Wednesday, January 17, 2024


By Juan Montoya
In seven days, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is set to turn over approximately 47 acres of Boca Chica State Park to Elon Musk's SpaceX in exchange for 477 acres near the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) – Bahia Grande Unit, and so far no one locally has disclosed the proposed exchange which will be decided in Austin January 25.

Also, the questions arise: Why weren't local people informed except for a notice in a newspaper nobody reads and why is the hearing not being held here, where the proposed execution of the exchange will most affect the residents? And where is State Senator Morgan LaMantia and State Rep. Erin Gamez?
The TPWD staff has already signaled their approval to turn over the state park to SpaceX and have drafted a resolution which would grant the space company control over not only access to the beach, but will give it ownership of the park land that extends all the way to the waterline on the beach.

This is happening as an appeal by environmental and indigenous groups in South Texas to the  ruling by 445th State Judge Gloria Rincones is pending from the 13th Court of Appeals when she dismissed their lawsuit against Cameron County and the state over closing Boca Chica Beach to allow SpaceX to test its Starship rocket program. The groups argued that Rincones misinterpreted the law last year when she dismissed their lawsuit against Cameron County and the state.
(The notice states that the public will have an opportunity to comment on the proposed transaction before the Commission takes action. Those interested in providing comment must reach out to project manager Trey Vick at prior to the meeting.)
Save RGV, a nonprofit conservation group in the Rio Grande Valley, again teamed with cultural heritage organization Carrizo Comecrudo National of Texas Inc. and the California-based Sierra Club to appeal Rincones's ruling in favor of Cameron County, the Texas General Land Office and the state attorney general.

The groups argued that the state legislature passed the Texas Open Beaches Act to grant the public a right to free and unrestricted access to state-owned beaches along the Gulf Coast and to allow the General Land Office to have the county attorney, district attorney or the attorney general enforce the act if it's violated, according to court filings. Then, in 2009, state voters elevated the law when they adopted an amendment to the Texas Constitution, according to court filings.

Ironically, in an executive summer related to the proposed exchange, the TPWD asserts that the acquisition would create opportunities to expand public access and recreation in the region and allow it to protect and manage the property’s diverse habitats, which include lomas, coastal grasslands, and wetlands.

TPWD acquired Boca Chica State Park in 1994 and until recently, leased it to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), which managed it as a unit of the Lower Rio Grande Valley NWR.

"Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) desires to expand its operational footprint around its launch facilities at Boca Chica and has requested the transfer of 43 acres from Boca Chica State Park in exchange for 477 acres near the Laguna Atascosa NWR to TPWD," the summary states.
"This acquisition will provide increased public recreational opportunities including hiking, camping, water recreation, and wildlife viewing, and allow for greater conservation of sensitive habitats for wintering and migratory birds."

The state recommendation is that TWPD adopt the  motion and adopt the following resolution on January 25.

A Resolution by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Regarding the Acquisition of Approximately 477 Acres in Cameron County in Exchange for 
Approximately 43 Acres at Boca Chica State Park


Whereas, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) owns and operates Boca Chica State Park (SP) for a variety of recreation and conservation values, including the protection of coastal habitat; and,

Whereas, Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) desires to expand its operational footprint around its launch facilities at Boca Chica; and,

Whereas, SpaceX has requested the transfer of 43 acres from Boca Chica SP (the Exchange Tract) in exchange for 477 acres near the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) to TPWD; and,

Whereas, Laguna Atascosa NWR was established in 1946 to protect habitat for wintering waterfowl and other migratory birds, with an emphasis on endangered species management; and,

Whereas, Boca Chica SP was acquired in 1994 and until recently, was leased to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and managed as a unit of the Lower Rio Grande Valley NWR; and,

Whereas, this exchange will provide increased public recreational opportunities including hiking, camping, water recreation, and wildlife viewing, and allow for greater conservation of sensitive habitats for wintering and migratory birds; and,

Whereas, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission (Commission) finds that as required by Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 26, notices of today’s hearing of this matter were published at least once a week for three consecutive weeks in newspapers of general circulation that are published at least six days a week in the communities nearest to the state park in which such newspapers are published (the Brownsville Herald in Cameron County), with the last day of publication being not less than one week or more than two weeks before the date of today’s hearing; and,

Whereas, the Commission finds, in accordance with Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 26, that (1) there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use or taking of the Exchange Tract, which will be exchanged for a greater area of land of greater conservation and recreation value; and (2) the program or project that requires the use or taking of land includes all reasonable planning to minimize harm to TPWD property; and,

Whereas, the Commission finds, in accordance with Section 13.009 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code that the proposed exchange of the tracts is in the best interest of TPWD; and,

Now, therefore, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to take all necessary steps to exchange the subject tracts for the purposes and subject to the conditions described herein and in the motion approving this Resolution.

Adopted and approved this 25th day of January, 2024.


Anonymous said...

Democratic politicians sold the beach to Musk along time ago. These same politicians laughed all the way to the bank. This is what Democrats do best, make themselves rich at the expense of the common man. Whose making money off this deal? It's only ignorance that keeps the people of this city voting democrat. When will you people wake up and demand change?

Anonymous said...

Why are they doing this. Juan, this guy could have proposed to build space X off corpus side of the jetties which is mustang island…away from everyone and he could have built his own road to fucking nowhere. Brownsville and surrounding areas has no where to grow. This is it, I really can’t understand why they cow tel to this guy. You had a story a couple months ago about South Bay being turned over to musk for his discharge of waste water. This is so fucked up and the people doing this Is Texas Parks and Wildlife. The ones that are authorized to protect our eco system. We have nowhere to grow, this area is not meant for an industrial complex, we are trapped at the tip of south Texas, you can see how bad the traffic is, now imagine more commercial vehicles hogging up the road with the moron drivers we have already and then winter Texans and tourists. This is a cluster fuck waiting to happen. Then to top it off with all the morons in charge here locally.

Anonymous said...

Just make sure they do not move the people of Brownsville to Matamoros, Tamaulipas. They can do it. Money makes people do evil things.

The State of Texas passing resolutions without asking the City of Brownsville residents !!!! MONEY moves mountains, rivers, and politicians.

Anonymous said...

There you go , our dear elected officials, you gave away OUR Bocachica beach to Elon Musk!!! Thats why this guy is the richest dude in the world , he looks for ignorant, weak, self serving individuals to take advantage of them. According to story, sounds like he will have complete control of the beach. And furthermore, he’s getting ready to turn that area into a cash cow and all for a couple of measly dollars he handed out. You bunch of greedy bastards. (YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE) . Shame on you and may you rot in hell. Yes I understand change and progress are inevitable , but when you sell your soul to the devil and in the process give away whats not yours, that’s UNFORGIVABLE!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ January 17, 2024 at 11:10 AM

Adding to this shit show, Highway 48 to Port Isabel, LNG is totally destroying the land, ecosystem and roads just like Musk. Our Port and County elected fools must've had their pockets filled to allow all this. It's Christmas everyday for these chango groups. Did these groups get tax credits for coming here? Did Texas Parks and Wildlife crawl into bed with these organizations, as well?

Hey Musk, did you see this report ?
Chicago-area Tesla charging stations lined with dead cars in freezing cold: 'A bunch of dead robots out here'

Anonymous said...

State judge misinterpreting the law??? We can't afford that. She's got no business there! This isn't an on the job training title. Raaaazzzzaaaa!!!

Anonymous said...

What if he doesn't built NOTHING? Will he give all that land back to its original owners? What if he takes 10 years to built a shitty taquerilla? Or a bar?

Anonymous said...

LIke to see the contract to see what requirements the city put on there, will he meet all city building requirements. Is it going to be inspected daily yearly or NEVER???? Who's land is it the county or the city or the citizens?

Anonymous said...

Why don't we give Brownsville to SpaceX. . It's a piece of hell hole in space.

Anonymous said...

This Day in History

Bolshoi Ballet artistic director attacked with acid

NFL’s Rams announce move to St. Louis


Ireland grants a divorce for the first time in the country’s history

Gary Gilmore executed

President Nixon threatens President Thieu

Corvette unveiled at GM Motorama

Anonymous said...

Here we go again, bowing to SpaceX so that they can continue their rocket testing bullshit which is always a failure. Most people believe that one day, SpaceX will launch a rocket to space from Boca Chica but the reality is that this is only a rocket testing site, in other words,Guinea pigs.

Anonymous said...

Gloria Rincones, 445th Court Judge
Did she make this possible?
Did she make a non-decision on whether the public has access to Texas beaches?

Anonymous said...

Personally, if Brownsville was used as an missile range who could tell the difference? Every pothole on the street and every parking lot looks like it was caused by the asteroid from Deep Impact.

There's no Morgan Freeman to save us from the comet.

Kiss your ass goodbye.

Anonymous said...

Time to get these swamp ass judges, commissioners and Vicente Gonzalez out of Cameron County. A Judge who cannot understand the laws of the land should be immediately recused. Incompetent is more the title for this Rincones wanna be judge. El shorty Trey Mendez needs to go for he kisses ass to Elon Musk. This is a historical event, this same shit happened when the foreigners of Charles Stillmen, Richard King, Miffland Kennedy came to Cameron County to steal the landowners of their land. Seems this was a done deal years ago but was kept quiet to conceal the fact that it was sold to Elon Mush years ago but allowed to being labeled as a park to be used to steal grant monies. If so, this plan was an intentional, purposely, maliciously, willing and conspiracy committed by the corrupt money hungry political leaders and Elon Musk to stealing grant monies and our beach. The Gravy Train of Grant Monies has stop and now Elon Musk is laughing all the way to the bank. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Did any members of Texas Parks and Wildlife Board or Commission get any kickbacks? So many leaders salivating and bending the knee to Elon Musk.

Anonymous said...

Do you think he will donate automobiles to the poor tax payers here in browntown??? NO CREO!
LLEGO OTRA RATA AQUI we've seen them before and we'll see them again and again.


Anonymous said...

Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, Members

The Honorable
T. Dan Friedkin, Houston

The Honorable
Lee Marshall Bass, Fort Worth

The Honorable
Dick Scott, Wimberley

The Honorable
Travis B. “Blake” Rowling, Dallas

The Honorable
Robert L. “Bobby” Patton, Jr., Forth Worth

The Honorable
Anna B. Galo, Laredo

The Honorable
Paul L. Foster, El Paso

The Honorable
Wm. Leslie Doggett, Houston

The Honorable
James E. Abell, Kilgore

The Honorable
Oliver J. Bell, Cleveland

The Honorable
Jeffery D. Hildebrand, Houston

Lilia Pena said...

I submitted my written comment. So disappointing they want to do it. The staff has recommended it to the Board of Texas Wildlife.

Cameron County Commissioner Garza is opposed to it and is supposed to go to Austin to testify.

These agencies just bend over for anything he wants from our community.

Lilia Pena said...

comment must reach out to project manager Trey Vick at prior to the meeting.)

Send your comments via email since the hearing is in Austin and not Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Hot Dogs anyone? they say it will resemble a very know human anatomy and they are not saying who's.
At the newest up scale taquerilla coming soon.
will be served once a month orders will be taken only on Sundays first and third of every month....
I already called and reserved my order.

Anonymous said...

It is good that citizens express their opinion about this issue but this deal has been done. Even if all of the residents of the Rio Grande Valley oppose it, it will still be approved. That is how deals are done in Texas, the valley and Brownsville. Even if they say NO, in a couple of months the deal will be done behind our backs.

It is impressive to do deals with Musk, he is like a movie star and we are just glad that he is here in our valley. We are close to a mega star.

I think the Wildlife Commission should ask for the planet Mars in exchange of Boca Chica. Now, that can be a good deal. Maybe.

That way Brownsville and the Rio Grande Valley can own Mars.
