Monday, December 25, 2023


Texas Southmost College

Word has reached us that Mary Rose Cardenas has passed away today.

A Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient of 2004, Mary Rose Cardenas is a former trustee and chair of the Texas Southmost College District and co-owner and vice president of Cardenas Motors and Cardenas Development Co. Inc. Texas Southmost College Alumna ’48

"My Husband claims that I spent most of my time thinking about the college, talking to people about the college, or thinking for the college and he’s right. Because, since the beginning, I have known that Texas Southmost College was this community’s greatest asset."

Mary Rose Cardenas attended classes in the 1940s when TSC was known as Brownsville Junior College. She was forced to withdraw at the insistence of her "very old-fashioned" father, who was concerned about the number of GIs returning to the college after WWII.

Dreams of college were left behind permanently at age 17, when Cardenas took over supporting the family after her father became ill.

As a young woman, then wife and mother, Cardenas worked as a bookkeeper and manager for several Brownsville businesses over the years. She also worked side-by-side with her husband who secured the city’s first Buick franchise in 1971. Cardenas Motors now has dealerships in Brownsville and Harlingen and was cited by Hispanic Business Magazine as one of the nation’s top Hispanic-owned corporations. She is Co-owner and Vice President of Cardenas Motors and Cardenas Development.

First elected to the TSC Board of Trustees in 1984, she was re-elected in 1990 and 1996. She served four terms as Chairman.

Under her leadership as chair, the college began its groundbreaking partnership with UT Brownsville, restored an historic campus, added new acreage and numerous state-of-the-art buildings, and launched an award-winning scholarship program that made higher education possible for thousands of talented students. Her energy and persistence are credited with bringing a full, four-year university to Brownsville many years sooner than UT officials had originally planned.

She has served her community on various boards including the Driscoll Children’s Hospital, Valley Regional Medical Center, the Rio Grande Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and the Catholic Diocese of Brownsville. The recipient of numerous awards, most recently she received the prestigious Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges.


Anonymous said...

Sad to here.


Anonymous said...

Juliet’s puppet… she is given credit for crafting the partnership… but it was Michael Putgnat who designed the partnership… she had no leadership skills… she did what Juliet told her to do. They named two buildings in her honor… never did anything extraordinary… she n her buddies kept TSC in the cellar

Anonymous said...

She, her husband and sons n dealership we indicated for wrong doing… so I consider her a rat

Anonymous said...

Es el estillo aqui. Nothing changes still going on and will until we learn how to vote. From the judges that think they are God to the jailers (specially that female jailer), all abusive to all citizens here.

Anonymous said...

That lady jailer is getting out of hand serious check it out Juanito. really bad!!!

Anonymous said...

Mathew: 7

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "

May she be in Jesus’ presence. We are a better community than that. Let us pray for her family in this time of grief. May she rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk’s X, accused of withholding bonuses promised to staff, will have to face a court battle
did he paid the elected officials here? their mochis???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how old was she, Montoya?

Did she know Ben Neece? Up there together now.

Anonymous said...

Her son Renee looks for insurance scam. He gives a bid then he wants to increase the bill and give you a kickback.
I just need a bid, not the money. POS.

Anonymous said...

Why are some people so ugly in referring to other people, especially on the day that we should all be mourning them for our loss. Mrs. Cardenas was always a hardworker and she always did everything with joy and pride. She had that smile that was contagious and she was also so generous to many of us who were lucky to have actually known her and worked with her. If someone in her
family went astray, she fought it with all her might, being the mother she was and did what any other mother would do for family. But to my recollection, I never knew of any indictment against Mrs. Cardenas.

Mary Rose was my friend since she was a young adult, and I was a starting teenager and used to live next to her aunt's house. she would advise me and push me to work hard in school and to be polite and straightforward with everyone and NEVER talk behind anyone's back. Tell them to their face, girl, if you know you are right. She never forgot where she came from, La
Jefferson Street, just like me! She was such a beautiful lady and for the bloggers that try to put her down, shame on you, celosos! She worked hard to climb the ladder and she never asked anyone for anything.

May she rest in peace and rejoice with her husband Rey in heaven - soul mates! My condolences to the family. I will miss her and our phone calls.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Garcia was fortunate to have been the President of the College when Mrs.
Cardenas was on the board. Both share the same vision and that was to help the community and it's citizen by providing a great start for students to be able to attend a local college. She will always be in my heart as the person who fought for what she believed,

Anonymous said...

You consider her a rat because you are ignorant crumb that has nothing positive to offer society.

Anonymous said...

10:50 she n Juliet were partners in crime by charging jr college students university tuition n and fees for 20 years. She could have done something about it but was too ignorant to do so. Juliet had them all fooled until the UT system discovered how Juliet ran the college like a secret society… with Mary Rose leading the way. It took a long time but the system finally disposed the world leader. Why did the system not offer Juliet the UTRGV- Edinburg presidency job? She was INCOMPETENT,,,Utrgv was placed on probation because of Juliet’s handing of the accreditation process. May she Rest In Peace

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Como le hechaban a Esa mujer en los blogs

Y ahora todos dicen ke Buena era

Era may chingona

Tipico Bronsbil

Anonymous said...

Have a little respect folks, she was still a mother and grandmother to someone. Not the time to show disrespect. What she may have done in life, she will be judged for. But her family is in mourning and deserve a bit of compassion and civility. May she ( and others that passed during the holidays) RIP.

Anonymous said...

Gtfoh first J.Garia was waay overrated and her worthless ride the coat tails husband. The graduation rate at TSC back then was terrible. After her a her minions some Olivieras, Cardenas, Tony Martinez Cowens,Mc Naires etc. Raped the tax payers and TSC coffers they wanted to sell out.She got acclaimed because she was first Hispanic President of a college big fking deal doesn't mean she was a good one.These people are legends in there own minds.Its interesting to know how these people live or sleep knowing the corrupt bullshit they did in this community pretending they did a lot of good but had there greedy hands on the back end. Truth hurts motherfunkers!!

Anonymous said...

Another fact… under Juliet’s n Mary tenure only had 15 to 17 percent graduation rate. Means that less than 80 cent never graduated in a 20 year period. ..taking student financial aide money for granted . But she was a world leader n got a participation trophy from Biden

Anonymous said...

"He said, she said!" Those that accuse some person should wash their mouth with soap, for more times than not, rumors are rumors and each one that passes it down adds or takes away vital bits of information. If you can't say something nice about someone, shut your mouth, and out of respect for Mary Rose, I won't use the language I really want to use towards those who can only live to destroy those who made it on their own and worked all their life to have what they have(had) like Renato and Mary Rose.

Please, Juan, keep us posted on the time and place for us to pay our due respect to this fine lady. She WAS a pillar of our community and we should all try to take a lesson from her and be at your best.

Anonymous said...

Another fact… under Juliet’s n Mary tenure only had 15 to 17 percent graduation rate. Means that less than 80 cent never graduated in a 20 year period. ..taking student financial aide money for granted . But she was a world leader n got a participation trophy from Biden

Anonymous said...

Take a lesson from her… for what?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to say this, this family were the biggest rats for the city, county and TSC. Cameron Park, this family started it. The failure of TSC , this family started it. Naming a TSC building for her self while still on the board, piece of shit. Again, this family are shit and heaven better be careful because Ben is also there, drug smoker and wife beater? These people got off easy. The truth hurts but lies are better.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mary rose n Ben were no angels… 12 ;43 is right… Rick was after the Tijerina money. Mary, a Pilar of the community what a joke. I hope they don’t name a building after Ben. He was a bad singer n a bad father

Anonymous said...

Juliet’s puppets … Mary R Cardenas David Oliveira dr Robles Eddie campirano dolly Zimmerman Mary rose Breedlove Rick Lara Chester Gonzalez

Anonymous said...

Yep she showed her son Ricky how to kiss ass and manipulate Raul Tejerina since they had no kids.Raul also helped the other moron with his car business and other projects that from I understand they never paid him back in full. These type of people are manipulators with a smile always pretending they did some good by giving back pennies but taking dollars.GFYSelves

Anonymous said...

May she rest in peace and my condolences to the Cardenas family, a friend.

Anonymous said...

I purchased a used car at that dealership
I'm still paying for it
I purchased that car 20 years ago
The toll truck had to toll it to my home
He charged me 400 bucks
It has a radio that plays static music
and in stereo
They say the group that plays static are tex-mex
The seat are medal the type they use at parties
I enjoy being in the car
specially when they are tolling it
Makes me feel like a pilot in the air
I went to trade it in
The salesperson said to wait a bit longer
That it would have more value
So I went to purchase new plates
They gave me paper plates
They said there are no metal plates
For this type of machine
Its the 21st paper plate I have gotten
So I went to the dealership
And gave my condolences
Its only proper RIP my friend...

Anonymous said...

Todos tienen cola k le pisen


First pluck the spec from your own eyes.

Anonymous said...

I knew her before she got hitched, she was pretty than after that, oh

Anonymous said...

"sad to here", please don't open up a blog.

hear hear hear hear ok?????
here is aqui
hear is oir
got it?

hahahahahahajajajajajajajajhahahahahahah happy new year!
