Friday, October 20, 2023


In a closed-door session, House Republicans voted against Jim Jordan continuing as their party's nominee for speaker.

The vote came hours after Mr. Jordan failed for a third time to win election as House speaker, leaving the chamber paralyzed and Republicans with no consensus on a way forward.


Anonymous said...

Juan, who is Jim Jordan again?

I never heard of this L7 puto and I'm always here, as you know cause you asked me to help you with the blog hits!

The truth shall set you free, Montoya!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

U.S. Navy shoots down missiles in Red Sea potentially headed toward Israel: Pentagon
Time to head to canada again you yellow belly cowards there is one here that hates veterans. He'll be gone very soon vete para canada mamon yellow belly coward...

Anonymous said...

Ya se lo llevo la V…. al Jim Jordan. Otro pinche psycho igual que Trump. Deben de sacar a todos esos pinches locos/ratas del gobierno— Republicanos y Democratas!! “ O todos hijos de dios o todos hijos del diablo “.

Anonymous said...

Suddenly, after you kill yourself, those friends
who never agreed about anything
agree about your trashy character.
They’re like a houseful of Bad Vatos rehearsing
the same funeral song:
you were a punk, you were dumb, you lived a beggar's life.
No car. No house. Except
you had a blog;
real tears were not shed.

Luckily, you’re dead; otherwise
you’d be overcome with revulsion.

(a poem by El Weenes, BFD)

Anonymous said...

The GOP should also reject Trump

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump would make a great House Speaker!

Anonymous said...

The people of Israel were unable to defend themselves due to their strict gun laws. Now it appears that the Israel government is changing their tune making it easier for its citizens to own a gun. The Democratic party for years has been trying to disarm our population. Be very cautious when voting on issues regarding gun control. This is just a means of controlling the population. Defund the police and open borders all tactics by the Democratic government to create chaos. For those that are afraid of guns just don't buy them. Those that have guns but believe in gun control turn them in to your local police department and continue your life always looking down.

Anonymous said...

October 20, 2023 at 6:08 PM
sounds more like it came from your ass, smells bad and looks bad. yup it came from you assss

Anonymous said...

Hey, 7:58 Who is going to invade us, Cuba? I saw that movie. It was tough but we finally won thanks to a commando of high school age freedom fighters and, I almost forgot, the army and air force. And it doesn't matter if you believe that propaganda that guns don't shoot people, people shoot people. What matters is that whoever is shooting, guns or people (I'm not smart enough to figure out the difference) they are doing it more than ever. And these days we have gone on to advanced shooting where we don't just shoot our enemy, or the poor jerk we are robbing now we shoot up movie theaters, country music concerts, grade school classrooms and crowds on the sidewalk. And if you believe all it takes to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun explain to me how that worked out when 50 good guys with guns were a door thickness away from an elementary school classroom. No, somehow instead of feeling safer with more guns around I feel more threatened than ever.

Anonymous said...

At 10:13, it doesn't have to be an invasion. Plenty of domestic enemies around. Antifa, Burn, Loot, and Murder thugs, rogue federal bureaucrats pretending to be cops, anti semites like the ones Juan Montoya defends like an illiterate negroe.

If your neighbors in the valley weren't armed, the cartel would be more violent here. If you don't feel safe, maybe you're a criminal.
