Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

By a 4-3 vote, the board of the Brownsville Independent School District declined to approve an investigation or hire outside independent counsel to investigate member Eddie Garcia in reference to improperly attempting to use his position as a board member to promote a specific employee at Food Services.

The agenda item to approve an investigation was placed on the agenda by board member Carlos Elizondo with board support by board member Frank Ortiz. The other item, to hire independent counsel to conduct the investigation, was placed on the agenda by Ortiz and supported by Elizondo 

In a somewhat convoluted process, the first item which asked the board to approve the investigation and the following item to hire independent counsel, were tied up together by Elizondo, who made a motion to hire an independent investigator when the item on the agenda was to approve an investigation in the first place.

Nonetheless, Elizondo's motion to hire outside counsel was made during discussion of whether to approve an investigation and the 4-3 vote against the motion which was seconded by Ortiz made a vote on the second motion moot.

The vote in favor of the Elizondo-Ortiz motion was supported by trustee Minerva Peña. The votes against were cast by Garcia, president Jessica Gonzalez, Damiella Lopez-Valdez, and Denise Garza.

From the get-go, Elizondo could not – or would not – specify who the identity of the alleged victim, other than to say that he had received an email of an "outcry" by unnamed individuals which he said was also sent to former superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez. He offered to read the allegedly incriminating email, and asked Garcia to prove he was not guilty and to show it by voting in favor of the motion and approve the item to conduct an investigation on himself.

Garza asked board counsel if the board could conduct an investigation into the allegations if there was no person named as a complainant.

"Can we conduct and investigation without a victim,?" she asked board counsel.

"The board can vote to conduct an investigation if there was a complaint," said Kevin O'Hanlon, principal in the firm of  O’Hanlon, Demerath & Castillo. "They can also vote to conduct an investigation if they want to."

"I need to see a victim, I need to see a complaint," said board president Gonzalez. "Unless there's an actual victim,  I'm not going to go into it."

"I welcome any inquiry," Garcia sated repeatedly, while denying he had none nothing wrong.

And Peña, who sided with Ortiz and Elizondo to approve hiring outside counsel, told Garcia, sitting next to her, that she had voted in favor of the motion to hire counsel to investigate him to clear his name and to make sure that there had been nothing wrong.

"There's nothing better than to have someone come in and prove that you didn't do anything wrong." 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Elizondo should if never been on that board in the first place.



Anonymous said...

Mud slinging, finger pointing, bickering, backstabbing, double crossing, betrayals etc the many storylines of the BISD soap opera in progress. The board members must be so proud. Acting like a bunch of spoiled vengeful brats. Totally disgusting and embarrassing. Feel so bad for interim superintendent Chavez having to work with these losers.

Anonymous said...

Come on Minera you are constantly telling everyone about your dps days. What system did you work under? Guilty till proven innocent? You all are on a witch hunt and all three dummies are always causing turmoil. No que muy cristianos tu y Carlos. Do something for the kids for a change. You three stooges are a complete joke.

Anonymous said...

Juan so is Minnie mouse pena still on the board? Wow i thought by your previous article she was out, so when will some one show her the way out? just asking. Ya apesta

Anonymous said...

You still have law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

While it's obvious Minerva Pena is not intellectually-suited for service in anything resembling education, Carlos Elizondo is a dirtbag of the highest order, an absolute scum who will steal anything not nailed down.

Anonymous said...

A victim? He needs a victim? If a politician or political entity is behaving improperly we are all victims. This seems clear to me.

Anonymous said...

Hey DA SAENZ now is the time. It’s election time right around the corner , its time to showcase your investigative skills and take a peek at BISD( alleged bribes on construction contracts/projects ) and or BCIC( grant handouts). Take your pick. There are multiple stories/rumors of shady practices at both entities. Imagine how good you would look to the voters. Time to take some action. Take BISD , im sure with so much animosity and bickering amongst the board members , you wouldn’t have any problem finding a willing “volunteer” to spill the beans. Just saying….

Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo you are such a moron. You can’t fool us , you think you’re so smart and savy by asking all those questions about that Resaca project. All it did was just prove what an idiot you are. Flooding downtown ( and in many parts of Brownsville) is a decades long issue . Just because you construct a new parking lot at the old Resaca school and it pours rain and floods the surrounding neighborhood you think the rain is not going to flood your parking lot??? Even if your parking lot has good runoff/drainage , when the streets around it flood excessively ( like they do) , guess what ??your parking lot is going to FLOOD. Its called the WATER LEVEL being increased by Mother Nature!!! The laws of physics exist for a reason. Flooding is a constant headache downtown, just ask the people at the CC courthouse and the detention centers ( and most of the businesses downtown) . So Elizondo, stop acting like a know it all , we all know what a loser you are and always has been . Don’t try and endear yourself to the citizens of Brownsville cause it’s definitely not working. Enough said

Anonymous said...

The Firefighters are still waiting for the Elizondo court case involving stealing their money. This ass wipe pelon should have never been qualified to run for any public office.

Anonymous said...

Eddie Garcia is as guilty as SIN... He is a coward to admit he threatened the women to not say anything. Just because you can't find the body, doesn't mean there wasn't a murder. Just the same with Eddie. Just because the victim didn't go in person for fear of retaliation and public shaming from the community as a home wrecker, doesn't mean he hasn't had MULTIPLE extramaritial affairs. He never denied having the affairs, he said I want the victim to come forward. That to me says, there is a victim but she hasn't come forward. Eddie Garcia sister is a judge and a attorney. She is afraid to say anything because she was threatened to be sued for liable because Eddie said he never promised her a job. Not that he didn't use his position to fuck her,but that she has no proof that he promised her. In other words it was a woman who thought that by fucking Eddie Garcia she would get a job. That is what they are threatening her. That in cross examination they will ask her when and where does she have proof he promised her a job. Still does't mean that he abused his position as a BISD Board member to get laid with other women not his wif. Pelado sucio y asceroso. Lavate las verijas guey.

Anonymous said...

9:38 AM Don't forget TSC la abuela Adela. They had her feet to the fire when they got greedy gorda Atkinson. They were inseparable so there must be some big scary skeletons in her closet.

Anonymous said...

Y el Eddie (hot and spicy) Garcia bien contento porque no lo van a investigar. A lo mejor el vato no hizo nada, nunca vamos a saber. A lo mejor era puro pedo de Carlos ( la rata pelona) Elizondo. El se cree un santo. Porque tanto drama y novela en el distrito escolar. Disque unos andan de calientes, que otros hacen transas en las construciones, que un miembro de la mesa directiva ya no debe de estar ahi. Total que puros cuentos y chismes. Eso no es correcto. Ustedes deben de ser el ejemplo para los niños y nomas se la pasan peleando, maromeandose, chismeando, poniéndose dedo etc. Que clase de líderes escolares son ustedes???? A mi me daria vergüenza portarme asi. Es increíble. Ya me canse. Bye 👋

Anonymous said...

Narcissists often use lying as a tool for manipulation, deceit and to maintain a false image of themselves

Karma never forgets the lies told by attention seekers

"skeletons in your closet(s)" NO SHAME

What Makes a Great School Board Member
Set the vision and goals for the district(make sure students graduate to be productive literate college ready etc)

Adopt policies to give district direction to achieve its goals(Order,Checks and Balances, Respect, Unity, Team, Integrity, Support, Role Model, etc)

Observation: The Majority Four, might not be Perfect, do practice these characteristics

For those who might disagree clean your optics and reflect, seriously, research those board members you keep defending and report on their clean record and maybeeeeeee I will change my vote

Anonymous said...

Frank Ortiz AKA "ChupaBolas" stop licking "La Rata Polon's" bald heads!!!

Anonymous said...

Eddie Garcia for Tax Assessor. No.

Daniela Lopez Valdez for County Commissioner. No.

Denise Garza for County Clerk. No.

Jessica Gonzalez. GED.

Anonymous said...

First of all, why bother to televise the board meetings when they on purpose keep the microphone muffled or silent so that we can not hear anything that they are saying. The only voice I could hear clearly was that of la gritona
Winnie-Minnie not so Minnie, and our Int. Supt. Dr. Jesus Chavez. He made himself heard on many issues and was on top of things even in the few days he has had to come aware of the mess we have on our board. Dr. Chavez, haber si
chaves como arreglar estos tontos. We need yuur guidance and a check on micromanagement by them and the kickbacks they fight for with all their might.

If Eddie did not do anything wrong, why won't he say so. He refused to answer and said he would not go into that? Why, because he would be lying by saying it is not true when there is obvious the victim is there but afraid or ahsamed to show her face. Why did they 3 viejas vote no when they could have been one of the victims themselves, and of course, Eddie was not about to say yes. Vato gallina! Ponte los pantalones o le tienes miedo a tu suergo Lupe y tu vieja? A que le tienes miedo si no es verdad?

What a shame that our board spends more time investigating allegations, gossips, accusations, mentiras, puro pedos, instead of spending more time on
figuring out how to improve our district so that our kids come back home from the charter schools. That should be our priority right now cause we have lost so many students and teachers to those schools. Shame on those
oath of office takers!

And Minerva, you are the pot calling the kettle black when you went through a similiar situation and you got off scott free! Tu nuera fue la que pago!

Anonymous said...

9.38 am i agree with you where is the famous ugul mostached DA and what is he doing on these cases, honestly we need A NEW DA TO REALLY TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS WILL ANYONE CHALLENGER THIS WORST SCUM OF THE GALAXY? obi wan knobi

Anonymous said...

Truth Be told, on Facebook, everyone at Veterans knows that Marc Lucio and Lizette Lucio are behind this fake profile. Everyone knows what a shitty family you all are. Constant fighting, family violence, when you Lizette held a gun out to Marc, everyone remembers. Harassing and treating people is what you do when they don't side with you. Please tell everyone why Marc was removed from Veterans. The entire football team, coaches, and parents know about the outcry that Marc covered up to protect his son. You can praise Jesus on Facebook, but turn around and be the ugly couple ever! Us parents at Veterans are so glad you are no longer here. You may be a parent but no longer a coach here. And trust me when I tell you we don't care for you and your bullshit. Constantly using the last name to advance. I believe your cousin Eddie is tired of your bullshit! The question is, what do the Elizondo’s promise you? We know they are behind giving you info cause you once bragged about it. Remember? Let's wait, parents, cause they are going to start harassing us to find out who posted this about them.

Anonymous said...

How do you get the trustee who is unofficially there removed and replaced?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Frank Ortiz AKA "ChupaBolas"...I once respected you but now, I spit on your name. You are a little man with a tiny dick!! Both you and Carlos Elizonda "La Rato Pelona" both have and will continue to cheat on your wifes, for a man that cheats on his wife will cheat on everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

10:03 i agree with many of your statements and the reason these board members don’t fulfill their obligations is because to them its not about community service but SELF SERVICE. They get these coveted positions only to advance their own portfolios and hidden agendas. They all try to smile and pretend to serve, when in reality behind the scenes its a free for all for the biggest slice of the pie($$$)!!! And they will do whatever it takes to achieve that, even if it means backstabbing,ridiculing, or accusing their colleagues of some type of wrongdoing. Their behavior is appalling and unacceptable!!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan, It is so shameful that people who post here in the common section of your blog have no idea what they’re talking about and what they’re asking. They post nothing but made up information, untruths and false allegations. It’s interesting to read these comments because then you know why Brownsville doesn’t grow like Mcallen and Edinburgh. Que Triste.

Anonymous said...

7:37pm I do agree that the bullying and disrespect name-calling accusations and so on that is read is shameful

Podcasts are audio programs people use to share their interests stories ideas discussions not to bully disrespect name-calling make accusations and so on either

Observation The Pot Calling the Kettle Black seem as if these board members are furious because these board members are no longer the majority no power no influence no opportunity to put their hands in the cookie jar what were the cause(s) and effect(s) when these board members were in the majority before the Rene chronicles

Students are struggle graduating illiterate not college ready graduates who do attend college come back unsuccessful and so on

Priority for a school board member should be Students not dirty politics this is a Fact Without Students a School District will not exist much less need School Board Members

Anonymous said...

Anyone talked to Rosa Herrera to see what she has to say about all of this, since she's the pan bearer, the employee/ex-secretary and the lover in the middle of this to see what she has to say. And how is it that Eddie Garcia was allowed to vote against a potential investigation regarding him?
