Wednesday, September 13, 2023


By Tomas Montemayor
San Benito Resident
Dear Editor,

When former San Benito Independent School District Superintendent Nate Carman left the district, it took almost a month before the Public Information Dept. took his picture off the district website and replaced him with his successor Supt. Teresa Servellon's picture. 

But in her case, almost the day after placing her on paid administrative leave, this same dept. removed her picture from the web site. Why the difference? At this point she is under investigation. 

She has not been found guilty of any wrong doing, yet the board and its puppets have already condemned her and as part of the punishment phase of her yet-to-be-held hearing, her picture is removed as part of the punishment.

And what did she do that was so horrible? 

Did she use her credit card and keep district travel points for herself like Dr. Carman did according to information found in the Forensic Audit report? Or did she fire older female employees who filed and won against her at the 13th Court of Appeals like Dr. Carman did? Maybe she didn't follow the procurement rules and hired unqualified project managers and contractors like Dr. Carman's old board headed by President Orlando Lopez did, also found in the Forensic Audit report?

No, she didn't do any of those things. Instead her "crime" was that, upon realizing that the new majority headed by Orlando Lopez was not following board policies and doing things that were not in good/legal practice, and after bringing these issues to the attention of the board who continued to do them, she had no recourse but to notify her bosses at Texas Education Agency (TEA) in order to keep the district safe and out of trouble.

Rudy Corona, one of the majority board members, told my wife that Servellon "reported the board to TEA for policy infractions." It seems the board, headed by Orlando Lopez and members Rudy Corona, Ariel Cruz and Alex Reyna, even though they were supposedly breaking their own policies, were not willing to listen to reason when Supt. Servellon brought up each questionable issue.

Didn't Dr. Carman constantly resort to threatening to report the board to TEA for trying to micromanage him when he didn't have the majority under President Ramiro Moreno? Now the shoe's on the other foot. It was OK then but not now?

Isn't reporting a law violation by your employer the U.S. Government's definition of Whistle blowing? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. I guess this board failed government class their senior year in high school.


Anonymous said...

sanbene is a small change (feriecita) city. what you expect? Sophistication is way beyond their means. Browntown used to be like that in the late 1850's when the gringos were in power and owned all the lands, businesses and all the meskins souls. FACT

sanbene YOU ARE NOT GRINGO. PERIOD you are meskin, act like uno. bola de gueyes...

never learn they get some feriecita in their pockets and right-away they become white, ain't gonna hoppon pendejos...

Anonymous said...

They think the high school football team is a professional football team, bola de idiotas.


Anonymous said...

killers of the flower moon,
The Osage Indian murders were a series of murders of Osage Native Americans in Osage County, Oklahoma, during the 1910s–1930s. Newspapers described the increasing number of unsolved murders as the Reign of Terror, lasting from 1921 to 1926. Some sixty or more wealthy, full-blood Osage Indians were reported killed from 1918 to 1931.[1] Newer investigations indicate that other suspicious deaths during this time could have been misreported or covered up murders, including people who were heirs to future fortunes. Further research has shown that the death toll may have been in the hundreds.

All because there was oil underground. Greed!! When I heard this podcast I was reminded of all the misdeeds our local government has committed and continue to. With out the murders of course. From congress to judges to law enforcement. It was fucked up bro. Thanks Juan.

Anonymous said...

Harlinchon a white city, next to sanbene, a meskin city, wants to built a wall to keep the illegals from sanbene to migrate to Harlinchon. Trumputo will hold a big big rally in harlinchon next week, before he reports to a federal prison.

A big big parade is planned ending with a big really big rally at that chicken coop stadium.

A cup of chicken feed is the entry fee to go in.

Anonymous said...

Viva Los Greyhounds.

Rosalinda G. Garcia, Realtor/Community Member/Voter said...

I am no follower of school board president Orlando "papas" Lopez. Look at this life long nickname. Puras papas!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha the pro football team of el valle hahahajajajaja

who they gonna play next Las Mojarras de mata?

Anonymous said...

No matter how much I search for good in SB in general (school/city) I can't seem to find that good. City and school are both run by persons who thrive on power. Keep in mind, you are a big fish in a TINY pond. Remain in SB, cause for you to leave, you would lose identity.

Anonymous said...

High school football is the sole source of pride in san benito. Winning or sharing a district title is not a state championship. Let's face it, almost every team makes the playoffs.

Anonymous said...

Montoya, you elderly pachuco, stop posting crap about San Bene.

Brownsville is way dirtier.

- Hamilton Ramirez

Anonymous said...

Did we run out of issues in Brownsville that we have to look at San Benito?

Anonymous said...

San Bene will never be satisfied no matter who is at the helm.


Anonymous said...

September 13, 2023 at 12:18 PM

hamilton? nomas en sanbene proud to be a coco. go out and buy the pro team some football 'clits' they are playing the jr jr varsity team de browntown and they need some enjoyment...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Which sour puss that lost a San Benito election is paying you Montoya to spread When Moreno was and his buffoons were the majority they thrived off of power but you don't say shit about that.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting about San Benito. It is good to know what is happening in our neighboring communities.

If the Superintendent reported the board to TEA for valid reasons good for her. Being that she is female it must be difficult to work with all those males. My experience as a female who has at times work with males in male dominated fields has been that if there is a problem and I come up with a solution and then share the solution I came up with my solution is ignored. A couple of days will pass by and then the solution I came up with is brought up and used but I get no credit and the men behave like as if they are geniuses for solving the problem. I have learned to manipulate situations by having men believe and think that they thought of things all on there own. Most men detest rational, smart, educated go getting women. Son machistas.

This educated woman probably has that problem. "La vieja esta loca ignora la" is what they say .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9/14/23 3:32am
Ma’am keep your head up and do your job. I was looking at a video Susan R. Posted of eddie Trevino and this constable, the smugness and arrogance of this guy really got to to me. So I can only imagine what you go though. My mother was a single woman and all of her work ethics I witnessed. Your kids will see all of your struggles but you must push on, they absorb everything. I went through my struggles and was able to take care of my mother. Once we have kids it’s all about the next generation. My best friend she is a case manager for a federal court so you can imagine the shit she goes through we have plenty of conversations. She’s tough as nails but knows how to turn it off once she gets home.

Anonymous said...

Compadre or Commadre waiting in the wings. to get in the super job, es todo lets not kid ourselves.

Anonymous said...

September 14, 2023 at 3:32 AM
They always have a mamon standing by, if anything don't go their guey, they start cozying up to el mamon for help. It happens ALL the time.
Female cops are the worst they always have a mamon cop standing by.

Anonymous said...

The only news from sanbene is that its still there. PERIOD

Anonymous said...

a tootsie roll for whoever know who the shit was or is san bene?

Anonymous said...

sanbene? of course a coco. do i win?

Anonymous said...

The motorized wheel chair texas governor wants to use sanbene as a warehouse to store the red balloons and barb wire. The "no sabo" citizens of sanbene all agree but they want to keep the water tower and to be moved close to el rio. The wheel chair texas governor has agreed to move the big tamale tank closer to el rio. Freddy Guardabarros will be the feature singer when sanbene turn on the burners to the big tamale tank.

Anonymous said...

feed that stupid dog or get fined. idiotas
