Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

If you didn't know any better, you'd think that the notice of a public hearing to enter into an agreement renewal with delinquent property-tax collections firm  Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP that will stretch out until December 2024 was written by that firm's public relations department.

The current contract with the firm will expire on December 31. If the city commission approves the second renewal, it will extend the current agreement for an additional year to December 31, 2024.

Only then – after exercising the second and final renewal option – city staff will use the upcoming year to prepare and solicit responses for a request for proposals (RFP) for ad valorem tax collection services.  

Under that option, no other tax collection firms were contacted or allowed to submit competing proposals.

Instead, the notice states that the "agreement to be considered"  is necessary for the delinquent taxes owed to the City of Brownsville to be collected in the most effective manner. It then heaps lavish praise on the firm and mentions no other options for the city commission to consider. 

"The Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP firm is fully qualified to provide this representation, being the largest delinquent tax collection law firm in the State of Texas, as well as the United States and having been engaged in this specialized legal service for more than 40 years. In addition, the Linebarger Goggan Blair and Sampson, LLP firm possesses infrastructure and technology, such as call center technology, that the City does not currently possess."

"Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP has represented City for at least the past 11 years with competence and professionalism, in the collection of delinquent property taxes. The specialized legal services required by this agreement cannot be adequately performed by the attorneys and supporting personnel of the City due to the high cost of implementing the appropriate infrastructure and technology and employing sufficient in-house attorneys and staff with the level of experience and competence necessary to perform these activities."

"Entering into the proposed agreement via a renewal is in the best interests of the residents of the City of Brownsville because the delinquent taxes will be professionally and competently collected  without the additional costs to the City of implementing infrastructure and technology, and employing in-house personnel or paying outside counsel on an hourly fee basis which would otherwise be required."


That would be news to the Brownsville Independent School District, which opted to hire competing firm Perdue Brandon Fielder, Collins and Mott using the same criteria that the city uses to justify the one-year extension with Linebarger. They board of the BISD hired that firm after they found that a Linebarger "oversight" had resulted in the district missing out on an estimated $3 million from the state.

At that time, Linebarger representative John Guevara downplayed the district's possible loss of an estimated $2.4 million due to the firm's failure to file taxable value audits with the Texas State Comptroller for the years 2011-2014.

The Texas Education Agency partial results of four years placed the total nearer to $3 million.

The BISD superintendent then – Dr. Sylvia Hatton – was alerted by Linebarger competitor Perdue, in 2019 to the failure of Linebarger to file the taxable value audits in May 2020. They estimated that the BISD could lose some $2.4 million as a result. 

In a nutshell, when the FY taxable values are audited years later, any miscalculation that results in the loss of taxable value revenues are made up by the Texas Education Agency's Foundation School Program.

Guevara at first denied the failure of his firm to perform the audits. The delinquent tax contract is no small potatoes. It is estimated to have earned Linebarger some $800,000 a year for the last five years for a total of some $4 million during that time.

And apart from the financial considerations, there is always the political angle. Linebargers's generous contributions have swayed many school boards and other governmental entities to go their way by hiring local politicians as lobbyists in their areas. At state level, they actively lobby top state officials and ply them with generous campaign contributions.

It now appears that Linebarger has been chosen by the city's staff and city management for a simple "renewal" option that denies other firms a shot at the contract. Will the city commission exercise its discretion and insist on a competitive process to get the best deal for the city, or will the tail continue to wag the dog?


Anonymous said...

Other blog referring to Jerry "Fredo" McHale and Dairy Neck Jim Barton.

ja ja ja ja LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

It is time for a change, Linebarger needs to leave Cameron County, just like former Rene Oliveira and Eddie Lucio. Why were no other Delinquent tax firms Contracts considered? Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson have out stayed their welcome. They are known for concealing and ignoring and filing taxable value Audits AND BY Hiring local politicians as lobbyists in their area by their generous campaign contributions. A QUID PRO QUO DEAL, YOU COVER MY ASS AND I'LL COVER YOURS INRETURN. A consideration to the PRIVY. Great example is former Mayor Trey Mendez who was caught with his hands in the cookie jar, seeking $200,000 in 4B funds from BCIC, to restore and remodel the downtown Coca-Cola building that he purchased from a local resident for cash and BACK TAXES. Somewhere, word got out of Grant monies available for public use, because he and his PRVIES, ex. Ramiro Gonzales were the first online for the gravy train. Question is "was the Linebarger behind this secret"? Life is a BITCH when you get caught. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you and your loved ones a magical and memorable Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Juan where do you get all those cheap stories? You should write about the bad services people are getting at the Tax Offices. I have visited the Harlingen, San Benito and Rio Hondo Offices with questions concerning Taxes and Automobile and this people don't want to help you. They sent you away to a Notary Public. They say the employees and supervisor are only there to take care of your payment and nothing else. I have to deal with these offices regularly and I have seat there and seen how the employees treat the customers rudely and give them bad service. Poor customers who don't know how to read or write who can they complain with. It seems clear how they all cover their ass. They love to send people to other offices and have people go around in circle. Yzaguirre should be embarrassed for seeking re-election. He has giving us 30 years of bad service and he still wants four more years. I don't know how the rest of the County thinks, but North End Cameron County is tired of him. This gentleman needs to better the services for the poor constituents of the whole Cameron County and stop thinking if they don't like my business, they can go elsewhere. Juan this is what you should write about, how services are provided in Cameron County to the general public/

Anonymous said...

Not surprising, being that its the city of Brownsville? I guess there is privileged preferences when it comes to Brownville and Lineberger? I guess with a crooked tax collector along with Tony Yzaguirre, its okay?

I would guess that the likely choice for tax collector is Eddie Garcia since we all know that Tony is a crook and always been a crook along with his investigators?

You can't vote for that slick, Silva since he resides in Mexico and obviously doesn't pay property taxes here in the USA?

Anonymous said...

Its like you hire a worker and he tell you how much he WILL be paid, when he gets paid, sets his own rules and will insists on holding your property deed.

Anonymous said...

Stupid city commissioners offered the use of the bike trail to the football team to use as their locality to celebrate their win. BISD SAID NO GUEY JOSE, celebrate at the stadium, not at a stupid bike trail, the airless port offered a free ride to disney in fla. but only when a major flight company is contracted. A mural of the team will be painted but no one is volunteering to paint, free of charge.
Whistles, balloons, noise makers and blowouts will be issued at the next cob meeting to celebrate the football teaming winning.

Anonymous said...

Most candidates take contributions from both to avoid showing bias, plain and simple! Not sure what you’re trying to stir up but I don’t see the wrong in any of that? It’s kind of like you taking money from candidates on both ends of your opinions, nothing wrong there either, but you gotta foot the bill monthly, which is understandable. Same with local politicians, signs, shirts, and campaigners don’t come cheap.

Anonymous said...

We can live without these contracts.

Anonymous said...

CONTRACTS ARE JUST ANOTHER FORM OF PAYBACK that is mordidas. keep voting for them keep the mordida alive, and your taxes as high as the wheelchair racist republican will allow.
He'll be here during Charro Days, to look at all you pendejos that escaped his border wall red ballons and barbed wire fence.

Anonymous said...

5:34 PM

- you going to go collect these delinquent taxes? Probably not! As a concerned citizen I realize someone’s gotta do the job, I’m rationale enough to know that this assists the city entirely, so my only request of the city commission is to get the best tax-entity to reclaim all those delinquent taxes for the better of our city!

Anonymous said...

Run for any office and both of these entities will call you to offer up some change …. For crying out loud they give money to Caty Presas-toomanyvatoshavebeenhere, any rationale person knows that lady is a psycha but the point is they reach out to everyone.

-Creep Silva “El Hermano de Zeke”

Anonymous said...

Linebarger incentives a few years ago offered free access to deer leases for county/city officials. Wonder what under the table complimentary items this time. BISD trustees got Dallas Cowboy sideline access a few years ago too. No telling what Christmas gifts are being distributed this time.

Anonymous said...

Property taxes are collected automatically when a property is sold. There is no need for adding the 20% additional processing fee charged by the delinquent tax attorney. It's a rip-off. The additional 15 to 20% commissions are paid over and above the already delinquent taxes interest charges being levied. And who pays for this? The overtaxed poor citizens who no longer can afford to keep their property. Many families have lost their homes because of this unfair system. And who buys these properties? Half of the original townsite of Brownsville is owned by lawyers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Property taxes pay for everything here including for hamas and the jews to buy war equipment and that includes Ukraine.
