Monday, September 25, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Ready for another tax?

Let's say that you've saved your pennies, scraped for a down payment and hooked yourself up for a 30-year mortgage loan from a local lender to build a singe-dwelling home in Brownsville.

But aside from the $100,000 – plus the interest for a 30-year mortgage – there are other costs to take into consideration when you want to build a home or business in Brownsville. 

There are, of course, impact fees that must be paid to hook up to the Brownsville Public Utilities Board. 

And now, if the city commission adopts the proposals by the city administration, plans are in the works for the adoption of a Roadway Capital Recovery Fee, explained by its supporters as a way for cities to offset the "traffic implications created by new development on the roadway network...(and) provide a means to offset rising implementation costs. Further, such programs partially shift the burden of new facility construction from the existing taxpayers, the residents of Brownsville."

"Developers have to pay more for the impact they have on the infrastructure," said a city official. "Roadway capital recovery fees are the same concept. Right now the cost is borne by all taxpayers evenly, while with something like this the developers will contribute so the taxpayers aren't footing the entire bill."

The city's website justifies the proposed new recovery by saying that "El Paso, Farmers Branch, and Arlington became some of first cities to adopt this funding mechanism. Since then, 'many communities' across the state have implemented such programs. More recently, with changes promulgated by the state legislature limiting revenue sources by Texas cities, many are looking to capital recovery fees as a funding mechanism to address growth needs."

Further, the city administration states that the fees are "a one-time charge imposed to new development to fund specific capital improvements such as new roads or widenings necessitated and attributable to new development over a ten-year planning period. In Texas, capital recovery fees are limited to roads, water, wastewater, and drainage facilities (Texas State Statute, 1987-2023) defined in a specific capital improvements plan and further rooted in adopted City Master Plans."

As explained in the Brownsville plan for road recovery fees:

* a single-dwelling home – after the application of the formula – will have to pay an approximately additional $2,600. 

*A 20,000 square foot office building will have to pay an additional $80,000. 

*A new 50,000 square foot shopping center will be charged $140,000. 

*And if you want to build a 100,000-square foot light industrial facility, tack on $225,000. 

The city commission just opened the public hearing period on the recovery fees this past Tuesday and will stay open until October 17. 

Will city residents and taxpayers have a meaningful say into the implementation of the new fees?

Or will it be a dog-and-pony show similar to the parking fee hikes where the opinions of  residents were given lip service and hiked despite the wishes of the majority of the speakers against it?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Sure why not.
Do not forget, more bus stops with no shelter.
Reserve parking with no meters for you and family.
More bike lanes, and make them wider, it is starting to get crowded.
Two more fire stations, to fight the 4seasonal fires year round.
Make sure it is in downtown. All alongside the highrise hotel and business office. Business downtown is 💥 🤯 booming.
5 star pizza and wine. New York style. Reservation 1 year in advance.
All of BROWNSVILLE waiting to get in for that pizza dough that fight diabetes and high blood pressure oh and cures cholesterol.

Anonymous said...

No cure for pendejetadas not even da pizzas can cure it. It's like some cities found out how to keep increasing taxes (tellmehowtorob)syndrome and lets join into party. So La Elena is finally fulfilling her contract to seek how to increase taxes here. Remember she lives in an apartment. She pays no property taxes, AT ALL. That should be the first requirement for hiring a city managers that they HAVE to purchase a house and live there, and DO NOT reserve an apartment for the newly hired city manager at that low income hotel/motel downtown. BOLA DE MAMONES.

New mural at that hotel/motel low income place downtown. guess who got the contract for that project????

Anonymous said...

Instead of coming up with a plan on how to fix all the city problems they come up with a plan on how to increase the property taxes. WOW!!!

Y los dos nuevos city commissioners y el pinche gringo mayor? NADA NADA Y NADA!


Anonymous said...

You people are idiots. It is called a user tax. You make those causing the need pay for the infrastructure. People who fly pay a high tax as users of the airport instead of passing on the cost of running the airport to people who will never use it.

The ignorance of the people just astounds me on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 9:47 AM

what port pendejo/a? Elena get to work pinche huevona go seek more ideas to raise property taxes. Your 350k a year job requires that. GET TO WORK MAMONA!!!!

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 9:47 AM


Anonymous said...

Only a fool would invest a dime in a shithole ranchito like Brownsville. The rest of the valley is BOOMING and there you Browntown idiots are, wallowing in your corrupt stink pit. It is fun to watch.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And giveaway Boca chica for free to a billionaire.
And charge poor people more taxes.

Anonymous said...

The only ones who are financially able to build in this shit hole of a town are cartel members from Mexico with deep pockets living among us, our own corrupt politician’s or the high paid workers of Elon Musk. The rest of us are at the mercy of the select few.

Anonymous said...

If someone in Brownsville wants to build a home in ghetto city of the RGV, you must shell out cash to the bike and hike commissioner. The housing market in Brownsville will go down the toilet but that's nothing because Brownsville is already full of shit. Time for a divorce and take my share of PUB because PUB is own by citizens.

Anonymous said...

Walking on the sidewalks will now cost you an additional tax on your property. There will be an entrance fee to go into all city/county owned buildings. If you call any city/county on the phone you will be required to use your credit/debit card, or your call will be cancelled. Computers tablets and other connected devices to the internet will be unable to connect to city/county using internet lines. Using mirrors, morse codes tapping on the walls, windows, doors etc. or any other noise transmitting devices is prohibited and punishable by either 30 days in jail or a fine equivalent to a 30 day fine. If in jail, you will be required to provide for your own food and other human necessities.

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 10:26 PM

I am laughing so hard with your post. You are clever.

Will there be a recovery fee for laughing in Brownsville?

Anonymous said...

Additional fees:

If you cross to Matamoros, you have to pay $200 dollars to enter Brownsville.

If your dog poops on the street, you have to pay a fine.

If your mother-in-law doesn't want to take care of the kids, she has to pay a $1,000 dollar fee.

If you eat junk food, you pay a Recovery fee to your doctor.

If you just drive around town as an excuse to not clean your house, you pay a Recovery fee to your family.

Anonymous said...

Folks next thing you know our Grand master Helen Ramirez brownsville City manager elite will come up with a new city ordinance that will be chargiung a tax so you can breath, lol, maybe its tiem she packs her bags and goes back to california or tyler texas or maybe to Colorado con el conjunto Bernal and smoke some of that waky tobacco they sell over there, pura mmota or mostaza, adios MFkerl, happy trails to you. .
