Wednesday, January 17, 2024


By Juan Montoya

It took the City of Brownsville Commission – on a unanimous vote – 10 minutes during Tuesday's meeting to consider and approve an election May 4 to allow local voters to do away with the scandal-ridden Greater Brownsville Incentive Corporation (GBIC) and its sister Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC) and their boards that have operated for 32 years since 1982.

The new entity – should voters approve the propositions on the May 4 ballot – would be called the Greater Brownsville Municipal Development District (BMMD) and would be funded by the combined one-quarter cent in city sales tax revenues now funding both entities, which is estimated to total about $14 million.

Type 4A (GBIC) and 4B (BCIC), both Economic Development Corporations (EDC) have revenues of approximately $7 million each annually.

The new district will not be a city department, but a self-governing district with a city commission-appointed seven-member board of directors. Upon approval by the voters, the GBIC and BCIC will be dissolved and all their assets and obligations will come under control of the appointed board of the Brownsville Municipal Development District.

The new MDD will also include the city's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) which stretches roughly to the from west of the city past San Pedro, north up to San Benito, around Los Fresnos and Port Isabel, around South Padre Island through South Bay, and south to the Rio Grande River. (See map)

Based on Texas Comptroller data, the ETJ could generate approximately $400,000 in additional annual BMDD revenue at a 1⁄2 cent sales tax.

According to the presentation by a city consultant, the city and ETJ are experiencing growth with activity such as SpaceX, the Port of Brownsville, and the proposed South Padre Island Second Access Point could increase taxable sales in the ETJ over the long term.

Additionally, he asserted that replacing 4A (GBIC) and 4B (BCIC) with a single MDD could serve to better coordinate and streamline the implementation of economic development strategies and quality-of-life projects within the boundaries of the MDD.

The vote comes after a city audit revealed egregious failures on the part of the GBIC to follow standard operating procedures, bend the rules to award public funds, and making funding decisions that have cost the city millions. A BCIC audit due to be released within the month is said to contain findings highly critical of its board and instances of brazen favoritism toward certain individuals and city officials including making awards to public officials, board members, and their relatives.

Typically for Brownsville and Cameron County, up to now no one has been held accountable for these alleged criminal violations.
Under its proposed governance, Directors appointed by the City Commission will serve staggered, two-year terms and may be removed by the City Commission at any time without cause. Qualifications for board members also include them residing in the BMDD area boundaries.

Other checks upon the BMDD is that the City Commission must approve its programs and expenditures, must annually review the BMDD's financial statements, and maintain access to the BMDD's books and records at all times

The ordinance also allows restricted funds to budget for quality-of-life projects at 50 percent, subject to exceptions, when 2/3 of BMDD Directors and City Commission agree to redirect funds to economic development.

Allowed expenditures for the proposed BMDD budget will be quality-of-life projects such as certain recreational or community facilities, required or suitable for:

1. professional and amateur sports, professional and amateur sports, including children's sports,
athletic, entertainment, tourist, convention, and public park purposes and events, including
stadiums, ball parks, auditoriums, amphitheaters, concert halls, parks and park facilities, HIKE-AND-BIKE TRAILS, open space improvements, museums, exhibition facilities, and related store, restaurant, concession, and automobile parking facilities, related area transportation facilities, and related roads, streets, and water and sewer facilities, and other related improvements

2. Certain infrastructure improvement projects

3. Projects related to business enterprises that create or retain primary jobs

4. Projects that promote new or expanded business development

5. Convention center facilities and related improvements

6. Hiring staff for the benefit of the district.

On May 4, city voters will see this on the ballot:

Proposition A: Subject to the termination of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation and the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation, authorizing the creation of the Greater Brownsville Municipal Development District and the imposition of a sales and use tax at the rate of one-half of one percent (0.50%) for the purpose of financing development projects beneficial to the district within the incorporated City limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Brownsville, Texas, which boundaries shall automatically conform to any changes in the corporate boundaries and extraterritorial
jurisdiction of the City.

FOR [ ]

Proposition B: Subject to the creation of the Greater Brownsville Municipal Development District, the termination of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation and the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation.

FOR [ ]


Anonymous said...

Es la misma gata, nomas que revolcada.

or even worse: All cats are black at night.

or maybe under the guidance and direction of Mayor John Cowen, things will be for the better for the City of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

China Told Women to Have Babies. Its Population Shrank Again.
Get free travel to china just for this purpose. Applications are available at your nearest Centers for: Biological Diversity,
Earth Policy Institute,
National Commission for the Observance of World Population Year 2024,
Negative Population Growth
Population Action International (myfavorite),
Population Connection (called Increase Population Growth until 5024).

Anonymous said...

Rats are lining up for the 4A and 4B monies. Nothing is going to change until the evil witch at large Gowen is throw out. The 4A monies to encourage businesses expand to other areas in Brownsville. Southmost area is dead without major businesses. Only McDonald's and church's chicken in that area. West side Nothing. Forget about downtown area because the past and current commissioners just want high class bars. The museums and zoo must be united under one supervisor, not a gang of high paying mob of family

Anonymous said...

City leader eliminated one beast and created another.

Just stick to basics.

And like the collection agency mess.

We keep giving away money
Keep giving away tax revenue too.

Exemption to LNG and SpaceX and historical is sinful.

Exemptions put further burden on home owners.

Politics 101.

Fleece the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Another one of Crazy Helen's ideas that will backfire. Where were Roy and Tino on this? No que bien chignones. Speak up guys.

Anonymous said...

Just reshuffling the rats and giving them another name with a license to steal to benefit themselves and their rat infested group of family/friends.( and some include members of our local city officials) YES!! RATS!!, to put it mildly. What a freaking Joke. Who will be held responsible for their past shady decisions that benefited the elite ? You are shameless people with no integrity !
Signed, A BPUB hostage

Anonymous said...

The allowed expenditures for the proposed BMDD budget are very questionable. In my personal opinion most if not all of the items listed are not needed and only a continued waste of tax payer money. Same horse, different color. These democratic morons running our city have only brought companies that are impacting our environment. How many local employees are employed by Space X and LNG? What are their salaries in comparison to employees coming from outside the area. Is the Sports complex being fully utilized? Too many questions need to be answered before any additional taxpayer money is misspent. Fix the streets, address the drainage issues and maintain what you have instead of looking for ways to steal more money from the working man.

Anonymous said...

City of Elsa changed their EDC to this MDD and guess what folks? The money just disappeared, because under the MDD guidelines, there is no requirement to post meetings, agendas or to provide any answers to the public, Way to go Helen Ramirez and the city of Brownsville mas ROBOCOPS LOL. HOPE THE PUBLIC VOTES NO NO NO. CHON

Are you kidding? said...

If the good citizens of Brownsville fall for this ruse, there is no hope left for them! All this latest scheme does is concentrate more power and even more money into the hands of fewer and fewer politicians.
Given the sterling history of the misleaders handling of taxpayer cash, the answer should be obvious to anyone with a brain …not NO, but HELL NO!

Anonymous said...

This is actually good news, both entities were overlapping their mission (BCIC and GBIC) anyways, so it makes complete sense to combine them…. Along with that we can get rid of C Pena at BCIC … who for the record is running a multi million dollar company without an education …. That is something I do not approve of. I’m all for this but please acquire qualified personnel that are rooted in this city.

Anonymous said...

Nothing will change, its just another ponzi scheme with a different name(title). The ATM FOR THE RICH will just change name. And if I understand correctly it will be “controlled “ and/or “monitored” by the city commissioner’s??? Rose Gowen( of the money pit pet project’s fame) Roy de la Chanclas and Bryan Martinez( the flag/mural ceremonies moguls) Linda Macias( BCIC board member) and the rest of our selfserving city council. And you guys think this change is going to inspire confidence and trust in this proposed ENTITY. I don’t think so.. But in the end, it will happen and basically all you will be doing is getting rid of two small groups of Ratas and making ONE BIG group of Ratas like my friend likes to call them. NEVER ENDING!!!

Anonymous said...

Its like the teachers double pay raise, we fell for it and they got two pay raises. Both from OUR taxes. Puros pinches mamones aqui.
Teachers are becoming part of the problem here also. Escondidas escondidas what the shit have they done for any of us NADA NADA Y NADA PURO MAMAR. They get good money and hardly ever work FACT FACT AND FACT...

Anonymous said...

IMAGINE if they had used the funding from the bike trails (now the murals)to repave and repair all the city streets.

Anonymous said...

Our city commissioners and Mayor are staging a Dog and Pony show to try and fool the public that they want to do the right thing?!?! Some of our very own commissioners family members were recipients of these funds that these organizations were gifting to them and their besties, as well. I will never spend my money at the businesses that these recipients own, including the BPUB Tenaska RATS who cheated their customers.

Anonymous said...

At city expense all she wants is more votes. Y los pobres pagando todo. She only caters to the rich and famouse at the expense of the poor. The poor property tax payers is her target. Pinche vieja mamona coco wanna be white but can't esta mas prieta que tin tan. The same as the one at the port soon to leave o ya se pelo. puros cocos the enemy here of los pobres.

Anonymous said...

Mitte (German: [ˈmɪtə] ⓘ) is the first and most central borough of Berlin (in east berlin).

It is one of the two boroughs (the other being Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg) which were formerly divided between East Berlin and West Berlin. Mitte encompasses Berlin's historic core which were in former East Berlin and during the second World War was the center for nazis.

Somebody did a real con job on this city commission to name an area here a german neighborhood where, presumably, nazi germans lived and create a foundation that contiuousely begs for funding, TAXPAYERS FUNDS. WOW

They addressed the city commission to beg for funding like to remodel old warehouses, hummmmm I wonder, does the city keep tabs on where all the taxpayers funds are being spent by this honest foundation, of course not we trust them hahahaha REALLY???

Anonymous said...

VOTE NOOOOOO FOR THIS NEW MDD! It's going to be worse!

GBIC and BCIC have certain responsibilities, but the new MDD will not be required to report ANYTHING!

SAY NO TO THE MDD! Nada mas se quieren burlar de nosotros!

Anonymous said...

At this point it would probably be best for San Benito to Annex Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

The situation you describe involving BCIC (Brownsville Community Investment Corporation) and GBIC (Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation) raises concerns about transparency, accountability, and the well-being of employees affected by the dissolution of these entities. It is crucial for any organization, especially those funded by taxpayers' money, to operate ethically and with transparency.

When employees are unexpectedly fired without clear explanations, it can create confusion, uncertainty, and frustration among the affected individuals. It is important for organizations to communicate with their employees openly and honestly about any decisions that directly impact their employment.

In the case of BCIC and GBIC, if there have been allegations of corruption or mismanagement, it is essential for authorities to thoroughly investigate these claims and hold those responsible accountable. Transparency in government and public institutions is vital to ensure public trust and confidence.

Televising meetings and posting agendas would be a positive step towards increasing transparency and allowing the public to have insight into the decision-making processes of these entities. This would also provide an opportunity for affected employees to understand the reasoning behind the dissolution and potentially address their concerns.

Furthermore, it is essential for elected officials to engage with the community and address the concerns raised by citizens. By actively involving the public in the decision-making process and providing accessible information, elected officials can foster a sense of trust and ensure that the community's interests are being represented.

Ultimately, it is crucial for organizations receiving public funds to operate with integrity, transparency, and accountability. This includes ensuring fair treatment of employees and providing clear justifications for any significant decisions that impact their livelihoods. By doing so, public trust can be maintained, and the community can have confidence in the actions taken by these entities.

Anonymous said...

By the way people it’s not “your” tax money! It’s “sales tax” money! That is completely different! This has nothing to do with your property tax the city acquires annually.

Anonymous said...

By the way people it’s not “your” tax money! It’s “sales tax” money! That is completely different! This has nothing to do with your property tax the city acquires annually.

Anonymous said...

Massachusetts man sentenced to life with possibility of parole in racist road rage killing.

He'll serve 15 days only. Up north a racist crime is like stealing bubble gum.

Anonymous said...

Bring the nazi's, we now have a borough named like the one they used to live in, so they can feel at home. Many will not move mainly because they hate Hispanics.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

9:20 AM

Them not wanting to report anything makes sense. Why be held accountable?

Thank you for informing us of their malicious intentions.

Anonymous said...

ESPN+: Prescott is 2023 MVP, 7 Cowboys make Walder’s top-100 ballot

Walder's should give an award to all the elected officials for bringing a very successful rocket laucher to this area. They hired a local cleanup crew to pick up all the twisted metal from all the exploding rockets. Everybody else is from EL NORTE. gracias for bring us high tech jobs. ya al' deserve that award.

Anonymous said...

ESPN’s Seth Walder is one of the finest analytical minds the football world has to offer. Walder is the face of metrics that help explain the why of what happens, such as pass-block win rates, double-team rates, motion-at-the-snap rates and others. He doesn’t do it by himself, of course, ESPN has a vast network of analytical guys and girls that pour hours into quantifying things beyond the eye test. Hopefully one day their work will be the driving force behind all of the talking-head opinions.

Anonymous said...

BCIC and GBIC might be sales tax money and nit property tax money but that is not an excuse for total mismanagement of funds. It seems that the sane people or businesses
allways get the funds year after year.

Anonymous said...

January 18, 2024 at 11:28 AM
Good idea, sanbene can not eat all those tamales they cook over by the highway in that humongous cooking pot, and by the guey Freddie don't like it either. Sanbene will donate all the leftover tamles to the citizens of browntown, soon to be part of sanbene. Sanbene golden gooses sound good, hanna.

Anonymous said...

Juan some one posted that it sale tax money and not property taxes, buts its the peoples money not the politicians.

Anonymous said...

Transparency, integrity and accountability, are very powerful words used by our so-called elected Cameron County leaders. Check out the so-called new ENTITY created by the former thieves, Greater Brownsville Municipal Development District, yet the abbreviated label is BMMD or BMDD? They claim both corrupt set-up Former Entities, the GBIC and the BCIC were both economic Development Entities, these entities were stealing grant monies belonging to the HEIRS and now OWNERS of the Getty Settlement case #85-C-3335, awaiting in perpetuity, forever, until the Heirs and owners were found and processed through the Texas Comptroller and court system. Well 35 years later 2021 we are here and processed. These corrupt concealed set-up entities are a great example of how Space X got the 47 acres of land a belonging to our local beach. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Must be someone like Carlos Casco speaking out of his ass or the Linebarger thieves, its money that didn't and still doesn't belong to these Brownsville ENTITIES. It is stolen GRANT monies used for 35 years to invest in a corrupt set-up historic scheme created by our former Texas Governors, attorney generals and the gas and oil companies. Get your facts correct. Starting 2023 it MAY be sales tax monies. There are at least 5,600 processed heirs who know better than these thieves. The corrupt scheme is out and many, many grant owners now know the facts. God is great for those who SEEK and WAIT. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

11:10 pm , you are correct with your post. I agree 👍

Anonymous said...

One of the requirements to work for the city as a manager or director or even assistants should be or MUST BE to acquire a home or purchase a house. Para que se frunsen y pagen property taxas. Who has homes and works for the city? The lowly employees those that are paid $7.50 an hour.

These are the people that pay for bike trails and murals downtown, and other pet projects to get votes.

Anonymous said...

Taxes are taxes they all come out of your pockets and your hard work. Money that your families need but the elected officials don't give a dam and think it's their money to spend as they wish. BS

They spent it recklessly on nonsense projects like bike trails, murals etc. and on their families and voting friends by giving them city contracts. FACT
