Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Like many other times before, local blogger Jerry McHale thought he could just saunter over to the table where Texas Southmost College board of trustees president Adela Garza and board member Dr. Tony Zavaleta were sitting at and join them at the popular Cobbleheads Bar and Grill on Central Boulevard.

But the two TSC board members – after enduring nearly a month of insult and denigration from McHale who has called them inept and corrupt for not responding to his unsubstantiated crusade against the college's welding program in the Technology, Education and Commerce Center – had simply had enough.

Witnesses report that When McHale tried to crash the party and invite himself to the table where they were sitting, Zavaleta in no uncertain terms told him he was not welcome and told him to leave them alone. Incredulous that his old buddy Dr. Z would refuse his company at the table, McHale tried to laugh it off until he realized that Zavaleta meant it and then slunk off.

Sure enough, in innocuous posts that followed, the blogger spun out his version of his unceremonious rejection and posted that "Tony and Adelita Refuse to Met With the McHale Report" and that "Tony's Explosive Outburst Leaves Adelita Speechless" and that his fictitious Baker Boys investigators "Confirm Tony Z Incident at Cobbleheads," characterizing it as a breaking story that "Tony Z Suffers Meltdown!!! Embarrasses TSC."

And from far-off Iowa, tag-team geriatric blogger Jim Barton came to his defense, saying his sources (who else but McHale?) alleged that the trustees were hiding from public scrutiny and alleging this blog had been paid to publish the post. 

Really? Who's your source and present the proof Jim. In J school they taught us that the truth is it's own defense. But you missed that class, oh, you didn’t get to go to J school at all. Sorry. Other bloggers without El Rrun-Rrun's readership have tried the same tactic. Can't teach an old dog new tricks, but please try to be creative.

Did Zavaleta "embarrass TSC?

Well, no. 

According to eyewitnesses to the incident - and there were - there was no "meltdown" on Zavaleta's part, and Garza didn't really have to add anything to the exchange because it was plain that he wasn't welcome or wanted at their table. 

As McHale's campaign against their efforts to provide workforce training to local residents revved up, both Garza and Zavaleta have refrained from engaging with McHale and having their comments twisted and spun to fit his narrative by amplifying allegations of other blogs that their workforce certification is "worthless," that they are "inept" and TSC President Jesus Rodriguez is "crooked." McHale, in fact, created this "crisis." 

Can you blame them for not wanting him around? 

In post after post McHale and others have used anonymous "sources" to hurl their allegations against the college, its president, and the board to discredit its workforce development efforts. "We have heard," "We are told," "People say," "We have been told," a former TSC student," "A former PanAm student," etc., 

The anti-TSC campaign gained momentum after two adjunct workforce instructors – brothers Anthony and Jason Medina – tried and failed to get a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with the Brownsville Independent School District to provide welding training as STX Metal Trades LLC at its Career and Technical Education Department, an MOU that would replace the TSC-BISD MOU that has existed for two  years or more. The BISD would have none of it and didn’t even place the item on it's board's agenda. That triggered the anti-TSC campaign.

Even though the college and its defenders have pointed out the flaws in the bloggers' interpretation of the workforce development and its certification process in the reports and allegations posted on his blog, McHale has only revved up the campaign using faceless, anonymous "sources" and non-attributable "facts" veiled as truths. And – unable to get the board members to take the bait – he has resorted to calling them out for not engaging him for his posts.

Expect the blogger to cast himself as a martyr for his "art" and "journalism" and the two board members painted as vile philistines indifferent to culture and the arts, or who have no understanding of them. It will be a hard sell because Zavaleta – for one – has a library of academic and research books to his credit. 

That someone would try to discredit TSC's workforce developing efforts – even after they teamed up with Texas A & M's regent – and Brownsville native – Mike Hernandez to bring the RGV Advanced Manufacturing Hub which sponsors the training free of charge to TSC students – because, as McHale told Garza, he was "bored," was a bit much. 

Zavaleta and Garza merely had no need to engage in fruitless banter for "art's" sake with a retired high-school ESL teacher with little knowledge of the workforce curriculum or certification process who has been tirelessly attempting to sabotage their up-to-now successful efforts to provide workforce training to local residents and discredit the community college.

To paraphrase Bob Dylan's Billy the Kid: "Jerry don't it make you feel so lowdown, to be shunned by these folks who were your friends."


Anonymous said...

Juan, you left out Blogger Jim Barton, who also rode McHale's Ropa Usada coattails on this silliness. What - you don't see him as areal journalist?

ha ha ha

ja ja ja

You got that right, son.

Anonymous said...

No-college Barton is a washerwoman typing shit while the diapers hang out to dry. He's 75 and wears Depends?

ho ho ho

Anonymous said...

El Paya Jerry is too old now.

put him out to pasture. Older Barton died and nobody's told him.

good story, Juan!


Anonymous said...

You both make TCS look bad. You fail to understand the concept of anonymous. Gerry described the event as unfolded in front of him. That is not anonymous. It is called being an eyewitness, but in fact does not make it true. But while you admit your information is second hand calling Jerry's anonymous makes your story desperate. I do not believe Jerry because eyewitnesses lie all of the time.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha 🤣, I’m surprised nobody has kicked his teeth 🦷 in. still laughing. Fuck you, you old fuck. It’s people like this old mother fucker, they use this cuck to muddy the water. Folks let that be a lesson never entertain a moron.

This fuck was doing the same thing for the (Human Resources) type “lol” chick Linda M. Then he was all over Toni’s balls. Ugh 😣. Dumb ass people. You get what you deserve.

Hobo, I’m fucking glad people are shunning you. You deserve more you fuck. Suck a duck bitch.

Off to work, thanks Juan..

Anonymous said...

In this one, who really gives a shit. To begin with he is one of the biggest coco here. He adores los gringos and his vision, dreams and life long desire is, of course, that someday a pill or something can be available to transfer himself into a GRINGO.
There are only TWO meskins here in Browntown that have NEVER spoken their native tongue in all their life, el otro es el pendejo jillio H. y este idiota estupido.

Anonymous said...

Sunshine solutions perrrrrros

Anonymous said...

zavapatas enjoys being with gringos, people don't recall that most of la catorce cantinas were run by elected meskin officials and business people, city and county.

Anonymous said...

se iguala de los mejicanos pinche mamon.

Anonymous said...

Cozy relationship exist and Jerry was just trying to unfold it. Possible kickbacks n other benefits from exclusive relationships in not only this particular part of the vocational training but others as well. Still alot of work for Jerry to do. Keep kicking Jerry you'll soon get a GOAL.

Anonymous said...

What can I say. Jerry is a habitual loser. Can't keep a wife. Can't keep a family. Can't uphold any level of integrity or character. Can't even sustain a blog readership.

As Bug's Bunny would say..."what a maroon".

He's an idiot who is a legend in his own mind and oblivious to reality.

Do us all a favor Jerry, drink till you pass out tonight and stay off the roads. At least you'll stay out of our way and off the keyboard.


Anonymous said...

"The Liar Tweets Tonight"
New Song Parody by Roy Zimmerman and The ReZisters, featuring Sandy Riccardi! Parody lyrics by Ede Morris, Roy and Melanie - made in collaboration with the Raging Grannies of Mendocino. “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” words and music by Solomon Linda. See less

Anonymous said...

Mr Z is not all there and Adela has never been there… the rata Queen

Anonymous said...

IF Workforce Solutions Cameron (WSC) the quasi-governmental agency that annually gets millions upon millions (30 million or so), of Federal dollars to provide industry specific training, job skills development and employment search services for the residents of Cameron County was doing their job there would be no need for anyone to go anywhere else for any sort of job related training.
But alas, as with many agencies with huge allocations of Federal dollars, (think Head Start), the agency execs busy themselves with getting just enough of the low hanging fruit to justify their existence. They spend the rest of their time smoozing the State, the WSC board members and local politicians to keep their jobs.
The executive director (ED) cashes in as well, (around 175-200 K with benefits). This does not include any golf fees. Although if you are looking for the ED on a Friday afternoon (or any afternoon for that matter), you might want to check the local courses in Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Adela La Abuela es pura tranza! La queen scorpion has no problem letting everyone know she is in charge and the final decision maker.

Anonymous said...

mr z hahahahahahaha pinche maricon mamon mr z yea right more like mr mamon pinche coco...

Anonymous said...

Interesting…considering they all used Mchale in the past to attack others….hmmm

Anonymous said...

Adela is the worst thing that’s ever happen to our area

Anonymous said...

So am I to understand that Mike Hernandez who is bringing to TSC the RGV Advanced Manufacturing Hub training free of charge is paying for the trainings out of his pocket? Is Mr. Hernandez doing all this out of the kindness of his heart?

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Mike Hernandez and what is his agenda?

Anonymous said...

Is that the home they get free? they get free housing paid by the tax payers of course. bola de mamones what else you get free? groceries booze drugs a car with unlimited gas??? bola de mamones and they complain about los pobres!!!

Anonymous said...

Because " Ms Sunshine Solutions" and others amongst County, Nepo-BPub/PORT, City , BISD, TSC and appointed committees who give grants to their besties, are not held accountable for some of their unethical decisions, they get BOLDER and continue to take from our city and county. Elon Musk continues to destabilize our homes foundations and took over Boca Chica Beach by putting money into their pockets. Really Brownsville!?!? Tourists rave and ask "When is the next takeoff? ( their homes are not being affected.) Do we need more coffee shops and car wash businesses? Is it true that one of our city commissioners family is getting Grant Money for a coffee shop? Is the newest downtown coffee shop ( who got a huge grant) doing so well that the city commissioner's family wants a piece of the pie? These people continue to live a very good life with other people's money. "PEDICHES"!!!!! This white collar BS is quite pathetic, but yet they claim to be the great upstanding pillars of our community and continue to cover for each other.

Anonymous said...

The training hub is a joke. A&M does not train. They pay others to train and they get the credit. What credit? Just a number. Worthless.

Give the money to others that are actually training.

Mike's agenda is whatever chisme George Gavito tells him. Gavito es un babozo.

OP1033...they all ripped off Mike Hernandez. Especially Marin.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Adela, you need to go

Anonymous said...

9/29/2023 9:51am,

Very true, that is fucking wheeling and dealing bitch ass Pedro Cardenas. Your food sucks too. That mother fucker got a family member a job as freaking cameraman and audio bullshit. Get this the mother fucker is getting paid over $6,000.00 a month, our tax dollars. Bitch I’ll hang the camera for free off my balls while you hold a commission meeting just so I can tell you eyes up here please. Don’t judge I’m a Picasso. Roy and Tino would probably get a hard on too..fucking fags

Hobo, I’m on a role today. I see your viewership is done. Haha suck a dick.

Anonymous said...

@ 9/29/2023 9:51am,September 29, 2023 at 12:51 PM
His freaking ego is so big, I'm surprised his head fits through any door. No free money in Matamoros? Now he gets in line and gets grants. Growing up, you probably never hung out with people not in your status, but now you want our money? You have a lack of shame and you probably look down on people who get food stamps, medicaid and government help. Well guess what ?!?! You are doing the same and get free money, but you get it in big chunks in the name of "GRANTS", not EBT. WE need to remember that restaurants in Texas only have to pay their servers $2.13 an hour and the customer is responsible to help out with a tip. So restaurants do well. This commissioner has joined the likes of his colleagues who have received free money. (BIG EBTS). Where does his family member work that is getting $ 6000.00 a month for media work. Regular folks don't get these opportunities and some people wonder why our educated kids don't want to come back and work in our city. Most of us don't have insider connections. All you RATS are "Quid Pro Quo" with each other and the RAT list in Brownsville in lengthy. Oh! did Sampayo return his PUB refund to help the needy as he stated in one of his speeches?

Anonymous said...

The only people our leaders fight for are themselves, their family and their friends.

Anonymous said...

"Grants" the EBT cards of Brownsville and Matamoros' rich and famous. Some are deserving and most "POS Wow"!!
