Saturday, December 9, 2023



Anonymous said...

llate el osico, mamon.

Que gusto nos dio este equipo, Montoya.

No seas el cagapalo, bro.

Anonymous said...

It’s not easy to win a state title… lesson learned. They gave us plenty to cheer about… on to next season! Now they are moving on to compete in 6A next year… a bigger challenge!

Anonymous said...

I agree! The Chargers did a great job getting to where they got. So, they didn't win...however, their is no need to rub it in.

They make us proud.

Anonymous said...

The ending was the best part.

The Brownsville fans chanting "CHARGERS< CHARGERS" .... always supporting their team.

They won, Juanito.

Dicen que perdieron pero no es cierto, ganaron.
Lo bailado no, nos los quita nadie.

BobbyWC said...

They kicked butt in second half and held their opponents. Had they performed the same in the first half they would have won. We still owe them a parade.

Anonymous said...

Veterans got their asses handed to them. The other team basically put their 3rd string players in during the second half and gifted Brownsville a couple of touchdowns because they felt sorry for them. They would have scored another 3 touch downs if they would not have gone easy on the chargers. Veterans basically got a participation trophy. Not impressed like the rest of Browntown is LoL.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the Charger Football Team and its’ Coaches. They were able to score against one of the most talented teams in the state. That in its self says a lot. If only the parents would quit interfering with the coaches and school administrators maybe our kids could make it to State. But instead, parents are continuously pressuring the top administrators for preference with their kids. Due to the constant pressure and fears of losing their hefty salaries administrators cave in to the parents demands. If a youth is not talented enough to play he/she shouldn’t play period. No matter who complains. Than of course there is the matter of coaches being tough on kids. Well guess what? Football is a tough sport. Compare the parents of Smithson Valley and those from Brownsville and you can see the difference. We in Brownsville are weak and ignorant and we pass that on to our kids. At the end of the day it’s not about any one individual player but the team in its self. Go Chargers!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for getting their butts kicked? Makes perfect since. Brownsville will never win at anything.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville has 7 high schools. That waters down the football talent for any one school.

Imagine if we only had one high school. We would field a great team!!!!

Anonymous said...

To have parents interfere with who the coaches choose to play is not unheard of. That should not happen, but often times it does. Parents can't help themselves. I would not go as far as to say that Brownsville is weak and ignorant. It's that mindset that Brownsville doesn't know any better. But Brownsville about good people. At the end of the day, Brownsville comes together. It's great that other cities in the Valley also came out in support. The Chargers made us proud to go this far into the state playoffs. Veterans Memorial Chargers gave us something to get excited about in our growing City of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

It was a good season for Veterans Charger!! You prove that with a little more thinking and harder work you can compete with the best!! Congratulations for a great season!! Maybe next year you can reach the top!!👍👍

Anonymous said...

Parents are always crying foul… how come my son didn’t play? Accept the fact that there are others better than he. Some have to play the bench. They are called BENCH “WARMERS”

Anonymous said...

Tanto pedo pa' cagar agado, 'Apa! It wasn't even the Final, but semi-finals
ALV, BISD admins and teachers are just lazy that's why they wanted off early to get drunk!

Anonymous said...

Reading all the comments make me realize that most of those who have so far
made a comment, must have never been on an athletic team. If they had been,
they would have accepted the fact that at times you win and at times you lose and even if you lose, you win because you had the opportunity to go far
and reach some of your goals. The guys gave their hearts to the game and fought through the last minute with continued pride and allegiance to themselves, their coaches, their school, their fans and to our city.

I will admit that some parents do not understand that they must allow their
child to progress on his own talent and not because he/she has a parent who is related to so and so and want to manipulate everyone. Coaches have to face this all the time, and if we are to blame anyone, it is those people who condemn that behavior. Coaches are warned about "you better play him or
his parent is going to be up our throats, this is witnessed all the way to
Little League, Little Miss Kick Ball, Pony league etc. Parents need to learn that they need to allow their child to get what he wants on his own efforts and not because his Dad is so and so and "maton,"

Thank you, Chargers! You did your best and you know it and that is all that matters, you gave then a scare in the 2nd half and you exhibited great
sportsmanship! Thank you, Seniors, and for the rest of the year, help your
fellow teammates to identify what they need to work on, so that next year you can show all those who are so negative, that Chargers are #1.

Anonymous said...

7:29am chupas huevos.
Ok , no fue horrible, fue bonito.
Eres más americano indio.

Anonymous said...

The 21 points score by Brownsville veteran's in the 4th quarter was against the JV squad not the regular team. Brownsville veteran's didn't have any thing to face this team

Anonymous said...

December 9, 2023 at 7:29 AM

Anonymous said...

10:59 well said. At the end of the day , it is a game , and as such there is always a winner and a loser and unfortunately the Brownsville team was the latter. But its ok , its not the end of the world and the athletes will never forget this experience. They lost on this occasion, but just like in life, you get up , dust yourself off, and keep on trucking!! Good season boys. Happy holidays to all and be safe out there!!!

Anonymous said...

It was a water down playoff process… they played two valley teams to get there. In yonder years you never played valley opponents to advance… that’s why they never got there. Congrats anyway

Anonymous said...

How 'bout them Cowboys? The Porter Cowboys, that is. Just rally behind the soccer team if you want a sport you can win at.

Anonymous said...

December 9, 2023 at 7:29 AM
don't like it open your own blog estupido and let your mama help she is good with her tongue fact...

Anonymous said...

Hats off to the Veterans team for making it that far, the coaches got out smarted you cant run the same plays over and over, seemed to do a poor job adjusting in the second half, but like I said kids did there best....

Anonymous said...

Kudos for "Anonymous December 9. 10:59 PM...very well said. These Chargers kids deserve all the recognition that they have gotten. Getting to the Semi-Finals in any high school sport in Texas is a daunting challenge.

A bucketful of caca to "Anonymous December 9 10:24 AND 11:53 AM! Both of you are despicable! You probably would even deride your kid's team and your kid. "Participation Trophy"?? Really?! These Chargers kids made Brownsville proud. Damn right, Brownsville owes them a parade or more.
The Brownsville Eagles 1965 Baseball team, losers in the Texas Finals, finally got their due recognition from the Brownsville School Board almost 55 years later. Don't do this to the 2023 Chargers!

Anonymous said...

Just by looking at the score, I thought I was watching a basketball game 😂 What a bunch of losers. Pinche Veteran's se creían muy chingones😂
