Monday, November 13, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The Texas Supreme Court has denied Brownsville Independent School District board member Minerva Peña's appeal to a 13th Court of Appeals decision denying her a new trial and which upheld the ruling by a visiting judge in the 107th Distict Court that illegal votes cast in the 2020 election made results void and that the district should hold a new election.

The Supreme Court's decision to deny Peña's petition for review was filed on Friday, Nov. 10.

"This means that the BISD could appoint someone a board member to replace Peña, and that it an election be held for the position as early as March," said attorney Gilberto Hinojosa, who represented Marisa F. Leal in her efforts to overturn the election results based on her documentation in the trial court of  at least 24 illegally cast votes in the election.

On November 3, 2020, an election for Place 6 on the board of trustees with Leal, Peña, and Joe A. Rodriguez as candidates. After the results of the election were canvased Leal was declared the winner by one vote. Then, on December 3, 2020, after a recount requested by Peña was completed, a final and official canvas and certification of the general election results for Board of Trustees Place 6 showed 16,552 votes for Peña, 16,544 votes for Leal and 10,575 votes for Rodriguez. Peña was declared the winner, having received 8 more votes than Leal.

On December 30, 2020, Leal, filed an election contest in the 107th District Court requesting that the results of the November 3 election for that Place 6, be declared void because numerous ballots were cast in violation of the Texas Elections Code, and therefore were illegal votes, such that the true outcome of the election could not be determined. Leal requested that the Court declare the election void and that it order a new election.

The courts have ruled that if the trial court ruled the votes illegal, it does not have to ascertain form whom then votes were cast.

Following a bench trail before Visiting Judge Joel Johnson, On January 27, 2022, the trial court entered its final judgment finding that “24 (twenty four) illegal votes were cast in this election and that those 24 (twenty-four) votes were not countable “ and that those “twenty-four (24) illegal votes cast in  (the)  election [were] equal to or greater than the number of votes necessary to change the outcome of the election.” 

The Court also found that “election officers and other persons officially involved in the administration of the election made mistakes which allowed illegal votes to be cast and which have made it impossible to determine whether the outcome of the contested election, as shown by the final canvass, is the true outcome."

Among the illegal votes cast were 16 of persons who the court deemed were not eligible to vote in the BISD election and who shared a residence/address of a non-residential warehouse near the Brownsville airport. Other illegal votes were of people who received assistance illegally, and mail-in ballots which were not signed.

Those 24 illegal ballots – which Peña did not dispute – made it impossible to determine the winner since the number of illegal votes cast in the election far exceeded the number of votes (eight)
necessary to change the outcome of the election.

Leal also charged that the Cameron County Elections Administrator’s office affected the outcome of the election because of these repeated mistakes in allowing for the mail ballots that had been illegally cast to be counted, it is impossible to determine which races listed in the General Election ballot these voters actually voted in and who these voters voted for.  

"It cannot be disputed that “the number of illegal votes is equal to or greater than the number of votes necessary to change the outcome of the election’ in question," Leal asserted in her brief.

The court also found that election officers and other persons officially involved in the administration of the election made mistakes which allowed illegal votes to be cast and which have made it impossible to determine whether the outcome of the contested election, as shown by the final canvass, is the true outcome.”

It didn't help that Peña's lawyers never entered any new evidence in their petition for a new trial or appeals, and that they asked for a limited part of the court reporter's transcript, automatically giving tacit approval to Leal's assertions and the trial court's findings. 

And  now that the Texas Supreme Court refused to review the 13th Court of Appeals upholding the trial court's ruling declaring the election void and ordering a new one, how fast will the BISD board move to appoint a replacement for Peña and order a new election? 


Anonymous said...

So, how many years have we had an illegal member in the School Board?

How has this illegal member impacted the School Board?

This makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Juan, so ese acabo el corrido de minnie mouse pena for now? i am sure she will appeal of the appeal of the appel, and so on. Esta muy bueno el BISD hueso para dejarlo.

Anonymous said...

How much longer is this BS going to go on for. Sick and tired of Minerva Pena and her drama!! Sick and tired of BISD board of trustees and their drama/shenanigans!!! Can’t we just magically make them disappear?? Clean house , start from scratch. I think the kids and most of the teachers/staff deserve that!! (and i say most, cause there are still some employees and administrators that just sit on their asses and collect a paycheck) Unless these drastic measures happen, this blog will continue to report all this crap coming from BISD.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Election officers and other persons officially involved in the administration of the election made mistakes which allowed illegal votes to be cast..."

Not Remi Garza

The elections office goes by the book, they call you to ask you questions about your ballot, they have an officer just checking the election process, when there is a doubt, they toss your vote....

What happened?

Anonymous said...

Juan since 2020 thats what 3 years plus, no pos wow good show girl, so does that mean she is out? FUERA? or she going to do an appeal of the appeal of the appeal? just asking for a friend.

BobbyWC said...

As the claim of further appeals, there are none. This is a local issue, and the Supreme Court never takes local issues. We are done. A finding that no true winner could be found only means a new election. She cannot be removed. People can say what they want, but I am the first to say, Pena has long overstayed her welcome. She should do the right thing and resign and just allow the Board to appoint an interim Trustee until the next election. BISD does not need this drama. She needs to put the district and children first.

Anonymous said...

El que salio debajo de la mesa fue Remi Garza. Surprise! Surprise! 😮

Ms. Pena just pick up whatever respect you have for the children you claim to serve and leave. You have done more than enough for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Bobby , Minerva has never put the district nor the children first, its always been MINERVA FIRST!! Her record and multiple/countless dramas have shown that. As far as “long overstaying her welcome” you are absolutely correct. Enough of her negativity, bickering, finger pointing ways. Im sure many of us in the community are sick and tired of her shenanigans. RESIGN, RETIRE do whatever it takes to get away from the children and the district. Please !!!!

Anonymous said...

It is true that the US Supreme Court will see no interest in this case, but under the rules Pena has 90 days to ask the US Supreme Court to review the case on Due Process grounds. If she does not resign it could be a while before we see an election. Also, does she have the money to even seek review before the Supreme Court? It is very expensive. They will only look at questions of law not fact. It would be a waste of a lot of money. Just my two cents.

She took her shot, so now like Bobby said she should just resign and move on. The district needs to focus on the kids and teachers, and not all this politics.

Anonymous said...

Not so mini, Minnie, will not go out quietly. She will kick, throw tantrums and beg for people to keep her in cause Jesus Christ and her father have taught her right from wrong and since she was a Porter Belle captain, she
deserves to continue this dictatorship position and get what she want, regardless. Now, it the time for all good men to get off their asses and demand that she be removed immediately and censured from ever attending any
more board meetings with her golpes de pecho y mi papa me ensenio... repeated yara, yara!

I like where someone recommends, she be removed immediately and get someone in meanwhile as interim - like the one who won the election - LEAL. When the next election comes around, let's get someone else in there or keep Leal.

OK, board of trustee's (Ha) do your job and act at our next meeting to
remove her immediately. Lets see who has the guts to do so and get rid of

Anonymous said...

So Mr. BobbyWC, are you saying that all one has to do is attack a sitting elected office and then ask them to resign? Can that be done to all elected officials? Asking from for a friend.

Anonymous said...

It is so sad and obvious that most of the comments here are from Marisa and her family posting here in this comment section. Que Triste!

Anonymous said...

Menormous y Carlos son igual de canallas como la viejita rata Adela del college board. They want power and to control the boards no importa que tengan que hacer.


Anonymous said...

(Sitting and eating popcorn) Geez this is good stuff! Straight out of a movie! Thank you for my evening tea

Anonymous said...

Leal and Pena look a like.

BobbyWC said...

I did not say if elected officials are attacked, they should resign. I said she defended the claims at every possible level in Texas. I think her argument is correct. there was no evidence she or her campaign did anything wrong, and overturning an election on such a standard a true winner cannot be determined, is just too vague to be constitutional without a finding of some, any wrongdoing by the candidate or campaign.

She has the right to run and maybe win. But I think people are tired of all of this, and it is time for the district to move forward. I supported her at every level as exercising her right. There is no place left to turn, except a nasty election which will just turn people off.

Anonymous said...

How about causing the death of her daughter in law?
Minerva Pena helped the young teacher be hired by putting pressure on the administrators: PROVED FACT

Then she released information that the daughter in law divorced the son. This is not true. PROVED FACT they went to research the divorce documents in Cameron County and NONE were found.

Then the son leaves the gun for the wife to get it....after she had no job and no support from the husband (a federal government employee).

Who wins? Minerva Pena and her son
Who lost? the young teacher
Why? it was a corrupt family looking up for themselves only.

Anonymous said...

Se acabo la chiche, se seco la noria, NO MAS !!! Ya váyase señora, Ya nadie quiere oír sus historias de la Porter, de la Porter belle, del DPS, y mucho menos de la biblia( ya dejé a diosito descansar). También se acabo la comida gratis. Su trabajo era proteger el bienestar/futuro de las escuelas y mas que nada, el de LOS NIÑOS , pero para usted era mas importante el chisme, los pleitos, la arrogancia y la política. Su comportamiento era una vergüenza ( al igual que muchos de los miembros de la mesa directiva). Por favor si tiene dignidad( lo dudo) RETÍRESE , JUBILESE , lo que quiera nomas ya no la queremos ver.

Anonymous said...

Ya pa Que?!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go ahead and step on toes here...Pena is a fkn idiot!! That is all you may carry on!

Anonymous said...

Just finished watching some( couldn’t take to much of BS spoken) of televised board meeting. You can sense the animosity permeating the board room. And Minerva Pena practically had a question for every item. Lady , many of the answers to your questions you could get by either research/ getting info from staff later. But you are trying so hard to appear engaged, and concerned about every item . You basically tried to appear RELEVANT/PERTINENT. At one point, you gave a little speech about middle school and the teacher’s being the frontline and thanking the interim superintendent for his support yada, yada ,yada !! Tell us something we dont know Minerva ?!? TO LATE LADY !! You’re toast and you know it. And here you are kissing ass and trying to sound all philosophical and analytical. But you’ve always been so preoccupied/absorbed with your dramas/tantrums instead of focusing on your duty and obligations to the schools and more importantly THE CHILDREN.

Anonymous said...

Pena should have resign a long time ago. " I THOUGHT WE WERRE IN THE UNITED STATES"

BISD needs to put on their pants and remove her now! She overstayed her welcome a long time ago!


Anonymous said...

November 14, 2023 at 11:16 PM

We need to do a protest. We need to do something.
It is time to show BISD that we do not accept their corruption.

Anonymous said...

Ya Basta Marisa! Por favor concentrate en tu salad. Te ves muy cansada. Es obvio que eres tu quien publica aqui en la seccion de comentarios.
