Sunday, September 17, 2023



Anonymous said...

Juan more Lie. What the right doesn't want is for the most racist people in America(blacks) to tell our children that they are racist by virtue of thei skin color or that being white is a privilege. They don't want their children to be discriminated against because of their skin color. The left's version of equality is role reveral and reverse discrimination. That's the kind of crap chicano's engage in with Mexican immigrants. Blacks are the most racist. Poll after poll, year after year shows that. The left won't tell you blacks murder, rape, and commit hate crimes in greater proportion than other minorities.

Anonymous said...

Texas AG Ken Paxton acquitted of all 16 corruption charges at impeachment trial

Das why everybody wants to be a racist republican. Free of RATISMO and corruption. "YOU ARE FREE TO GO".

Anonymous said...

Boebert apologizes after new video appears to contradict her account about what happened at theater

Surveillance video captured during the "Beetlejuice" musical in Denver appears to show Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) vaping inside the theater, which contradicts her claim that the smoke was emitted from fog machines.
In Texas vaping laws are the same as smoking and the health hazards are the same as smoking. Vaping IS NOT THE ANSWER. FACT

Anonymous said...

Shit's coming in hot now!

Anonymous said...

Another Liberal lie...but this blog does a lot of lying.

Anonymous said...

HOUSTON -- Before the road trip and before the win streak, right-hander Jerome Williams wanted to get a sneak preview of the Astros' jerseys for the Civil Rights Game.

"It gives me great pride to put the uniform on and to be able to represent what the uniform stands for," Porter said. "There's a lot of people that paid some hefty prices for us to be able to sit here today and enjoy this great game of baseball integrated the way it is. I am completely honored and humbled."
The name Houston Eagles 1949.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is there anybody here with more brilliant ideas for the downtown area? how about doing something on all the alleys say like selling ice cream, maybe install parking meters and call them alleymeters, bring in 1000 garbage cans stack all of them and paint a mural, install permanent chairs on elizabeth st. for charro days parades and any other parade (xmas etc), hold a city commissioners meeting in front of the majestic building, open for more brilliant ideas. any suggestions???

Anonymous said...

September 17, 2023 at 9:17 AM


Most men in prison are Black and Hispanic. Why?
for longer periods of time. Why?

Simple: to destroy men, their children and their future.
Who does this? Who sets the law? Why do they do this?

Well.... to control the pride, the birth growth of certain people.

So it is normal to think Blacks, Hispanics, etc are racists....better than
to question and find the truth.

I myself prefer lies and not the truth. The truth hurts.

Anonymous said...

Most men in prison are Black and Hispanic. Why?
for longer periods of time. Why? Because they commit the most crimes and are repeat offenders.

Anonymous said...

September 18, 2023 at 6:47 AM


The laws are established to control these minorities.
The same crimes are committed by Whites and they get lenient sentences.

Repeat offenders: well, they are not given a chance by GUESS who?
After they serve their prison sentence, GUESS who sees them around town and accuse them of crimes AGAIN?

Anonymous said...

September 17, 2023 at 9:17 AM

Mexican-American people are considered WHITE by the USA government.

Really? I am WHITE.

Anonymous said...

All weapons, killings of other humans, all crimes against humans, the environment were first started and committed by the whites. All world wars were started by the whites even in Africa. Satan is white, God is NOT white. All banks are the idea of whites, prisons and executions were started by whites, they set the example on Earth of all bad things. So white must be black.

Anonymous said...

4:44,the answer is in the last sentence of post at 9:17 in case you didn't notice. It's not racism. Why is the valley's murder rate lower than urban excrement holes like Dallas and Houston? Lots of those criminals aren't present in our non "diverse" part of our state.

Anonymous said...

Really comparing Dallas and Houston with Brownsville? The larger the population the more crimes committed. Common sense.

Anonymous said...

Look at the wording, "murder rate". Rate means proportion. Not comparing total murders. I stated "valley" and not Brownsville. The valley is bigger than Brownsville. Pay attention so that you don't embarrass yourself when you travel outside our area.

Anonymous said...

Look at the topic in discussion before making a comment. The topic at hand was about crimes in general not the murder rate. The valley population is 1,222,442 that of Houston is 2,264,876. So, obviously there are more crimes in Houston and Dallas because of their population size. And so you won’t embarrass yourself keep to the topic.

Anonymous said...

Stupid people are everywhere. this is a blog nothing formal here, espelling, grammar, puntuations, run on and run off sentences and espcially topeck. nothing fomrmal her estupitres....

Anonymous said...

1:01 PM, you're an idiot. You never learned the concept of ratio and proportion. Ask someone else so they can explain it to you and so you can look stupid. Reminds me of a guy who was told to be somewhere a quarter after 3:00 PM. He showed up at 3:25 PM and was told he was late. He said he was told a quarter after and he was there 25 minutes after believing that 25 minutes is a quarter of an hour. You are that stupid. You are what's wrong with the valley. 3:35 PM, you are the Idiocracy. Share this in public so you can be seen as ignorant by others.

Anonymous said...

September 20, 2023 at 8:11 AM

Time Calculator
Use this calculator to add or subtract two or more time values in the form of an expression. An acceptable input has d, h, m, and s following each value, where d means days, h means hours, m means minutes, and s means seconds. The only acceptable operators are + and -. "1d 2h 3m 4s + 4h 5s - 2030s" is an example of a valid expression.


Learning About the Clock (Quarters of an Hour) Blog Math:
The word quarter means one fourth, so when we talk about a quarter of an hour, we mean one fourth of an hour, which is 15 minutes. On a digital clock, we say that the time is a quarter to or past something when the last number is either 15 or 45 we say that the time is a quarter past the hour we're in.

You are so right and he was wrong. That was why I was fired from all my previous jobs, for being on time!
