Monday, November 13, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: We're all acquainted with "Nipper," the original mascot for RCA Victor's record players, or perhaps grammaphones. But we have another faithful dog over at Pluton Brewery in downtown Browntown. Her name is Mila (as in the beer Miller?) And she bears a resemblance to Nipper, who is often identified as a fox terrier, but was actually a mixed breed from England.

The story behind Mila is a bit different. Pluton Brewery's head brewer Daniel Brashear found her in a field badly beaten and sick and rescued her and nursed her back to health. He doesn't know what breed she is except that Mila is now a healthy, beautiful dog and guards her Master's Booze.)


Anonymous said...

Fuckin gross. You make beer with the presence of a dog. Just dirty. No one cares if you rescued or not. YOUR establishment will be closed soon. No business.

Anonymous said...

Nice Dog.

Anonymous said...

Another failed business in the making allowing an animal into the premise. All animals being animals have a smell to them. I refuse to drink or eat around animals its just plain nasty. What does the health department have to say on this?

Anonymous said...

It was very kind of Daniel Brashear to show compassion towards Mila.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where those white hairs came from in my beer. NOW I KNOW YIKES Y EL INSPECTOR CLOUSO DONDE ANDA BIEN PEDO????

Anonymous said...

Mila is an animal.
Go adopt a child in need of a parent.

Diego said...

To all the “anonymous” posters from Mila’s original comment/post; y’all are so fucking petty, sad, and ignorant as fuck. The majority of breweries in the U.S. and around the World are dog friendly and have been dog inclusive for centuries. Brewing traditions have favored for brewers to work with their dog companions, as has been with trades who’ve crafted the civilization we live in. And for you yk No one cares about rescued dogs?? THE establishment will be closed soon?? What a fucking low life piece of shit hater that abhors their life says stuff like this? THIS professional brewery with owners and employees who want their business small to succeed and love also their pets are “dirty”. You clearly have no idea what being loved feels like. You hate yourself because an “animal” sees more love than you ever have. THIS business will see more success than you will ever imagine. “The smells of them” will rise to the top of everything you’d expect and you’ll become angry with jealousy. THEY’LL adopt every animal who needs love because I fucking bet you’ll never adopt the child you so claim to because you’ll never be the parent they desperately need. FUCK every single one of you for the hateful words you’ve spewed.
