized for another entity that has a higher community engagement. Along with that, I feel the relevance of the person and today’s community are not linked. I do not know who this person is (nor have I known who they are with exception of Chavez the boxer), nor do my kids, nor my parents. That’s 3 generations of people that do not know who this Mr. Amigo is. Long story short, since it has little community involvement, brings primarily unknowns, I’m done with Mr. Amigo. This event is a nice gester but it truly does not have an impact economically in the sense it is not filling up hotels are attracting people. It hardly attracts our locals much less anyone else. So point blank, Mr. Amigo people, you guys want HOT funds but how much does your event put back in the bucket? I’m going to assume little to none.

Anonymous said...

They owe the public big time. Most people could not participate in this event: shopping for school supplies.

The kids in attendance: they needed water......

Few people went to the event. This is awful for Mr. Amigo...he could not get close to the people, take pictures with his followers, see all the smiling and beautiful people of Brownsville.....there was no parade.

This is how Mr. Amigo gets famous and well known all over Mexico and the USA.

They need to bring him back so that he can experience the whole enchilada.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Amigo Association is a scam. Can’t run for office without Matamoros funding? Be the king of Mr. Amigo. Que poca….

Anonymous said...

What's Charro days: Shit city USA RGV . Brownsville needs to make a new event: Sweat Days? LAS Ratas del Valle day. How about, No Tourists Day. Pot hole Day comes to mind too.

Anonymous said...

Wow taking that organization to the ground

Maybe the pochos ran it better than the moros group

Anonymous said...

Hands across the border. BULLSHIT , should be called HANDS UNDER THE TABLE, when it comes to this TURI guy. All the stories/ rumors on this guy are always negative/ self serving type. Furthermore this BS. he says its to create bonds of friendship between persons who can help the community??? He must mean help himself and his cronies. If all the stories are true about this guy he needs to be kept away from all city events/community. Another loser added to the list of the so called Brownsville elite looking to make a quick buck$$

Anonymous said...

Yolanda Saldívar, Fan in Prison for Murdering Tejano Singer Selena, to Seek Parole: ‘She Thinks It’s Time’
Who she's going after now after her release?
Paulina Rubio
Jennifer Lopez

Anonymous said...

Mr. Amigo is an event for their own self entitled elitist's and what was he paid to visit this event? Didn't one of the past Mr. Amigo's donate bikes for kids and they were given to Matamoros? Is there a site where the public can view the cost of this event and who is getting paid for any services? Stop hiding the truth.

Anonymous said...

Mr. amigo you need to check your organization, you cannot thrive without Charro days much less Sombrero festival, I’m sorry but you continuously fail and do not excite the community to attend, enage, or even know of these events. Yet you ask for HOT funds and then sell tables for an over played dinner. Did it ever occur to you that maybe bringing in someone that’s not Mexican can also tie the two towns together! Think outside of the box! This organization is lost!!!

Anonymous said...

This event should be in unison with Charro Days. If it is not broken do not fix it.

Anonymous said...

charro days asss is like skunk days, apestosos hasta la ma.
