Sunday, October 8, 2023



Anonymous said...

Eddie garcia is getting a divorce, jaja pos no que muy bule el chaparro. Sucks when you think you’re untouchable. But as they say karma always strikes you the worst when you’re on top. That’s what you get for abusing the position given to you by the people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't Miss The Upcoming Eclipse; you can see it for about 30 seconds only if you see it more than that, you will grow a turd eye. FACT

Anonymous said...

Cameron County patrol unit involved in crash
was el gran cherife del condado kamaron involved?

Anonymous said...

Creo que soy de los sonsos, pero mi Papa me dijo que no dijera nada. Lo siento.

Si, lo siento. Me duele.


Anonymous said...

Eddie and Gaby Garcia need to go. CORRUPT!!

Anonymous said...

Trump was the worst president in the history of the USA. Hopefully, the GOP will come to their senses and will get rid of this despicable person once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Karma is what Israel is waking up to. You reap what you sow, live by the sword and die by the sword. The POTUS is acting like the only aggressor in this conflict are the Palestinians. They don’t have nuclear weapons, an Air Force, or navy or army. They don’t receive 3 billion annually from the US. Illegal settlements and apartheid conditions are the status quo. This situation requires unbiased negotiating. ☮️ ✌️

Anonymous said...

Ya estoy cansado de ese vato Trump!! Es mas, que chingue a su madre Trump. Es un desmadre en todo el mundo( guerras, violencia, hambre, odio, muerte etc) y ese puto nomas echándole mas veneno y mentiras. Que se vaya mucho a la VERG….( ustedes saben pa donde)!!!

Anonymous said...

October 8, 2023 at 12:45 PM

the law not the gop must get rid of este pendejo the law will sent him to jail with all his snakry family

Anonymous said...

To the Palestinian sympathizer. The Palestinians(Hamas) entered Israel unprovoked killing innocent women and children. There is no excuse for such action. These animals need to be put down once and for all. Unfortunately, war has been declared and the carnage on both sides will just get worse.
