Tuesday, October 24, 2023


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

When she died at only 26, Jacqueline Barocio was being held in custody at the Carrizalez-Rucker Cameron County Detention Center in Olmito waiting to clear her pending prosecution and getting in line to enter a state drug treatment and rehabilitation center.

Now, in a case of tragic irony, it is suspected that she died of a possible overdose with a pain-killing drug that may have been tainted with fentayl. If so, the Texas Rangers are investigating how it was that an inmate held in custody at the detention center could have acquired it behind bars.

As the story emerges from various sources, a picture emerges of a troubled young woman who had been hooked on drugs by a former boyfriend and who was being held on a aggravated assault against him and a second on possession of drugs. That man had given her pro bono attorney a statement saying that the incident had been overblown and said he would not press charges in the matter. Once that had been dismissed by a court, she would have been eligible to get in line for a spot in a state treatment program. 

Barocio could have qualified for the The Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF) or the  In-Prison Therapeutic Community (IPTC) that provide services to qualified inmates identified as needing substance use treatment. Both are six-month in-prison treatment programs followed by up to three months of residential aftercare in a transitional treatment center (TTC), six to nine months of outpatient aftercare and up to 12 months of support groups and follow-up supervision.

In fact, her family had told the lawyer that had previously represented her brother in federal court and who volunteered to represent her pro bono that they had not posted bond of her so she could get clean inside and think over the consequences of her substance abuse.

Things get murky as they trace the sequence of events that led to the young woman's death. A cell mate in one of the adjoining isolated cell away from the general population said that Barocio had complained of a toothache and had requested medication for the pain as late as Friday evening. She was found unresponsive Saturday morning and everything points to her ingesting some substance between Friday night and Saturday morning.

The Texas Rangers investigating the inmate's death have been close-lipped with her family and her legal representatives. But since she was a ward of the state an under their custody and control, the family is demanding that they tell them how it was that their daughter came across potentially tainted tooth medication which could have contained the lethal drug, or whether fentanyl itself had been made available by unidentified jail staff or personnel.

For months now, authorities have warned that many prescription drugs sold in Mexico and are much cheaper than their American counterparts, have been adulterated with fentanyl, heroin, morphine or  methamphetamines. https://www.dea.gov/alert/dea-laboratory-testing-reveals-6-out-10-fentanyl-laced-fake-prescription-pills-now-contain

The DEA Laboratory has found that, of the fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills analyzed in 2022, six out of ten now contain a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl. This is an increase from DEA’s previous announcements in 2021 that four out of ten fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills were found to contain a potentially lethal dose.

“More than half of the fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills being trafficked in communities across the country now contain a potentially deadly dose of fentanyl. This marks a dramatic increase – from four out of ten to six out of ten – in the number of pills that can kill,” said Administrator Anne Milgram. “These pills are being mass-produced by the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco Cartel in Mexico.

If the 26-year-old female inmate died as a result of taking pain killers given to her by jail staff for her toothache, does this mean that the cheap generic drugs (that might have been manufactured in Mexico) being dispensed at Carrizales may be tainted with the deadly drug? Was it a matter of economics that made these medications attractive to give to inmates because they were cheaper than American-made prescriptions? Or is there a traffic in fentanyl inside Carrizales?

Her family, trying to deal with the tragedy of their daughter dying in custody are asking for answers and so far, neither the Rangers or the sheriff's department have provided them with any information. 

"They say they can't tell them anything because it's an ongoing investigation," said a source close to the family. "But if the woman in th cell near her said she was alright Friday night and then found unresponsive Saturday morning, something happened in-between that caused her death. But she was a ward of the state and under the custody of the Sheriff (Eric Garza). It's his responsibility. Somebody has to know why this happened to her."


Anonymous said...

Why blame Mexico, asshole?

Anonymous said...

First let's make sure that the Victims and the Legal citizens of Cameron County know that Texas is a SOVERIGN greedy, corrupt state. Meaning that our so-called laws are only there to protect set-up entities, such as the judicial, law enforcement, and doctors and lawyers and our so-called congressmen and lawmakers who knowingly know that victims under their watch basically have no rights. Coercion and threats by these entities is what these bastards know runs Cameron County. The Cameron County jail is now diagnosing prisoners as to which qualify for the money-making entities that, we the citizens are paying with our tax dollars. The entity Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility, and the In-Prison Therapeutic Community provide services to qualified prisoners as needing drug treatment all at the expense of our tax-payers dollars. Who do these entities benefit, the deputies, lawyers, the hospitals, the judges and our political sovereign leaders. How and why does the Cameron County have the right to administer drugs tainted with fentanyl to the prisoners? Is it used to make sure and prove that the prisoners are on fentanyl and get to the monies from the entities. Another issue that is questionable is this pro bono lawyer committing conflict of interest by representing both the aggravated assaulted boyfriend and the victim. Looks like two for the price of one. Did this victim sign a document that took away all of rights to make her own decisions and designate a power of attorney to whom? What is great about this article is that it lets the taxpayer know as to where our monies in Cameron County are going to. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Time and time again we have seen the lack of leadership by Eric and his staff. Eric you continue to show us that you are not capable of being a Sheriff or LE in general. Your lack of judgment in placing and promoting your new “brass” with little or no experience is making the citizens of Cameron County suffer. More will come and it will continue to get worse for us deputies under your command.

Anonymous said...

What does having leadership skills have anything to do with Overdose lmao your an idiot...

Anonymous said...

prisoners without lights and phone service today and every other day. what kind of jailers do this? y el cherife NADA WILL NOT VOTE FOR THIS BOZO AGAIN NEVER...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why are they punishing the prisoners everyday? why? the county commissioners will have to answer for all the wrong at the jail if they keep their mouths close. the county judge also.... THEY ALL NEED TO BE VOTED OUT NOW!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Privatize. Let private professional jail systems take over. Plus they're cheaper and more efficient.

Anonymous said...

October 24, 2023 at 9:37 AM

Anonymous said...

Call the 4"s 444-4444 i see a lawsuit brewing here thats all. El bozo de Eric qnd his gang, days are numbered baby. going down for the count. mr lost in space.

Anonymous said...

Those bitching about the inmates not having phone privileges or ac are funny to read. Those are luxuries in life. Get over it.

If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime

There are bigger issues at the jail than bitching about inmates being comfortable. Inmates use to the phone to do what? Call their mom everyday who they don’t care to see when they’re out in the free. Or call their Ruka to put money on their books or to see if they’re out with another vato.

Anonymous said...

For the families asking questions about their daughter all they need to do is wait at a school and they Eric will be there to talk about drugs and how to fake it until you make it in life. Hell, go to any coffee place in the morning Eric will be there to post his helpful “Good Morning Cameron” post

Anonymous said...

“Chile” why don’t you tell the family what you know about this girl dying and what you’ve been saying around the jail? You would think that you’d be smarter instead of opening your mouth. Eric you think these guys are your friends? You are a disgrace to the badge.

Anonymous said...

2:18 hit the nail on the head. You are correct in your assessment. Phone calls , visitations etc are all privileges in jail . You break the rules then your privileges are removed. Plain and simple Thats not abuse. They are in prison not in a resort. That there’s problems/issues at Carrizalez most definitely but a prison is a prison.

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2023 at 2:18 PM
I hope you never land there either by your mistake or the sheriff's mistake than you can start crying and complaining. mama mama mama call me please wa wa wa waaaaaaaa

Anonymous said...

@2:18 facts. Ppl are crying about inmates being comfortable. Fuck that shit. It's a privilege. They didn't care about victims being comfortable doing the crime and placing other ppls lives in danger. They get food, a place to sleep and even at that have someone to do their laundry. Fuck the phones and a/c (if that's the case). Some hard working ppl don't even have that privilege why should a criminal?
@2:20 facts as well. The sheriff ain't shit. He doesn't care about the jail or 73. Waste of sheriff. Always at schools for what? Take care of your crew fucken loser. Fuck you garza. Your mom should have swallowed.

Anonymous said...

October 24, 2023 at 12:49 PM
y los pinches mamones rinches? bola de vendidos

Anonymous said...

erica will not be there for too long and you bootlickers will go out with ese mamon. soooooon very soon... fact

Anonymous said...

@11:15 it’s okay. Crdc is more comfortable for me vs when I was deployed overseas. Tablets, tv, commissary with hot foods, drugs hahaha what more do I want?!

Esmeralda barocio said...

For all those post stupid things , Do yall know how our family is hurting or how her daughter cries asking “why they do that to my mommy why they kill my mom she was coming home soon” do yall know how that breaks our heart no one is perfect in this life we all make mistakes yes my sister had a problem but yall don’t know how or what but us her family and yes we all decided for her to go to rehab or program she knew her bd was no good she was trying to get clean for her kids come home to her family to her mother ! Which now will never getting her back we have to leave with the pain HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPEN IN A JAIL WHICH SHE WAS IN A SINGLE CELL!!! my mother had just spoken to her she was fine advice us the medication was given to her then next day we get call she past away then a male inmate that was in seg as well called my mom asked if she was in the hospital broke down crying when my mother asked him if he didn’t know she passed his response was how she was asking for help to be taken to hospital which another inmate cell infront her said the same she was begging for help why did the guards fail to help her?? Like report that was posted they fail to check on her 8 rounds so imagine how my lil sis was suffering who knows for how long and yes we thought was due to wisdom tooth at her funeral my sister side her cheek was really swollen also I took pictures her right ear was bruised from inside as well had several bumps on her head so why is that ?? Huh did guard hit her o inmate? Who knows rite but yet judge not trying to release the autopsy to our lawyers why? If it was out already last Thursday even news man was about to get to inform me she ordered not to be given out why? What they trying to hide on the autopsy?? I don’t care what ppl judge talk s*** the pain we feeling I just hope no one goes through having a family member in custody! But I will state this I’ll keep fighting for my sister justice and if some thing they try to hide I’ll go beyond for the truth to come out if she needs to be brought up for another autopsy then it will!!
