Saturday, October 7, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

For months – actually, since the April 2024 meeting – the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC) had not released or posted the minutes to their monthly regular or special meetings documenting the actions of the board or the awarding of grants to applicants from the downtown area.

Although the board records its actions on audio and video tapes, the meetings – which are not broadcast to the public – are held in relative obscurity shielded from public scrutiny.

In their last meeting, a batch of the meeting minutes were posted on their page, and included the minutes for August 23. Among them was a familiar applicant, Urban 8 Properties LLC, a corporation which lists former City of Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez and Ramiro Gonzalez the city's former Director of Government and Community Affairs as managing partners. Their application for $45,000 was for a fire suppression system.

Mendez and Gonzalez have come to this well often, and often walk away with tens of thousands of dollars in the form of free grants for their businesses downtown. In one memorable occasion, they were forced to withdraw an application for $200,000 because Mendez was the sitting mayor and Gonzalez was a city employee prohibited from applying or getting the grants from the BCIC. Gonzalez resigned from his position. 

The business this time is the one located at 1018 E. Washington, the old Coca Cola plant. 

But according to participants in the meeting, the minutes approved by the board relating to that particular application was in error. The Mendez-Gonzalez application for $45,000 was reported to have been approved unanimously. However, since the fund had been depleted, there was only $35,000 left in the Business and Improvement Growth fund, and rather than zero out the account, a motion was made by BCIC member Murad Abusalim, who works at Texas Southmost College where Mendez was once a board member, to approve a lower amount. 

Apparently,  Abusalim was determined to change the guidelines to please the ex-mayor and TSC board member to increase the amount from the board-imposed 25,000 cap to 45,000 for Mendez, despite being warned that they were going against their very own guidelines.

There were at least two guidelines broken and willingly ignored. The amount allowed was only $25,000 and the board's time requirement that the sprinkler system to have been installed after April 1, 2023 could be considered. Abusalim insisted on giving Urban 8 Properties 45,000 but there was not enough money left in the account to give him the entire $45,000. They was only $35,000. So he made the motion to award Trey $33,000. BCIC member Linda Macias – a city commissioner who promised city voters she would resign from the BCIC board two weeks after the election but reneged once elected – immediately agreed and seconded the motion.

Chairperson Jill Dominguez, displeased with her colleagues for going against their own rules and against the advice of their legal counsel and city administrators present, knew this was not going to sit well with taxpayers and looked to BCIC member and United Way CEO Traci Wickett for support. Wickett wouldn’t look at Dominguez sitting  inches from her, and instead took a bite of her potato chip and voted "yes." Dominguez immediately said "Nay." 

Yet, a cursory look at the minutes of the meeting that were approved show that the item carried unanimously.

The audio and video tapes were consulted and showed that Dominguez had voted "no," and when this was pointed out, she insisted that the minutes be changed to reflect her vote against the item. Had the error not been caught, their approval would constitute a fraud and an effort to mislead the public. Is this why the board doesn't want the meeting televised or made public? And if we look closely, will we find out other instances where this sleight-of-hand occurred?

And does the BCIC remain an ATM for elected officials and their elite friends?


Anonymous said...

sic em


Anonymous said...

Juan if you look at the Texas state guidelines for both 4A and 4B corporation, both are subject to open meetings act and regulations, there is a list of eligible items that these tax dollars can be spent on, agendas need to be posted 72 hours before a meeting, they are required to follow the rules, ask Helen Ramirez the cm now she knows all this stuff. Brownsville unfortunately does not follow the correct protocol because you have many rats, and kangaroos who love to steal taxpayers funds and then of course our favorite DA Luis Saenz who wont do a thing about it, folks already know this and thats the reason al these shenanigans go on in Brownsville and Cameron County. And thats the facts, cant cove the sun with one bad finger. chon

Anonymous said...

why do I have to verify 20 times? rita will be bad if no numbers are counted FIX IT. por plis

Anonymous said...

What’s amazing about all this BCIC crap, is that if all these reports are true , what does THE LAW have to say about this. Multiple nefarious stories have surfaced about this entity and yet it seems like business as usual for them. In the real world, if you forget to pay a simple traffic ticket after some time, the law comes looking for you but yet this type of flagrant abuse is allowed?? And once again its the same individuals involved. I’m no expert, but there seems to be something very wrong here. A sentence in this article caught my attention , where it said: one member was displeased with her colleagues for going against their own rules and against the advice of their legal counsel . Which leads me to question the legality of the proceedings and their actions. And if the law is being broken where are the authorities??? Its time for law enforcement to step in and if necessary hold someone accountable or at least clarify( to the cities taxpayers) if this entity is breaking the law. Enough is enough!!

Anonymous said...

Nobody I know cares about this, Juan.


Anonymous said...

Linda Macias needs to resign. False promises!

Anonymous said...

They all lie, cheat, and steal. There is nothing new here. Maybe more disappointment 😞 but they don't care.

Anonymous said...

Rank has privileges.

David Guerrero said...

Great reporting 👍 wished channel 4 or 5 would shed light on these questionable ongoings.

Anonymous said...

G = Greedy
R = Rats
A = Are
N = Natoriously
T = Taking
S = Silver

Anonymous said...

Who cares, the entire city government of Brownsville are fat money grabbing rats who are raking in the money from their city friends. Brownsville has become the ghetto of the RGV. Our new mayor is a rat, the gay commissioners don't give a damn about the taxpayers. The other commissioners are just plain dumb. Especially the bike and hike witch in her land of OZ bike.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is not one honest Mexican in Browntown.

Anonymous said...

San Benito 53
Brownsville Hanna 0

pos, si, Apa. que gacho fue esa golpiza. Los traian como perros.

Anonymous said...

Trey Méndez esres una vergüenza andando

Anonymous said...

Murad Abusalim is a very strict individual. Something happened for him to bend the rules and help Trey Mendez.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics. Fact.

Anonymous said...

Jill is a teacher
Ke sabe de finances

Anonymous said...

Just had tell someone anybody taking there cars to Kelly tires in Brownsville better watch there ass those fkers tried to pull a $1,700 dlr fast one on my 86 year old aunt and she needed was a battery.

Anonymous said...

Iam fucking disgusted! The same people doing it over and over again and everyone turns a blind eye. Fuck You all! Iam disgusted with your dirty dealings and covering up. Boycott downtown, cause that's where all the ratas have businesses and it's the same ratas keeping the money in their circle.

Keep going to these ratas bars and restaurants, and you are part of the problem supporting this corruption. So you can't hurt them with a vote, but you can hurt them with your wallet and foot. Do not spend money, or step foot in their corrupt businesses.

Anonymous said...

Why are some businesses downtown still have free parking spaces assigned to them for take out orders? Covid19 epidemic is long over but some restaurants (especially owned by past and present elected officials) are still taking advantage of free parking approved by the city. Another example of how corrupted the municipal government is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

La law ni se mete can't understand or see the foul
With high schol diplomas they can't understand the complexity of the situation

Anonymous said...

Dr. Murad Abusalim is from the Gaza Strip, next to Egypt and Israel. He knows the problems of the border. He knows how power corrupts.
Hopefully, this was just one and the only help to a friend but NO MORE.
Keep an eye on him. Dr. Abusalim is involved in many projects and organizations here in the Valley. He is the architect of the people.

Anonymous said...

People: Just because the elected officials steal from "US" doesn't mean we can steal from each other. Doesn't work that way. Voting is the only way. VOTE EVERYBODY OUT, and if they don't do anything (like the two new ones) VOTE THEM OUT.


Anonymous said...

Politics is a Mother…… don’t know who to trust. Can’t trust a fake smile with all teeth showing.

Anonymous said...

First of all to address the former Palestinian Murad Abusalim, who first came to United States in 2002 with a Fulbright scholarship, meaning he didn't pay shit for his education, all with the courtesy of the State of Texas. He even admits that he gained his teaching experience at TTU and TOOK ADVANTAGE of an opportunity to teach at TSC. Six years later, 2008 he is running and teaching at Tex. Southmost College, a foreigner using South Texas Land Grant monies for his education. He and his cronies like real estate investor Trey Mendez and Nick Mitchell Bennett are very much like Houston Nate Paul and Ken Paxton who used their positions to steal land grant monies for their set-up entities. Entities such as the Colony Ridge, "COLONIA "in Liberty County, not far from the Woodlands in Houston, involving mostly all illegal immigrants to purchase properties without any form of ID. This also included the Illegal voting by these illegals. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Corruption runs deep in this city. Its part of the culture. So is the indifference and total disregard for the law shown by our law enforcement agencies!!! Shameful and disappointing. And(if this story is true/accurate ) i guess we now have a new player in that Dr Murad “ABUSEsalim” (BCIC’s new poster boy)(his name describes the entities true vision for Brownsville)

Anonymous said...

Zeke Silva forgot to mention how he was Alex Dominguez chief of staff… and will be on his next campaign run… of course he wouldn’t throw his wife Jill under the bus!!! Funny how he wrote this trying to make her same like a beacon of hope! Y’all need to read between this lines on this one, Montoya and Zeke are pissing on your boots, as usual!

Anonymous said...

pinche abogadito pierde causas de matrimonio. idiota
