Saturday, September 23, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: A mother pushes her baby's stroller down Elizabeth Street unmindful of the crew and crane replacing the antennas atop the AT&T Cameron County Levee Street building.
AT&T had rented the space from the former owners of the Wells Fargo Bank and when the building was old to the county, they continued to lease from the new owners. On the top picture, you can see two workers waiting to unload a container dangling above their heads as the crane operator lowers it slowly to the roof, five stories above. We thank one of our eight readers for the submission.)


Anonymous said...

Fact Check: Did Donald Trump Suggest Feeding Child Migrants to Alligators.

Anonymous said...

trumputo's idea to use cranes to pickup illegals and flip them into mejico. racist republicans at work...

Anonymous said...

Danger lurks, crocodiles right in the Rio Grande. Trumputo's proposal to curb illegal immigration. racist republicans just don't get it. You cocos are partly to blame.
bolas de jotingos y mamones.

Anonymous said...

Always the lady cops. Panties in a bunch!
Nation wide Referendum on police behavior.
We the people.

"YOUAREFREETOGO", cause we say so... we are the cops we run the whole show we have the badge and the guns...

Anonymous said...

Wow Juanito! When did you sell out and stop questioning the people in office misusing taxpayers money; the city, the county and the school district? How depressing that no one holds these people accountable. Not even you. Guess you are getting tired.

Anonymous said...

Is their racism in our country? Yes. But not to the extent that some of you continue to harp upon. Maybe it's your ignorance or maybe your indoctrination. But if the people of this country were as racist as many of you claim why did we have a black president and currently a black vice-president? The people of our country have made great strides toward reducing racism. Racism exists only in the minds of the ignorant! As for those who continue to use the word racism loosely are just plain stupid! Go back to school!

Anonymous said...

September 24, 2023 at 6:22 AM

Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism Racism IS THIS LOOSELY ENOUGHT?
So I must be racist. Go back to school! ignorant MORON!!!

Anonymous said...

September 24,2023 at 6:22 AM

The thing is that there are a lot of ignorant people in our country. To deny the ignorance exists is ignorance in itself. Look at all the people that stormed the capital. All those people are ignorant as a result many are in prison.

Anonymous said...

September 24, 2023 at 7:04 PM

Lacking education or knowledge.
Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge.
Unaware or uninformed.

A. slow of mind : OBTUSE
B. given to unintelligent decisions or acts : acting
in an unintelligent or careless manner
C. lacking intelligence or reason : BRUTISH
D. marked by or resulting from unreasoned thinking or
acting : SENSELESS

A. person who is considered foolish or stupid.
B. A person of profound mental retardation having a
mental age below three years and generally unable
to learn connected speech or guard against common


A. A ignorant, stupid and an idiot person, a dumbass;
