Saturday, October 7, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: One of our eight readers caught this photo of a large pickup trucf carrying a 4' X 8' campaign sign bearing the photo of Cameron County Eric Garza, who is seeking reelection for another term in office. There are at least three other candidates – Manny Treviño and Jesus Rosa, and Ronnie Saenz – challenging Garza and making a viable run for that countywide office against Garza in the March 2024 Democratic primary. The winner will then meet a Republican party opponent, if any. in November.)

Garza's signs have started popping out all over the county and in early September a truck loaded with 'hundreds and hundreds' of Garza's signs was stopped at Veterans Bridge after it came through the Sentry lane coming in from Matamoros and driven by Mexican national identified as Martin Villarreal who owns a printing business there. Villarreal told officers that it was a "donation" for the sheriff from his friends in that cartel-controlled city. Hmmm.)


Anonymous said...

Scurrilous allegation, Montoya.

Waiting on chubby Republican Johnn Chambers to hire you?


Anonymous said...

October 7, 2023 at 6:23 AM

COMO CHINGAS CULO? You don't like vete a la chingada mamon con tu madre la maricona del downtown...

Anonymous said...

Juan you forgot about Ronnie Saenz, lets be fair and give equal opportunity to all or are you being pushing for Eric Garza no seas malo Clemente.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Appropriate place for Eric Garza and his minions to be : in/with the TRASH. Time for him to go. Him and all his rejects/ wannabes.

Anonymous said...

Can you interview El Que No Tranza No Almanza to confirm its one of his connections with Cartel Funds?

Anonymous said...

Isn't the sheriff disqualified by Eric's Law? The law that requires five years of experience in law enforcement to run for sheriff.

Anonymous said...

Es mejor que tiren la basura de Jesús CanTu
Como es que siempre lo mandan a spacex de lunes a viernes y descansa los sábados y domingos ????
Puro pinchen manon para tener privilegios
Hmm sera gente de condado Cantu ???
A caso es el mismo mugrero del ex sheriffe cobrado Cantu ?

Anonymous said...

Event Deputy Hoesie Hernandez should throw away all that plastic she has in her face. This Maybe like that her face can look less like a surprised cat fish with fake tits.

Anonymous said...

Almanza bought hundreds of signs for Omar Lucio and Javier Reyna in Matamoros. Why didn't you post that?

Anonymous said...

When he was a house mouse paper pusher he used to insult people that wore cowboys hats. Now at 300k a year he will even wear La bruja's panties y usadas pinche maricon mamon.

Anonymous said...

Erik is the sheriff in town. He will win again. Face it.
Stop whining, He knows how to win the political race.
