Tuesday, December 26, 2023



Anonymous said...

A sanitized way of viewing the conflict of good versus evil. It's like talking about gun violence by mixing gun murders with justifiable cases of self defense or defining abortion away as just a medical procedure.

Anonymous said...

The only reason according to you, is that the dumb asses who love evil feel that the Israelis are over doing it? All their doing is protecting their way of life, no matter how obtained. What the rag heads don't understand, is that they shook the hive and only Palestinians are paying the price. Because the terrorist rag heads use them as cover and hide under those skirts and use children as shields. The other is Brandon siding with the terrorists and only worried about his money laundering with zelensky.

Anonymous said...

I purchased a used car at that dealership
I'm still paying for it
I purchased that car 20 years ago
The toll truck had to toll it to my home
He charged me 400 bucks
It has a radio that plays static music
and in stereo
They say the group that plays static are tex-mex
The seats are medal the type they use at parties
I enjoy being in the car
specially when they are tolling it
Makes me feel like a pilot in the air
I went to trade it in
The salesperson said to wait a bit longer
That it would have more value
So I went to purchase new plates
They gave me paper plates
They said there are no metal plates
For this type of machine
Its the 21st paper plate I have gotten
So I went to the dealership
And gave my condolences
Its only proper RIP my friend...

Anonymous said...

If only the glow-in-the-dark alphabet agency goons didn't kill Stan Meyer in 1998 after he made the water-fuel cell and kept the technology under wraps to keep the oil shieks happy.
