Tuesday, December 19, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: A majority of the board of trustees of the Brownsville Independent School District voted Tuesday 4-3 to declare vacant the seat now held by Minerva Peña. The motion to replace her with Tim Ramirez passed 5-1-1 with one abstention by Carlos Elizondo. Peña, cast the only no vote. District Judge Adolfo Cordova was on hand to administer the oath of office. Frank Ortiz, who voted against declaring the vacancy, ended up voting in favor of filling the position with Ramirez. 

Despite her desperate pleading to not be removed because of the approaching Christmas season, the majority voted her out. She also told the audience she would be a candidate for the office on May 4 when an election will be held for the position as ordered by a visiting district judge. Her last vote, perhaps illegal, was to a "yes" to adjourn the meeting.)


Anonymous said...

BISD is and everyone knows is so corrupt from the bottom up and the bottom down. It's who you know and not what you know will get you a job in the BISD system. The board of trustees has a tradition of stupidity and family first and taxpayers last. It's a shame that the circus is in town every Tuesday at the evil house of education? One good person cannot change these idiots that so call make the correct decisions for your children. The board need to all go to jail for been idiots but that's another story because the county has a bigger idiot called the DA.

Nomorecheezmeh said...

I think Minerva Peña should of resigned a while back, however interestingly enough why was Judge Cordova there already ready to appoint a new official? Tim Ramirez acting surprised like "oh wow I didn't know this was going to happen!!!"

Anonymous said...

Wait… how was the judge there ? How did he know to be there?

Anonymous said...

Lost the job and her nuera

Anonymous said...

Wow! Really nice. Congratulations Timmy.

Anonymous said...


The Majority 4 and the previous Super DID NOT CREATE THE DEFICIT or ADDED to the DEFICIT!!!

These Board Members possess no competence and have no Respect for ORDER, literally!!!!

The Majority 4 and the previous Super DID NOT CREATE THE DEFICIT or ADDED to the DEFICIT!!!

Prayers to the attorney dealing with Hypocrisy and ill-Mannered at its highest!!!

The Majority 4 and the previous Super DID NOT CREATE THE DEFICIT or ADDED to the DEFICIT!!!

Prayers to the Majority 4 you are the HEROES!!! Moving forward Prioritizing STUDENTS without STUDENTS nothing exists in BISD Prioritizing BISD employees to ensure their RETIREMENT is livable Prioritizing the District’s Budget for the LONG HAUL, etc. etc. etc.

The Majority 4 and the previous Super DID NOT CREATE THE DEFICIT or ADDED to the DEFICIT!!!

Teacher Association(s) take care of your teachers’ so that they may educate students to their fullest by staying away from politics Teacher Associations endorsing candidates that have no respect for board members- members present-the law -policies- order-integrity etc. etc. etc. you should definitely be audited and censored

The Majority 4 and the previous Super DID NOT CREATE THE DEFICIT or ADDED to the DEFICIT!!!

Respect to those Teacher Associations that remain focus on education by taking care of their teachers and those in an education setting.

The Majority 4 and the previous Super DID NOT CREATE THE DEFICIT or ADDED to the DEFICIT!!!

Dirty Political Agendas and Hypocrisy evident evident evident in these Board Member(s)research and recall the questionable items promotions re -assigning hiring firing wheeling and dealing etc. etc. etc. RESEARCH THEIR SPENDING, HOW THEY ADDED TO THE DEFICIT during these board member(s) Majority history and basically Pulled the Strings on the Humble Super back then Where Where Where was THEIR CONSCIOUS INTERROGATIONS back THEN!!!

Anonymous said...

The best judge ever

Jerry martinez said...

Wow wow anybody can become a board member what a f****** circus

Jerry said...

My cousin was removed from being a board member now we can move forward with Jessica Gonzalez

Anonymous said...

Esa Minnie no tiene vergüenza. How dare she question the attendance of the Honorable Judge. No respect! I pray that the lord bless all board members this holiday season.

Anonymous said...

First, I saw first hand how rude Carlos Elizondo can be and has become. Le
dieron alas and he does not rememeber that he is still waiting for the courts to settle his case. Fine if he decided to defend Minnie, but he has to learn to be a professional, if it just involves the way he speaks with such so-called authority.

But I did agree with one comment which I had shared with my partner about how coincidental it was for a judge to be present at the meeting to swear Tim in as the new board member. Minnie came back a few minutes later and stated that she found it weird that a judge just so happened to be there to swear in the new member. Ha! They already knew what they were going to do and so why put on a dog and pony show for the public. That is how the board works.

One lady did apologize to Dr. Chavez for being caught in the middle of this
drama and all due to the inept previous supt we had that gave these ladies such power because they wore skirts. That is why BISD has become a farse to so many and take their children to charter schools. Who wants to have their child witness what these idiots are doing.

The so-called lawyer that presented the reason did not even convince me that this was the right and only action they could take.

Minnie, sue the hell out of the Jessica ruled board on a personal bases and even though you may not get anything from Jesica except maybe her new teeth,
you can show them how the cow ate the cabbage.

BISD board vale madre! Todos! Y el Eddie tambien se atreve hablar.

Anonymous said...

FINALLY, CABBAGE PATCH OUT!!! Is it true she begged not to be removed because of Xmas holidays?? What , you still wanted more FREE perks and food Minerva??? Don’t you have a life outside BISD?? If you don’t, get one!!! Its time to move on, have some dignity and go enjoy the holidays with your family. Go create some drama elsewhere. You sucked on that BISD tit long enough, time for you to begin a new chapter in your life far far away from BISD. I believe the community got an early Xmas present with the departure of both ex-superintendent Gutierrez and Minerva Pena in a span of a month. Two down , couple more to go ( we hope) . Merry Christmas/ Happy New Year 2024 to all. Be safe and take care.

Anonymous said...

They declared the seat vacant and appointed a new person. Minerva remove herself when she lost the election.

Anonymous said...

Does Judge Cordova attend all board meetings or did he just happen to be at this one dressed with his attire and ready to swear in the appointment? Seems kind of funny, but those of us who keep up with how they operate were not at all surprised.

Who gave Jessica the sole right to "throw in a name" and all agree with? I am glad that one young lady had the guts to tell it like it was with Gutierrez, but it is a little too late for that because he filled his wallet before he left laughing all the way to the bank. You think he cared about all the viejas alborotas he left behind. Joke is on them, fools!

Anonymous said...

December 28 es el dia de los inocentes.

Faltan 8 dias para este tipo de broma.

Anonymous said...

Just ask yourself who placed these losers in office. Guess what? It was you the voting ignorant of Brownsville. You guys keep complaining about the corrupt politicians but you continue to place the wrong people into office.

Anonymous said...

What a dog and pony show !! The vindictive ness of the board majority is so arrogantly and blatantly transparent. What about what your little smirky Eddie did? This guy has no shame of the actions he committed inside the district and these women protect him? Eddie, the district is not your playground . What a terrible place the insides of your self-serving heads must be.

Anonymous said...

Judges have robes in their cars. Professors have their robes in their offices and some in their cars. An instructor from TSC took her wedding dress to class. When your elderly mother is very ill, you prepare her last outfit and you carry it with you in the car. Some BISD teachers have extra clothes in their car just in case there is a fight in school and they get blood in their clothes. Some people in Brownsville drive around in their bathing suit.

Brownsville is a small city. There are doctors, nurses, judges, lawyers, police officers, border patrol agents........around the corner. Also, some people know their phone numbers and call them.

Brownsville is not weird, it is just a small town.

Anonymous said...

Some may say that Carlos was rude out loud, but the majority's action was louder beyond rudeness. The attorney was ill prepared to answer tough questions. Something needs to change, it actually feels like the majority meets prior to board meetings and side with each other. Their decisions are made on who to protect and who to eliminate. Who bends the knee to who "Board Majority"?

Anonymous said...

Good riddance it’s been a long time coming. If Minerva would have had any kind of respect for herself and BISD she should have vacated the position when it was judged null and voided. Why was that so difficult for them to understand that the board did not create the vacancy it was the judge. Carlos is an unprofessional A—h—— what an embarrassment. KARMA IS A BITCH Minerva cause saying you are a Christian does not make you one and apologizing for stepping on people’s toes does not make it right. You are one of those Christians with a cross on your forehead and a F___ Y__ coming out of your mouth.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank God that Mr. Ramirez STEPPED UP TO THE PLATE to become a trustee. We need a couple of dozen like him to move forward.

Anonymous said...

I want the crystal ball. I want lotto numbers…..

Somehow they knew they had the four votes to remove, they also knew that the new appointment would be there with a judge.

What do you call that?

AND this is why charters rule in brownsville

This isn’t about Minnie…it’s about control.

Anonymous said...

The AGENDA was loud and clear: Vacate, appoint, and oath of office. I don't know why people say a judge was there?!! People, you all are that stupid! Pena’s mic should have been turned off. She was campaigning, asking for votes. A big no-no. The board has let these 3 losers create a circus and twist and misform people. Now, we can move on and not have to hear Pena go in circles and confuse people. Thank you, majority 4 for putting an end to this and getting her OUT! Frank, you need to get informed and stop following Carlos. Carlos is not a good person! The moment he no longer needs you, he will kick you to the curb.

Anonymous said...

The board has always had meetings as quorums without announcing them. Remember the meetings at Denny's? You remember.

Anonymous said...

Juan my only question is this now that Tim Ramirez is th new BISD Trustee, will it make a difference for the kids, teachers and administration or NO? el porter kid? just asking

Anonymous said...

No pos wow, judge just happen to be in the neighborhood? alamo wow.

Anonymous said...

Honorable Judge????? Did he know ahead of time that the board had already met to discuss the action they were taking? Did he question them on this illegal process? How honorable could he be and I know for a fact he has never attended any other board meeting. How come he showed so much interest in this one? Do you see what I see? And I am not referring to the Christmas song!!

Anonymous said...

This is totally bs. First of all there was a recount and Minerva Pena won. Second the court order never stated to remove Minerva Pena. Third what gave the board members the right to remove Minerva. Fourth why was the judge all ready and dressed. Fifth BISD is going to spend over 100,000 out of tax payers money for a re election. They can use that money for students or teachers.

Anonymous said...

Kien es Tim Ramirez?
Ke hace
Como califica?

Tim o Timoteo? Timothy?
Kien se Llama Tim!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Ramirez is a retired school teacher.
His perspective will be most helpful.

Anonymous said...

December 20, 2023 at 9:24 PM
TEACHER!!! Their perspective is a higher pay raise NOTHING ELSE bad choice...

Anonymous said...

December 20, 2023 at 9:11 PM
meskins with a so call degree now think they are gringos the name ain't gonna change your heritage meskin is meskin and gringos do not like meskins specially a coco so why change your name to a gringo name your ass is brown and will stay brown until the worms eat all your BROWN SKIN!!!

Anonymous said...

Mi gente this is what happened…Leal initially won the election by one vote. Pena asked for a recount and prevailed by eight votes. The vote was canvased, Pena was declared the winner and was sworn in Dec. 9, 2020 to her fourth term on the board. Leal sued, Judge Josue Johnson ruled that 16 illegal votes made it impossible to determine the election’s true winner and ordered a new election for May 7, 2022. After delays and appeals he set a new election date for May 2024.

When the judge initially ruled that there was no winner the seat was vacant. The board at that time should have done the right and fair thing and appoint someone to the board other than Leal or Pena. Now the right thing to do is for Leal and Pena to withdraw from the election and run in November especially if they are so concerned about how much it will cost BISD. Hopefully Mr. Ramirez will be a good addition to the board.

Anonymous said...

And “Teflon Eddie” gets away with his improprieties ? How is this ignored by being pushed under the rug and are these 3 women on the board simply just saying to themselves that it didn’t matter? Dang , smirky Eddie , you are making a mockery with your position . Have respect on how you got there . Weren’t you appointed and then elected , if I’m not mistaken? You should be humbled to the fact how you attained that position. Your BFF board friends might forget or ignore your antics , but the community will not . You have showed that you have no self respect ,including your family and to your Bisd taxpayers . I am so glad these meetings are televised . People may forgive , but not forget .

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the public commentators, because the board shows that it doesn’t matter what they have to say . They had made up their minds and it shows in their attitude and stoic demeanor . Board majority , how have you advanced in life, since you got on the board, better income, better jobs, great favors ?

Anonymous said...

Minerva Pena was given the choice to vacate her seat in the School Board so that her daughter-in-law could continue teaching at Veterans High School.
Carmelita Rodriguez gave her a choice. (After Minerva Pena terrorized others to appoint her daughter-in-law to a teaching post).
The daughter in law killed herself with the gun belonging to her husband (Minerva Pena's son). Minerva Pena said NO, I will not vacate my place.

Minerva Pena lost the election and it was found she used fake votes.

Now, Minerva Pena is out.

Ya pa que. Well, to prove that there is a God that sees everything.

I voted for Minerva Pena and every day I think about my poor choice.
I trusted Minerva Pena and believed all her rhetoric about kids, education etc

It was my mistake for not doing research into Minerva Pena's actions as a School Board member. Thank you El Rrun Rrun for giving light to the voters about all the bad stuff that our leaders do around Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville is a filthy little ejido. Full of corruption. Thanks Democrats!

Anonymous said...

Jessica Gonzalez is an idiot. She has no background in education and is a puppet. Denise es nua quita maridos. She They both walk around thinking they are big shits. Hope they all get votedout in November. By the way Jessica, your teeth still look like shit. Well YOU look like shit.

Anonymous said...

Jessica, Denise, Daniella, and Eddie. Keep up the excellent work! The smart educators know and understand what you all need to do. Unfortunately, BISD has many “Educators” that do not understand. Thank you for staying professional and always looking out for our District. The haters will be loud, but we all know Carlos is a big liar! Frank, we know about your previous issues with BISD. Thank you again for all you do! You all have my respect. You removed Pena and always stay calm when the 3 clowns speak. The actual circus is the 3 minority. Whatever you 4 need, we will always support you. Don't listen to the negative comments or FB posts. Just look at who likes and comments. I have worked with some, and I will say most are not the brightest. Blessing to you and your family and continued prayers cause the world is full of evil, hateful people who get thrilled with putting people down cause they are unhappy. Merry Christmas, and continue doing an awesome job!!

Carlos, you think you are smart, but really you are just a good bulllshiter. I feel so sorry for you. You are a man who seems to be disturbed. I'll pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Why was Minerva Pena invited to Porter High School tamalada today or was she? Does she still think she can go to any campus any time she pleases? She was asking the staff to vote for her in May, is that even allowed to be campaigning on campus? Will Leal be given the same opportunity? No wonder Porter and its problems are all under the leadership or lack of leadership of Mary Solis. She must be buddies with Pena… no bueno,

Anonymous said...

"Who me? MVB? This is so not expected!" Patrick Mahommes
"Who me? BISD Board Member? This is so unexpected!" Tim Ramirez
"Who me? I get to swear in new dicated board member?" Judge Adolfo Cordova.

Esta historia me suena igual?

Anonymous said...

Minerva has been voted in as the BISD official taster of all food events at every free-gratis ones, especially. Did you ever notice that after a closed door meeting returned to session, she was the last one left in the conference room cause she would pack up the left overs and take them to her car for gulp up later. She always had 2 cokes and pieces of chicken than anyone else.

She made her bed so she must now accept the consequences. NI MODO MINNIE - TAN HUT!

Anonymous said...

Post December 21, 2023 at 2:37 PM, December 22, 2023 at 11:16 PM, and December 24, 2023 at 1:43 PM, it is very obvious that you are as bad as the majority 4! I feel so sorry for you because the majority four will never do anything to help you, if you ever need anything. You are not good people, not to mention that your posts are full of lies and hatred. You know well no one will challenge you, because you are not good people and you don’t list your name. Just remember everything comes around, so be careful not to built too much karma around yourselves. You are disgraceful people. Why, you ask? Well, it is because you bash people because you can. No honor among you three who posted here. I’ll. go ahead and follow your lead and not post my name. You okay with that?

Anonymous said...

Hey is post below from the employee who is a supervisor maintenance at BISD? Anonymous Jerry martinez said...
Wow wow anybody can become a board member what a f****** circus

December 19, 2023 at 7:59 PM
Anonymous Jerry said...
My cousin was removed from being a board member now we can move forward with Jessica Gonzalez

December 19, 2023 at 8:00 PM

This Jerry guy also trashed that Tim Ramirez guy for getting appointed to Mrs. Pena’s position.

Anonymous Jerry martinez said...
Wow wow anybody can become a board member what a f****** circus

December 19, 2023 at 7:59 PM
