Tuesday, January 2, 2024


(Ed.'s Note: And the fibs just keep on coming...from the Mayra Flores campaign, that is. Flores, who ran for congressional District 34 as a Republican on the uplifting "from the cotton fields to the halls of congress" platform claimed she was picking cotton in northern Tamaulipas at the age of 3, and later as a high school student in Texas when she was a teenager, failing to note that mechanical harvesting of the crop dated some 30 years before she claimed she was in the fields picking cotton to earn money for school clothes.

Now it turns out that the "gorditas de manteca" in her rustic comida de rancho post turn out to be pupusas, seen as a delicacy in Central and South America, and not the Mexican dish. An eagle-eyed reader found the photo in her post purporting to picture the food cooked over an open fire at her  ranchito is actually lifted from a Guyanese tourism ad. Did she own a ranch in Guyana?

These continued attempts to give herself the "common touch" and portray herself and her family as lifting themselves up by their make-believe bootstraps fall flat as a burnt tortilla after finance reports indicate that she is using campaign contributions to give herself a $5,000 monthly "salary" for running, and putting a few of her relatives on the payroll, including $500 in "wages" to Cameron County Republican chair candidate Deborah Bell. Grifters are as grifters do.)


Anonymous said...

She will probably come out with some political bs and indicate that she never stated that she was "at the rancho, that she was with her family, or that she was at that particular cookout."

I don't know but as I look at that family of six with four children I think that she must be hurting for money. Unless she is doing something illicit to earn money, or her "mandilon and mantenido" husband is rich that family needs lots of money to survive. Note that I am not mentioning the time that it takes to care for a family that size.

Realistically that woman should stay home and care for her children. Her logo "God, Family, and Country" to her is like the picture she posted...fake. Oh...wait the logo applies to you not her. She thinks we are mushrooms 🍄 🙄 😐 😕 oh boy!

Anonymous said...

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! I’m still voting for Myra. She is a change from the same old, same old. It's not like if Democrats don't lie. Does Hunter Biden or Joe Biden bring anything to mind?

Anonymous said...

Everyone and I mean everyone tells a white lie now and again. It’s the way.

Anonymous said...

Has Vicente Gonzalez been "Supporting Veterans and the VA $636 Million Since 2017" I want to know if this has been one of his accomplishments or just lies? Juan? Bobby? Is this true?

Anonymous said...

Mayra"s persona and campaign are fake. We can all see it. She lies about who she is. Where she lives, that she picked cotton, that she is a respiratory practitioner. That she is the first Mexican congresswoman. There are other Mexican congress people. Big deal. Well for starters she lives in McAllen. Never picked cotton
a reporter called her out on it. In fact she is known as Mayra la mentirosa. She claims her dad came here legally when he did not. She has on her signs re elect her. Well she is lying!!!!She is Not the incumbent. Vicente is. She thinks she is good at lying but she is not. Plus she is using campaign funds as a salary, pays several family members and all her expenses. She is not congress material. Never will she be at that level. Doesn't have the intelligence, experience or common sense. The months she went to congress she had no idea what to do. So she is a real embarrassment. And all her pendejo fans are just that. She pretends she is down to earth from the rancho. There is nothing wrong with being from the rancho. Those are wonderful people. But there is one EXCEPTION. MAYRA NO ES DEL RANCHO. SHE GREW UP HERE IN SOUTH TEXAS. SO STOP PANDERING FOR VOTES. PARALE A QUE ERES DEL RANCHO NADAMAS PARA QUE CREAN QUE ERES MUY HUMILDE. You are an ignorant, arrogant, narcissist. Go back to being a respiratory technician. And stop copying other people's work and using it. Have you heard of plagerism. Well this is similar. Copeona. No tienes verguenza. Y burra para acabar.

Anonymous said...

So the comment who says you are voting for Mayra. You are fake or you would know how to spell her name. MAYRA is going to lose!!! All the money won't help her. She begs for money, she begs for attention, she begs for people to vote for her. She knows nothing but make money from other people.

Anonymous said...

A racist republican? who is she a racist against? Her own race? wonder what she wrote on the racist republican application to be allowed to run as a racist republican?
That she is a gringa and submitted a picture of a gringa with blond hair?????
"Oh she's a gringa she has blond hair the name don't count, maybe she made a mistake accept the application", ooooooh ok...

meskin racist republican in south texas,

Anonymous said...

and putting a few of her relatives on the payroll, including $500 in "wages" to Cameron County Republican chair candidate Deborah Bell. Grifters are as grifters do.)—— MAYRA FLORES IS RELATED TO DEBORAH BELL????

Anonymous said...

https://x.com/mayraflores4tx.com Did you see she changed her name to include her husband’s?

Anonymous said...

Its the George Santos syndrome. Plain and simple, if people fall for it, so be it. Thats the new political strategy being adopted across the country. LIES, DECEIT, MISINFORMATION are being normalized . It creates confusion and chaos. It empowers people to feel cheated by the rule of law and order and in turn they hate and become angry. Once they are at that stage, they are easily manipulated and controlled. Think back, it never used to be like this. Yes there was Democrats vs Republicans and they both all agreed to disagree and that was fine : thats the democratic way . But now, the rhetoric has become violent, aggressive, hateful and whats most dangerous : Vengeful !! BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR FOLKS (on either side) . Our way of life is changing ( for the worse). Unfortunate and sad, and now going back to the Mayra Flores/ Vallejo ???? issue at hand : the lying Mayra and her mandilon husband are just a pair of pawns in the nasty game of politics. So go ahead and believe whoever “ lies” the best ( Dem/Rep) cause in the end, WE THE PEOPLE are the ones getting fucked!!! Like always. Enough said

Anonymous said...

Puro Typical Rrun Rrun lies. Why do you always attack strong Latinas? Because you are paid by the micro midget vicente.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's ok if you lie but when you lie about your family and heritage that's another concern. Don't like it.

Anonymous said...

6:45 Hunter Biden is a private citizen. Not an elected official. Don't forget to fork-over more ca$h to the orange felon. Strange for a "billionaire" to be making monetary requests at every turn. But, i'm sure, he can count on you. The judicial system in America is a joke.

Anonymous said...

So if she's a change? But also lies is she really a change?

Anonymous said...

Mayra Mentiras at it again. This is the best the local GOP has to offer? Lol

Anonymous said...

Omg hahaha. Upon first glance, that food did not resemble any Mexican or Texan dish. That bread could be popusas, but those are Central American (not commonly seen in South Texas I think).

And open flame, why would they be cooking on concrete on a Texas ranch? You'd expect to see the Texas grasses in the background.

Anonymous said...

She changed her username several times and made her Twitter account private on her birthday to avoid accountability for being caught lying. She makes all Republicans look bad. Will Deborah Bell call her boss Mayra out?

Anonymous said...

She doesn't even live on a ranch!

She lives in a gated community in McAllen.

Why doesn't Mayra come clean and admit her wrongdoing?

Anonymous said...

She just mentioned life at the ranch is good. She posted a picture so what. Memes get posted everyday and that doesn't mean they are the first ever post and that it is an authentic first ever meme. I look up memes and pictures all the time. Next time don't believe the Miller beer comercial about a guy in the woods enjoying life. Give me a break. Haters gotta hate.

God Family Country said...

"She just mentioned life at the ranch is good. She posted a picture so what. Memes get posted everyday and that doesn't mean they are the first ever post and that it is an authentic first ever meme. I look up memes and pictures all the time. Next time don't believe the Miller beer comercial about a guy in the woods enjoying life. Give me a break. Haters gotta hate.

January 3, 2024 at 4:00 AM"

She wasn't trying to make it a meme. On Instagram, Mayra was asked if the same picture on Twitter was pu pusa. She said, "No". Then, she replied, "gorditas de masa." She implied it was her food, her gorditas, her ranch, her picture. None of it was.

Would God approve of Mayra's actions?

Anonymous said...

January 2, 2024 at 12:21 PM

In this blog, they attack all corrupt officials. People need to vent or people need to let the world know that they are not fooled by liars.

Anonymous said...

Watch its gonna be someone runs my account I didn't do it
It was one of my many paid assistants blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

January 3, 2024 at 8:40 AM
The God of lies is a racist republican and will approve of all lies that racist republican puke out.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why don't you reply Mayra ? Pinche vieja mentirosa.

Anonymous said...


So why all elected officials here lie. They all lie to their mothers and fathers, they lie about everything and everybody, they lie about the place where they live, what school they went to, the friends they know, they lie to the credit application inspector, they lie about how much money they have, they lie about taking a bath every day and using perfume spray everywhere on their esqeletos. They lie to the inspectors at the bridge and say they are gringos, they lie about the food they eat and say they hate steak and ale but eat only tortillas made en el rancho. The only ones that win are the biggest liers here.
verdad flaca???
