Tuesday, November 28, 2023


NBC News

WASHINGTON — The George Santos saga could soon come to an end on Capitol Hill, though his legal troubles will continue well into 2024.

As soon as this week, the House could vote to expel Santos, the indicted New York Republican congressman, after a blistering Ethics Committee report concluded he had used his campaign funds to pay for personal expenses, including rent, tips, luxury items, cosmetic treatments like Botox and a subscription to the adult content site OnlyFans.

The report also found that Santos deceived his donors and knowingly filed false campaign finance statements. (Santos, who blasted the report as "biased," has pleaded guilty to the federal charges.)

Ethics Committee Chairman Michael Guest, R-Miss., filed a resolution before the Thanksgiving break to expel Santos from Congress. When the House returns Tuesday, Guest could move to force a vote on his resolution later in the week.

"The amount of fraud and abuse was something that was unprecedented. We've never seen that before," Guest said Monday on the SuperTalk  Mississippi radio network. "I do believe that, based on the extent of the conduct, that expulsion is an appropriate remedy."


Anonymous said...

Making all you horny Mexican men out there a little envious of what my husband gets every night. I love green, it's my favorite color and most of my intimates are all green. Vote for me if these panties appeal to you xo

Thank you, Juan.

Anonymous said...

There are numerous corrupt politicians. This one just so happened to have been caught. He should have taken lessons from Biden and/or Pelosi. These guys know how to beat the system. These guys are good!

Anonymous said...

If they remove him, the governor has 10 days to announce a new election within 10 days to take place within 80 days.

Anonymous said...

This is a testament to how ignorant voters can be to elect this kind of GOP TRASH.

Anonymous said...

I don’t particularly like the guy; however, he’s TRUTHFUL. THE SWAMP CREATURES don’t like the truth. It scares them!

Anonymous said...

Congress will expel him really? Lets see how many congressman or women will throw out the first stone, be careful you might just end up hitting yourself, Todos son iguales no se agane locos. Thats the reason for many voters not going to the polls any more, it makes no change, hope Trump wins again and lets see what congress does? NOHING>

Anonymous said...

Dairy Neck on that guy, like Jim Barton's.

just saying.

Anonymous said...

When Santos tells you that Congressmen are fucking their assistants, believe it. Happening on both parties. It's like the Roman republic just before its collapse.
