Friday, October 20, 2023


By Jessica G. Gonzalez
President, Brownsville Independent School District
Board of Trustees

Re: Superintendent Transition

Brownsville, TX - In a recent development, the Brownsville Independent School District (BISD) announces the departure of our esteemed Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez who has provided
exemplary leadership during a pivotal period in our district's history. We take this moment to express our gratitude for his dedicated service and to outline the district's priorities moving forward.

As board president, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. GutiĆ©rrez for his unwavering commitment to our students, staff, and community. 

Under his guidance, our district achieved an “A” rating, even amidst the unprecedented challenges posed by the global pandemic and statewide debates about the future of public education. His leadership has been instrumental in our successes, and we wish him the very best in his future endeavors.

Our foremost focus continues to be on our students and the continuous progress of our district. We remain committed to providing the best possible education and opportunities for our students, ensuring they have the resources they need to succeed academically and personally.

In recognition of the dedicated educators and staff who make our district thrive, we will prioritize the upcoming voter-approval tax ratification election. This election is critical in providing our staff with the much-deserved pay raises that will help retain and attract top talent to our district.

The BISD board of trustees is fully prepared to initiate the process of selecting a new superintendent. We are committed to conducting a thorough and transparent search to ensure we find the best candidate who shares our vision for the future of Brownsville ISD. We will engage with the community, gather input, and make a thoughtful and informed decision for the benefit of our students and the entire district.

In closing, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the success of our students and staff. We are grateful for the dedication and hard work of everyone in our district, and we are confident that together, we will continue to achieve great things in the future.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Who ever taught Jessica Gonzales what the word "esteem" means. Did you take a survey from the employees and not just the board members, as to have the audacity to call Rene Gutierrez, "esteemed?" He just took off using the
innovations that had been started by Dr. Z and the district was already an "A"
rated district

Anonymous said...

McAllen's Dr. Gutierrez tried to save BISD, but BISD wouldn't have it.


Anonymous said...

Esteemed ?? By who? Im sure by you and your cronies on the school board. Ms Jessica, you’re so far up the ex-sup’s ass that you better hurry up and crawl out before you end up in Edinburg. He’s gone, so you don’t have to continue kissing his ass !!! And to have the audacity to write him a farewell letter and even using the words dedication, hardwork etc in it ?? This is totally the biggest brown nosed job ever. For your information Jessica, the BISD’s success is because of the efforts and dedication of the teachers and staff that really care about the children!! As a superintendent/school board, your job is to provide the infrastructure, the tools and the support, for the district to succeed. But instead you dedicate your time advancing your individual hidden agendas and conducting yourselves like a bunch of clowns. So Jessica, if you want to continue sucking up to this moron , do it on your own time, I’m sure the majority of the community could care less. Good riddance

Anonymous said...

I don't think Dr. Gutierrez is leaving. The board at BISD gave him a contract for $354,128. This is $29,510.67 a month. McAllen is already grumbling about salary negotiations. The BISD board created their own monster. To give Dr. Gutierrez credit he did go out to look for another job. He tried or is trying to leave BISD without being paid off.

If he doesn't leave the BISD board should work with him until the end of his contract. If the bard thought he was good enough for over three hundred thousand dollars a year they should work with him.

The man is earning his money. Just having to work with La Rata Pelona is bad enough. La Rata Pelona just wishes he earned Gutierrez's salary. Better yet if only La
Rata Pelona would keep his mouth shut I instead of belittling people.

Both these men have "Princess Syndrome."

Anonymous said...

Don't let the door hit you on the way out you sack of Mule Dump. Fucking wetback has the Grace of a Jackass!
Lacks social skills, totally disrespectful and overpaid!

Anonymous said...

Folks dont be haters, sel uper is leaving and i wish him good luck pos if thats what many wanted well soo be it, next? Why not put miniine mouse Pena as the next super. Lets see if she can tackel that job? Pos she like to throw her weight around, just saying, el porter kid.

Anonymous said...

bye loser!!!!

Anonymous said...

SUPERINTENDENTS: the highest paid and most worthless employee in a school district. The SUCCESS is solely on the shoulders of the TEACHERS and STUDENTS; certainly not the parents because most of them can’t speak English, can’t write in English and can’t read in English! Any questions...

Anonymous said...

BISD Board
Don't have to look very far
Theresa Ann Capistran is your best bet

Anonymous said...

“Optics” to the convenience of those who believe(the real, truth be told) the authentic corrupt and who is furious because it had-has-no control no power The corrupt thought it could control a board member,it was wrong board member(s)was no fool or blinded by the convenience of those “optics” Social Media get your facts in order Do accurate research by starting year 2019 before this super was hired and before 2019

Teacher Associations have no business in politics and should be monitor and audited

Respect to those Teacher Associations that stay focus on educators, education, employees so that students may graduate to be productive successful literate individuals in society.

Anonymous said...


Leading BISD. I'd like to see her resume.

Por eso estamos como estamos.

Anonymous said...

That Minerva Pena sure has a face for radio!! Nasty!! Psycho lady. And lets not forget, a huge scavenger ( talking food here).

Anonymous said...

So the sad, that the people who do nothing but put people down in these comments are such a lost cause. People get a life and try to make a difference. Please!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Before he leaves BISD, he should learn to speak English properly

Anonymous said...

This has been the worthless superintendent we've ever had and too many people will suck up to him so they can get promoted like Jerry Martinez he's a worthless c*********
