Tuesday, October 31, 2023



Anonymous said...

Deal with it, Montoya. He was elected speaker by a unanimous Republican vote.

Anonymous said...

October 31, 2023 at 6:11 AM
you deal with it pinche coco lambiscon racist republicans hate meskins like your brown ass, maricon lambiscon y mamon...

Anonymous said...

October 31, 2023 at 6:11 AM

open up your own blog and glorify your maricones joto. racist republcians hate meskins like yourself pinche coco lambiscon.

Anonymous said...

Too much talk on Trump. Nothing about Biden who is leading our country to complete destruction. Our country was a lot better and safer under Trump in comparison to Biden. We were respected by world leaders now we're a joke. Wait for the next 9/11 and thank your Democratic politicians.

Anonymous said...

Who's the mojado who tells others to start their own blog. If Montoya didn't want comments, he could just not post them. Think about it fluffer.

Anonymous said...

Supreme Court Weighs When Officials May Block Citizens on Social Media

Anonymous said...

Trump was the worst president in the history of the USA. That's a fact and surely dont want or need him for 2024 he already has caused so much damage and dividiness. In fact, the only thing he is good at is instigating people against each other and lying. Granted, President Biden is not doing well but he is and was doing a lot better than Trump.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Biden/Obama shut down x2 oil pipe lines and opened Russias pipe line no more domestic drilling like TRUMP had it when we were paying less then 2 dollars a gallon now we have to purchase barrels of oil from other countries such as Iran. our gas prices went up truckers have to pay more money for gasoline so consumers have to pay more for products in stores. Now Russia has money to do there devilish things so attacks Ukraine.Biden/Obama payed Iran 6 billion dollars in exchange for 5 prisoners why did we give money they did not give us money for our prisoners well they said it was for humanitarian purposes the president of Iran said will use that money what ever we want Biden said ok suddenly Hamas attacks Israel wonder where they got that money Hezbola is waiting to attack Israel from north.Hamas has Americans Hostage Biden/Obama wants to send another 100 million dollars to Hamas for Humanitarian purposes don't even bother to request to release our American citizens I guess our citizens are not worth 100 million dollars.GOD save AMERICA from BIDEN/OBAMA and ignorant fools give TRUMP more Strength to save our country.
