Wednesday, November 29, 2023


" Texas A&M fired coach Jimbo Fisher November 12, a move that resets the paradigm for coaching buyouts and opens up one of the country's most tantalizing jobs.

The move is expected to cost the school more than $76 million to buy out Fisher's deal, which is nearly triple the highest known coaching contract buyouts at a public school. According to the terms of the contract, Texas A&M will owe Fisher $19.2 million within 60 days and then pay him $7.2 annually through 2031. There is no offset or mitigation on those payments, and the annual payments start 120 days after termination. 
What is owed to Fisher would be paid with donor dollars from the school’s 12th Man Foundation and athletic department funds. 

Fisher’s overall record is 45-25. Last year, the Aggies ended the season with a 5-7 record. The team is in the midst of another lackluster season, with a 6-4 record so far."
 News Item

The Claw News

The firing of Jimbo Fisher will reportedly cost Texas A&M University about $77 million to buy out his contract, according to multiple reports and the salary tracking website Sportrac, after the school relieved him of his duties as head football coach.

When Fisher was first named head football coach at Texas A&M in 2017, the university said he had agreed to a 10-year contract worth $75 million, adding no “state-appropriated funds” would be used toward his salary.The finances behind the decision to fire the coach are “monumental,” Ross Bjork, Texas A&M director of athletics, said during a news conference.

Sure, Ross. We will go with “monumental.” I was going to go with, vulgar, chokingly disgusting, wasteful, and shameful. But you do you. Now this is not to cast aspersions on Jimbo Fisher. His agent negotiated a great contract for his client, it was signed, and it was owed.

I am not going to claim Fisher is some kind of an awful person for accepting what he is contractually due. The issue here, other than the fact a football coach was getting paid an amount equal to the tuition of nearly 1,000 students, per year, is that Jimbo will be doing, nothing. He is fired. Jimbo can fish for the rest of his days if he would like.

This school is so obsessed with football, that it took this loss, because it is sure that the next time, they will hire the right coach, the one that will win the National Championship. They have been searching for this coach, since Homer Norton in 1939. But the next one..this will be it.

Schools do make money if they are successful in sports. It is one of the perverse elements of our culture that we value arts, by and large, less than we do high speed collisions of young men’s heads fighting over oblong leather objects.

I wanted to throw some statistics to clearly outline how vulgar this display is, and how misplaced our priorities are: 

The National Endowment for the Arts’ FY2020 appropriation of $162.5 million constitutes approximately .003 percent of the federal budget. More than 80 percent of the appropriation is distributed as grants and awards to organizations and individuals across the country.

*40 percent of the NEA’s grantmaking budget is awarded directly to the states through their state and regional arts agencies, reaching millions more people in thousands of communities.The National Endowment for the Arts designates that a portion of every state and regional partnership grant be allocated to serving underserved communities

*The remaining 60 percent are awards made directly to organizations and individuals that apply through the Arts Endowment's funding categories.

*National Endowment for the Arts grants provide a significant return on investment of federal dollars with $1 of NEA direc tfunding leveraging up to $9 in private and other public funds, resulting in $500 million in matching support.

Yes I am well aware the Federal government is not responsible for university budgets, and did not decide to make football more important. What I am saying is that there is so much money for football, that one average football coach’s buyout is nearly half of our 2020 total (direct taxpayer) expenditures on arts programs. For the whole nation.

Except, it is closer two-thirds.

HAD TO BE DONE: SI’s Pat Forde wrote the timing of Fisher’s dismissal is “weird,” but the result was “inevitable, once the school reconciled with the fiscal irresponsibility of paying by far the biggest buyout in college sports history.” Between “paying off Fisher and his staff and replacing them,” this figures to be an expenditure of more than $125M. Forde: “Oil prices being what they are, there seems to be plenty of silly money for boosters to blow on college football in Texas”

Texas A&M has consistently been an 8 or 9 win school, football wise. They field good, not great teams. Look I enjoy football sometimes, although I wish it could be made safer. This is no bent against football. This same complaint would apply to anything that does not contribute to education when, you know, we are talking about a university.

Another way to look at it is that these boosters have lots and lots of expendable cash. They can choose to do with it what they like. They could choose to let this rather unremarkable but inoffensive coach continue to churn out good but not great campaigns, or they could choose to go for greatness! They could choose to invest in the goal of winning titles. Of course, they could make a different choice.

You see, tuition at Texas A&M is $9,526 per year. For this, students are able to access a valuable and life changing education. But for $125 million, the boosters could have made a different decision.

They could have used that to fund the education of 5,117 deserving people to Bachelor’s degree completion. They could have spent that on the future, with the potential to impact the world.

But why do that when impacting heads is more fun? 


Anonymous said...

San Benito’s new city manager reviewing job duties
He wants people from the animal shelter, where he was the director of the dog shelter, sounds about right for sanbene.
y el tamale tank? pobre freddie...

Anonymous said...

Julia who is 42 loves to show her big DD tits, round ass and hairy pussy then play with herself in the bath and shower thinking of the views she’s getting.

Thank you, Mr. Montoya

Anonymous said...

Trump has already foreshadowed his aggressive agenda if he wins, including mass deportations and travel bans imposed on certain Muslim-majority countries
This includes meskin cocos that wanna be white but los gringos won't let them. ADIOS PENDEJOS racist republicans

Anonymous said...

The excessive amount of money spent on sports in this country is a joke. The tax- payers money should be spent to better educate our youth. In all seriousness, how many college athletes actually end up playing professional ball and making tons of money. Sports in this country should be privatized.

Anonymous said...

Thats alot of MULAH TO PAY OUT. MUST HAVE A GREAT CONTRACT. Is that taxpayers money or from college donations? juan do you know?

Anonymous said...

